Recommendations for CPA Professional options (again)
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62 replies
Capstone Project Ideas
Hi guys, I am currently looking for a solid project idea for PRJ566. So far, our team came up with 2 ideas, but the prof doesn't like any. First, we decided to build a chat application, but he said how does it solve an actual problem. Then, we proposed something similar to Kijijji but just for Seneca. He didn't like that either (already done by students). Does anyone have any leads for what we can work on? We need to finalize it by tomorrow.
19 replies
Recommendations for professional options (CPA)
Hi guys, I am currently deciding on the professional options to take for the next semesters. Can someone share their opinions on best 6 options available. For next term, I am planning to take Cloud Computing and Open Source Development. Will have 4 options in the final term.
89 replies
Seneca on campus housing
Hi everyone, I was planning to move into Seneca residence for Summer term. Can I still apply and expect to be accepted ar this point. The due date for fees is 15th May that is 5 days from now.
25 replies