Have an upcoming unexpected surgery

I did reach out to my student advisor and having a meeting with them tomorrow, but just wanted to see if someone else experienced this or knows how something like this typically plays out. Yesterday, I found out I have to get surgery on my left distal femur. This was completely unexpected and after getting details of the surgery, I'm worried about finishing this semester. According to the surgeon, for the first 3-4 weeks I would be non-weight bearing on my left leg which means I can't put any weight on it so I wouldn't be able to walk without crutches until then. After 4 weeks they will let me know if I can continue with 1 cane/crutch. Ideally, after 6 weeks I should be able to resume some normal activities. The plan right now is to get surgery sometime in October(not sure the date), but for classes like IPC144 this is when the midterm would be. I'm doing a lot of self learning and keeping up with all the classes and I feel confident I could do well this semester, but with the surgery coming I'm not sure. My questions are, would they accommodate and if so to what extent(delay midterms for me, allow me to do quiz from home etc). If not, do I basically have to start over in winter semester and would this mess up my OSAP? Any help would be appreciated! Thank you
9 Replies
ttteena2y ago
speak with your professors hard for us to say most professors will be pretty accomodating but if its a big thing like this who knows
shmerg2y ago
I'm not 100% sure about the midterm/final, as a lot of it is based on profs. I think they should accomodate in some form though given your situation. Logically I think they will, but I don't want to give you the wrong info without being certain: Some professors can be pickier, but it probably needs some speaking to both advisors and profs. be prepared to provide proof as well. Also for what you said regarding doing IPC or doing things on your own. I think IPCs the only course you'd be affected by missing lectures for, but it shouldn't be a problem. Look up Fardad's IPC videos, he posts his entire lectures for the entire course for each class. You can follow along with his videos, he is a great professor. I think you'll do okay tbh, you can definitely do it man. I wouldn't assume the worst yet, but hypothetically If you do mess up and fail an entire term or go onto academic probation, I think OSAP gives you 1 more chance. But if you mess the 2nd chance up, you get put onto a 12 month probation from OSAP entirely. Either way whatever happens health comes first. Take care of yourself.
CaramelCorn2y ago
Okay so make sure you contact both yur student advisor, AND the program head Catherine Leung ([email protected]) From now on when you email your professors about accommodations or the surgery, you CC both Jodie and Cathy to create a paper trail. They should be able to work with you and your professor to be able to accommodate, or delay as needed. Good luck!
LisoOP2y ago
@ttteena @shmerg @Cucktrepreneur Thank you for your replies, I really appreciate your help. I also emailed Catherine Leung, hopefully I can get some accommodation. I'll keep everyone posted just in case anyone goes through this in the future(hopefully no one has to)!
CaramelCorn2y ago
They'll figure something out for you, I had a pulmonary embolism last sem and between Cathy and Jodie they managed to work out everything I needed to keep moving through the sem. Best of luck!
dash-washka2y ago
This is related to a other program, but had placement I was doing. I broke a bone mid-way, I had to leave my placement (it’s credited) and finish it next semester. But all remaining classes (in person and online) were fine. I couldn’t type so I used a voice program and it went well. Had more time on exams/tests as well as writing assignments. I would get your doctor to outline what you can / cannot do (such as drive etc) maybe they will let you write your exams at home instead of the test center, but you should be ok. And cc in emails as prior user mentioned to keep a record. You will have to make an appointment with accommodations (to give docs) I also think OSAP forgives as this is a medical reason if you decide to leave the semester with proper docs. They just make you write a letter why so and so happened
LisoOP2y ago
I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you're doing well now! Thank you for the reply. Catherine did get back to me and it's not really good news. To start, they said any accomodations I need would need to be set up by accessbility which is fair, but in terms of the academic side there's very little they can do for me. They said if I miss 1-2 classes its fine, but given my recovery time it could be 3-4 weeks worth of classes. To sum it up, they are suggesting i drop the courses or take leave of absence :/ I did want to mention all my classes are in person which could be the reason as to why there's little they can do for me. I'll probably wait until the last DNC date to see
dash-washka2y ago
Get a doctor to write you a note (id push it before the surgery date) ! I would then make an appointment with accommodations, email all your professors and see wha t options they have for in-person classes (maybe they can send you old zoom recordings), extensions will be given, tests/quizzes will be up to the professor but likely at the test center. So it’s up to you to see if you can handle going to Seneca during tests or for in-class. I would first see the options your professors give you, to make a final decision Nov 10 is last day to drop for DNC
LisoOP2y ago
I spoke to my student advisor and they’re going to talk to Catherine again to see if there are some arrangements they can make for me. For now, they advised to get in touch with all my professors and accessibility department to see what they can do. So far one professor will do anything she can to help me out. Some good news at least 😁

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