Do I need to send an application to the Service Hub if I am graduating this semester?

I found this link on the Seneca website saying that I have to email a form to the service hub if I want to graduate. I filled out the form and sent it to the service hub. But now the Service Hub rep is telling me that if I want a graduation letter I have to wait until I graduate. I double checked the form I sent them and its the general application form for graduation. I don't know if this specific rep just didn't even open the file I sent him and assumed I sent him a graduation letter form. Or if Seneca got rid of this form a long time ago and I don't need to do anything to graduate it will be automatically done?
Seneca Students
Graduation Application
Student Achievement and Records
1 Reply
Eakam17mo ago
AFAIk Graduation letter application was made redundant:( Also on the same page: If you are eligible to graduate at the end of the term your graduation letter will be available by noon on the day final grades are available Can confirm this is true (as of May of this year) They might have processed your application and were letting you know that you will get your graduation letter later. You can confirm with them though; I would reword what you wrote here and reply back

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