Anyone take Harvard's CS50? How does it compare to IPC144?

Does it cover everything in IPC or less or more?
4 Replies
CaramelCorn3y ago
I've heard that it's a good introduction to the concepts we go over in ipc144, @elenstein would be more helpful though
split3y ago
I think cs50 is geared more towards general CS knowledge, whereas IPC is more hands on and coding focused.
Eakam3y ago
Did a little bit of it before first term. There weren't the exact same concepts. It was more of solving various problems and general problem solving skills like split mentioned. Pretty useful and fun if you haven't coded before imo
Elenstein3y ago
It is 100% worth to take it. Watch not only David Malan's lectures, but also small additional videos they post with labs. CS50 doesn't cover everything for IPC, but the two courses complement each other. So if you do all of CS50 (including coding problems that you should do without googling answers), IPC144 will be a breeze imo. CS50 stuff was still helpful in term 4 as well, because it also covers data structures amd algorithms. The most important thing it teaches is to think in a certain way, to build your logic.

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