Have an upcoming unexpected surgery
I did reach out to my student advisor and having a meeting with them tomorrow, but just wanted to see if someone else experienced this or knows how something like this typically plays out. Yesterday, I found out I have to get surgery on my left distal femur. This was completely unexpected and after getting details of the surgery, I'm worried about finishing this semester. According to the surgeon, for the first 3-4 weeks I would be non-weight bearing on my left leg which means I can't put any weight on it so I wouldn't be able to walk without crutches until then. After 4 weeks they will let me know if I can continue with 1 cane/crutch. Ideally, after 6 weeks I should be able to resume some normal activities. The plan right now is to get surgery sometime in October(not sure the date), but for classes like IPC144 this is when the midterm would be. I'm doing a lot of self learning and keeping up with all the classes and I feel confident I could do well this semester, but with the surgery coming I'm not sure. My questions are, would they accommodate and if so to what extent(delay midterms for me, allow me to do quiz from home etc). If not, do I basically have to start over in winter semester and would this mess up my OSAP? Any help would be appreciated! Thank you
17 replies
How viable is a Macbook for this program?
Just wondering if it's okay to use Macbook for this program? Or would you strictly recommend windows?
13 replies
Parking Situation at Newnham campus
Hey everyone, just wondering are there any cheaper alternatives for parking? I know there is a semester parking permit which is like $320, but I only have to go to class in person 3 times a week so wanted something more affordable. I seen there is a Plaza with NoFrills close to the campus but people on reddit shared some stories of getting ticketed there. Any other places for park or am I out of luck and just pay the day fee 3x a week?
22 replies
Is CPA program worth getting into given the job market?
I have enrolled into the CPA program this fall and reading through the coop-and-jobs section, I understand that there is some sort of hiring freeze as people are struggling to get a job at the moment. Just wondering what's everyones honest opinion about getting into this program at this time. I know the market is probably over saturated with people with programming background so kind of hesitant to dive in.
16 replies