I've been a dedicated Mac user all my life, but apparently Windows is better for CPA. Which one tho?
I saw a reddit thread where everyone was recommending Windows for CPA/CPP, even mac users. I know nothing about Windows which one? I also do UX design on the side, if that matters. My budget is $4000.
15 replies
Anyone take Harvard's CS50? How does it compare to IPC144?
Does it cover everything in IPC or less or more?
5 replies
How many hours per week do you spend on studying and assignments?
I'm entering CPA; I'm trying to create a schedule beforehand and see if I need to speak with my boss about working less. Obviously, the number of hours will depend on the material for the week and the individual person's experience and knowledge, but I'd like a rough idea nonetheless just to be prepared. For example, in my previous program, the program coordinator said to expect 30+ hours of work outside of class.
23 replies