is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?

hey everyone tldr i am super far behind in oop345 due to a personal situation. i have not completed the past 4 workshops and i havent even started the final assignment milestones. i'm still working to be up to date in my other classes so im just slowly going through the lectures i missed but i am kind of running out of time. my professor has been pretty generous in terms of giving extensions to me however since the end of the semester is coming up i only have so much time to do all the things i have to do. if there is anyone who might be able to help me cover some of the concepts i missed or also with the final assignment milestones i'd be super appreciative; i'd be happy to buy you dinner or something lol. tbh i just want to pass at this point 😭
29 Replies
Elenstein10mo ago
Imo, it's better drop OOP345 teaches some super fundamental concepts That you must really understand They are applicable to any programming language If you don't want to be complaining that you cannot find a dev job 1.5-2 years from now, you will do yourself a favor if you drop it and re-take.
ttteena10mo ago
i wish i had dropped it before the drop deadline but its a bit too late for that now; best i can do is just try my best and then review the concepts again afterwards. i have a good understanding of the concepts from the first 6 weeks and my marks were all really good. its just the last 4-ish weeks that i have barely covered :( if i do poorly i will consider retaking the class but im not sure; i just would really prefer to not have the 0 on my transcript
muscle aggregator 82
Which concepts are you struggling with?
ttteena10mo ago
at this point its more of "i dont know what i dont know" thing happening but based on the curriculum
ttteena10mo ago
No description
ttteena10mo ago
its these things that i haven't covered in too much detail i conceptually understand what they all are but i havent actually written much code related to them yet
the magic guy
the magic guy10mo ago
I tutored someone from this discord in OOP 345 recently, if you are interested 👀
ttteena10mo ago
i sent you a friend request on discord
muscle aggregator 82
Best way to catch up is to do the workshops you missed, even if can’t submit anymore There’s no secret trick, you get out what you put in
ttteena10mo ago
yeah i get that; my professor is fine with late submission and i'll get at least partial marks for them all im doing my best to catch up on everything im missing but just running outta time
muscle aggregator 82
Only other thing I can suggest is the yt channel: C++ Weekly With Jason Turner He has some vids which help explain some of the later concepts in the course
ttteena10mo ago
okay thanks ill take a look i've been watching prof fardad and prof hong's lectures but they are pretty long winded and often go off topic i have pretty bad issues with staying focused, so a 2 hour online lecture can be hard to sit through
muscle aggregator 82
That’s why I like that yt channel Straight and to the point Might be wise to leverage chatgpt Wish I had it when I was in school
ttteena10mo ago
yeah i think i'm fairly good at using my resources. i can find stuff on google/stack overflow and chatgpt has been really helpful for explaining concepts have you already graduated?
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