Computer Programming - Seneca Polytechnic College
Welcome to Seneca Polytech's Programming Community! 🚀 Whether you're into CPA or CPP, all programs are welcome!
Computer Programming - Seneca Polytechnic College
Welcome to Seneca Polytech's Programming Community! 🚀 Whether you're into CPA or CPP, all programs are welcome!
JoinQuick question:
So had a brain crash moment, am I right in believing the cpp version
1.23.5 just means c++23?...
web322 recordings
Can someone hook me up with the recordings of web322 ideally with a good professor?
Jan 4th Strike?
Hello everyone, I’ve heard a potential strike that could happen in the new year. Does anyone know when we might be informed of whether it might happen?
Thank you....
Coop eligibility
Is the eligibility criteria for CPP and BSD the same?
What happens if, in one semester, a student achieves a 3.2+ GPA in three courses instead of four? Do they need to retake a course to qualify for co-op?...
What happens if, in one semester, a student achieves a 3.2+ GPA in three courses instead of four? Do they need to retake a course to qualify for co-op?...

Winter Break
Hey guys, I have a question
I'm meant to begin my coop during winter term but I haven't gotten any acceptance
So I'm thinking of taking a break then resume for summer and search for a coop during fall
My question is:
1. Can I look for a coop during summer while taking a break from school? ...
PRG255 - Advanced Programming
I’ll have PRG255 - Advanced Programming in C next semester. I’m pretty new to programming, so I want to start practicing now to be ready. If anyone has
practice problems from this course, I’d really appreciate it if you could share! 🙏...
Academic Resources for STEM-like subjects
Is there any free resources/courses for studying math related topics such as calculus / discrete mathematics ?
Drop classes before program change
Will dropping classes affect my program change request I had already sent to the student hub? I’m unsure if I should still be attending the lectures or go on student home website to remove my classes as I plan on changing my program to one that starts in the winter semester.
Is there a Grade Forgiveness system of some sort?
Hey gang, does anyone know if there is a way to appeal an old grade? Failed, retook it, got an A. Wondering if I can remove it from transcript.
Issue getting Lockdown Browser
For some reason MyApps will NOT allow me to launch/use/etc. Lockdown Browser. It simply says its unavailable, and that it doesn't know why it's unavailable. I can get it on my home PC but not my laptop. Anyone have this issue?
God I hate this app so much, virtually proctoring is so stupid. Just put the test on paper....
Hi guys do you know if seneca is offering any scholarships for new international students and is worth applying? I checked its website there was a bunch of them and was so confusing. My high school marks were relatively high(canada) is there anything for me? thanks.
DSA 456 class zoom link
Can anyone give me zoom link of today's DSA 456 class?
I can't find it. It suppose to be flex class...
retaking ipc in 2nd sem.
Guys I'm taking ipc in the second semester.I have Cpp program. Could you please tell me, how I will catch up both OOP courses before DSA456. Will I have to study for extra four months after completing my 4rth semester?
Worried about co-op
For anyone who graduated without being in WIL and getting a co-op through Seneca, what did you do to get a job? Any suggestions? I may or may not get in WIL next sem but its not guaranteed and its also my last chance, just wanna know some steps to take to help secure a job.
Hey, quick question
Is it worth it to do CPA or do CPP and transfer to a uni for final year or two more years?
I'm thinking of doing CPA and transferring to masters straight but I'm not sure if CPA is worth doing...
transfer credits
if i transfer the credits from cpa to bach program, will it also transfer the grades for that course?