Help in finding programming exercises online
Hi everyone. Do you have any suggestions on websites that have free exercises and challenges to help one to practice coding such as C and many more, and gain confidence?
11 replies
Easy General Education courses to take?
In your opinions, what are the easiest general education courses to take that does not have a large work load (preferably without any exams)?
3 replies
Trying to prepare for OOP245, DBS221 and SFT 221
Hi. I'm trying to prepare for the 3 courses on the title. Is there anything specific to do in preparation for how hard they are? And in your perspective, which professor is the best for these courses?
13 replies
Help with preparation for CPP in September
Hi. I am currently a beginner in coding and applied for Computer Programming (CPP) for the September semester. I am wondering if there is anything to prepare beforehand? Currently I am learning from free online sites (freecodecamp, Codecademy, etc.) to get an idea of what coding is, and finding out what math level to study on from the math assessment tests.
26 replies