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All posts for Wasp
Question about Open Ai credit management
Fresh install - Error: There is no datasource in the schema
Save failed: user with the same identity already exists -- Making a user manually
How do I access my prima studio for my app after it's deployed on
Google sessionId not persisting
How to properly type Prisma query results with included relations in Wasp?
Deployed OpenSaaS app not sending emails
[Help] Getting CORS error on preflight request
Wasp typescript error
Postgres ssl certificate in the final build
WebSocket Not Working in Production – Docker Server Rejects Connections
Is there a way to generate prisma migrations without applying them immediately?
Deploy to github
Can the wasp db studio command be altered to take the connection string directly?
Getting invalid email error even with a valid email, when uppercase letters are in the domain name
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'REACT_APP_STRIPE_MODE')
cannot find module /auth/ui
Custom Aliases don't work after migrating from 0.15 to 0.16
Why prisma instead of drizzle?
Page with optional auth - How to get user data in React if the user is signed in?
Ejected Dockerfile does not work
Setting NODE_ENV to 'test'
New error in deployment
Does anyone use Drizzle instead of Prisma?
Puppeteer Scrapping: [ Server ] CAPTCHA detected!
Examples of creating session with wasp 0.16.0
About Wasp TypeScript config
main.wasp.ts related
Passwordless login?
"Property 'value' does not exist on type XYZ"- but it exists. What am I doing wrong?
ERROR: extension "vector" is not available
Does the Stripe integration support recurring flat rate with per seat pricing?
Is there a way to track if a user actually clicked the email verification link
Migrate found failed migrations in the target database (Error: P3009)
Creating an on-prem product?
React 19 support?
SDK Build failing even after setting up DB commands
WSL Install Errors: EISDIR & symlink
Questions About Transitioning from Next.js to Wasp and Alternative Services for a SaaS Project
authRequired custom fn
Installing Wasp
Invalid discriminator value. Expected 'development' | 'production'
Restarting language server constantly?
Google Auth - merge identities
Per-Path Middleware for actions/operations
How can I log the 'request-password-reset' email in the server console while using the Dummy sender?
You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.
Configuration Causing API Conflicts in Wasp Application
How to import enums from prisma?
Does datePaid in the DB get popuplated with the payment date OOTB with opensaas?
Error when I installed puppeteer and turndown
fix UI
16.2 where is wasp on fly-server
Getting 404 error from Plausible self hosted instance.
Missing migrations
Consider updating to 'node16', 'nodenext', or 'bundler'
Migration from 0.15 to 0.16 - Invalid value for the "compilerOptions.outDir" field in tsconfig.js
Error adding email auth
public API for Chrome Extension
Railway Deployment trials
APIs keep returning 404 error
After login, call a function to send message to extension to store session id
What does the `.wasp/out/Dockerfile` do?
Configure timeout/exceptions for actions
auth/me delivering too much info to client
Verify email in playwright end-to-end tests
Cross platform using capacitor?
Supporting decimals in prisma schema
Port 5432 is already in use
How can I access the current server URL from a wasp operation?
Issue Deploying Frontend - "Cannot find package 'wasp'" (Wasp 0.15)
how to fetch data from database
Can't run the installation script on M1 Pro
Web Hosting?
Payload Too Large?
OpenSaaS serverside actions/queries problem
Your wasp project failed to compile
Can't get apiNamespace working in OpenSaas
Wasp API Route Not Found (404) for Langflow Integration in GitHub Codespaces
Mage app not working
Email not sending on production
wasp deploy fly deploy has caused importing issues
CORS issue - wasp 0.13
install particular version of wasp
Wasp 0.16 deployment in issue
Fly Docker Deployment Issue With V.16.0
production database
Google Auth Custom Fields (not available from Google)
Deployed to and it auto-deployed with redis. How?
Is it possible to inject custom data into the context object with middleware?
Hi guys, I have a question about Client / Server functions.
signup() not accepting custom fields in Typescript
Query with multiple entities
Issue migrating to Wasp TypeScript config
Moving to cookie based sessions?
What's the best way to run fly deploy with arguments?
Why is my project not recompiling after file change?
SEO issue . Twitter or facebook cannot recognise meta tags
is @everyone able to jump on a call and help me deploy to
Deploy lower version of wasp
Wasp TS SDK package
useParam issue
Fly io Region or any alternatives?
What typescript type for queries that use "include"?
How to get auth to trigger on a button
Reply to chat socket on insert to DB table or an API call from external service.
onBeforeSignup not erroring out
`wasp start` throws an access denied npm error
How do I access Prisma Studio for my Wasp app that I've deployed on
payment not required for auth
error deploying using
Accessing request.body from api
Server 500 response Timed out fetching a new connection from the connection pool.
Integration with existing nextjs frontend
npm build error when deploying to
Using appleid for auth
Can a user sign up confirmation be done with a 6 digit code (instead of only magic link)?
What are best practices for tweaking caching for react-query through wasp?
multiple client url
Issue with Google Redirect URL while migrating 0.12.4 -> 0.13.0
Is it possible to get extra fields including joins returned from `useAuth`
deploy only client with fly
Where can I find a complete reference of the available options in main.wasp? stopped deploying
The PostCSS plugin has moved to a separate package
Cannot apply unknown utility class
CORS middleware wasp generate bug
cant access server after deploying
re-deploy updates
Hyper-V not available for Windows 11 Home
Custom endpoint missing context user
Cannot find module 'wasp/server/email' or its corresponding type declarations.
Prisma transactions
How do you clear scheduled jobs?
Setting server secret env values and Stripe Webhook upon deployment?
Issue with wasp start
In development mode can I change the hostname of the server to something other than "localhost?"
Stripe Problem! Everything works on dev, but not on prod
I get a blank page after running "cd <my-project-name>wasp start" (already migrated the db).
Deploying Manually
Hosting a Wasp project?
email send error
remove existing metered stripe plan
Would wasp be efficient enough for a bill payment web app?
Can I integrate wasp into existing React App?
cannot use local host
Cannot find package 'vitest' imported from
Prisma: has no exported member
Can I kick off an `action` from within a query?
Having Trouble Getting my UI to behave
Wasp uses tanstack v4, while another dependency I'm importing using V5, anyway to do both?
Railway server deploy errors
console database
systemctl start wasp.service
Updating CORS settings for myapp-server
Weird CORS Error
Streaming Text From OpenAI : Best Approach?
Beginner question. Set as the home page?
Is this an invalid action? Getting a 500 when calling, no error logs
Wasp websockets with multi-region app
how can i create a custom global middleware almost same with the user authenticated middleware
Caching data with wasp
React Router Future Flag Warning: React Router will begin wrapping state error
Ignoring Event: localhost warning
Weird vscode bug
ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND problem with config
Update user password
Customize Login Text
api issue
Not found page
Rename DB column and migrate its data
Importing functions to worker files
Database Migration Problem
UseQueries Support unavailable - best way around it?
Looking for a Marketplace Boilerplate or Framework in Wasp!
Freemium Mode of User
Insert User Name
Integration of Custom Third-Party Authentication in Wasp
Clean Application
Heroku Server dont runned migration
Deploy client problem
Accessing relation fields on logged in user
Roll back migration without destroying data
Deploy trouble
Why that always that i click on screen the 'me' request is being done?
Authentication check every click
Database Performance with WASP
SendGrid setup
Unable wasp start with setting NODE_ENV=production
About Wasp repo and dependency versions
[Error] TypeError: Module name, '.prisma/client/index-browser' does not resolve to a valid URL.
How to get credits ammount of a specific user
new install of Wasp and a template is having DB connection issue
Is open saas / wasp multi-tenancy
What's the best approach for running a discord bot within a wasp app?
Is there a way to autofill the username based on the link in the login and signup forms.
Unexpected error during the build of the frontend in Production
app.emailSender must not be set to Dummy
I messed up my db migrations...
User last active timestamp
Landing Page Header
Server not listening
How to connect to production database
Suddenly no Apps including new files can access server
Can I use this repo with the starter kit
UI library
Deployment Error
Relation returned on findFirst but not findMany?
is it possible to integrate weferral's repo in the saas template
Is there a way to put integrate blog and docs with the login authentication?
Is it possible to use with opensaas?
How do I access full request object (headers, ip address, user agent) in backend functions?
New SaaS app Bug?
Disable Database where in the open saas template is the section to add to the prisma schema
AuthUser in Server
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSEDUnderstand this errorAI:3001/auth/me:1
Is there a way to redirect a user after successful auth to a dynamically defined URL?
static media not working
Error on calculating daily tasks
I need help with adding a new route
Browser error
How to configure light & dark mode logos
Prisma logging (and other PrismaClient modifications)
demo app wont load
PgBoss error during deployment
Integration of a dashboard into my React application
stripe webhook
strange behavior with not finding exports
sdk build failed
Is there a way to reduce the session expiry instead of the default 1 month .
Google auth deployment on fly
Really struggling with deploy
How to install older version of Wasp?
Google Auth 404 in production / fly
Wasp compile error
Custom subdomain and domain for my saas users
Unable to start wasp
I am trying to use helpers keycloak
Comment autoriser les admins a accéder a une page
I want to python batch
Manipulating production database with and wasp db studio
Use case for functions exposed by wasp/server/operations
Unable to login with the OAuth provider.
Getting CORS issue when using Wasp CLI to deploy
CORS issue
I need to increase fly VM size
Incompatible PostgreSQL Version
Github Auth callback url fly
Facebook login?
Accessing static files
i have websocket and i want to be able to call websocket in my server action
Routing to another page
I am customizing the SaaS template
Error after upgrading to Wasp 0.15.0
Google analytics is not getting installed in my index.html after using npm run build?
Usemage app result show blank white screen
Setting up new machine and wasp won't install.
Can't access auth methods?
user context
Connection refused on signup auth
SEO snippet
Getting SDK build failures
Creating two log in flows for Creators and Fans
database migration
apply SSOS
Best way of handling custom oauth call Frontend to Backend?
Persisting pre-signup data
Error when running migrate-dev
Custom API issue
Error on run app with with wasp start due to dependency installation
Safest way to add a new required property to a schema model in a production project?
LemonSqueezy webhooks not working after deployment (VPS)
Customize loading screen background color
How to change the form in .wasp
Any support for AWS SES as ESP?
SDK build failed with exit code: 2
Fly (Deploy command failed with exit code: 1)
Allow Guest Subscription Before Account Registration in OpenSaaS
How to render pdfs within an opensaas project
Getting User from the Task entity
npm i fails in OpenSaas Multi-Region Wasp setup with database Replicas
How to access public assets on both server and client?
Getting EISDIR errors when trying to run Wasp
pgadmin - docker
Google Analytics Reverse Proxy
Broken generator
Replacing the opensaas demo app with my own.
Skip email verification for users invited via email.
wasp start db fails inside CI pipeline
redirect after login
Optimial way of handling two types of users (authorisation)
How can I edit the Auth login/logout screens?
Bluesky oauth
<pre>Cannot POST /payments-webhook</pre>
Custom Job ReferenceError: process is not defined at config.ts:41:20
Signup/Login missing in deployed Wasp app
Volume purchasing instead of subscription/credits
When switching tab i get logged uit
Inviting Users
I changed the name of my app and some domain settings
Change server url
how to pass through a json response from the server to the client without using react component
User context
Job paths not resolving
Is there any issue with > 1 job running simultaneously when the server is deployed on one machine?
schema.prisma dont respect previewFeatures
I need help to deploy my app to
Is there a way to get user pass the login page when clicking verify email link?
Is it possible to set up tab title in wasp file? Or do we need to set it up directly with React?
How to redirect from server in google oath 2.0 to my new domain?
I want to add a row to another model when a user signs up besides User
CORS Issue
Presistent job in background
Help with domain and server/client url
Custom Backend URL is not getting set for Client
Getting BufferArray error while trying to deploy via Fly
Stripe: Coupon codes at checkout
What do you guys suggest if I don't need Authentication or Authorization
How can i check size of my database size?
Wasp 0.15 supports mailgun EU??
When do I have to run wasp db migrate-dev for Open Saas?
What is ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT (in .wasp generated code) and how to resolve?
MFA Support
could not find a good candidate within 21 attempts at load balancing
Iterating on my app post deployment
Google oAuth: change server name by app name?
Exclude a country from accessing the app
flash change theme at reload
implement sentry in wasp
Error installing dependencies with new version of opensaas
Is there support for "multi-user accounts" or "team accounts" with role-based access control (RBAC).
Get email from user auth by google
How to distinguish users by where they were redirected before they logged in
How can users update their password?
Oauth not working for google or github.
How to update the FLY CTL version Wasp uses
Change favicon in wasp file
subscriptionplan and status question
Wasp & Godot
Check if user has auth token
Question about shared constants
Increase default payload size
My wasp application is deployed in but the migration file is not running automatically
Error: Cannot find module 'dotenv/config'
blur while animating
How do you deploy multiple environment in like dev, staging and production
Cron job not running in production but running locally
WebSockets outside wasp
How can I edit the credits amount
Site works in dev but in production is not working
Mandatory email verification
I get error with the job geting daily stats
Custom Sign In
Something wrong with SEO?
Vercel ai chatbot
is there a solution to make the app in french ? or change the application language.
Issue with installation
Enable dependabot
Import JSON in env.server ?
Redirect user if authenticated?
update wasp after creation
Upgrade memory of database
Where is the /src/payment/paymentProcessor.ts?
i can t create account with same email and passwords
Caching requests
fly deploy pointing to wrong server URL
Remove cookie consent banner
Fly Performance Questions
react-router-dom version
sendgrid use email templates
is it possible to store the token that is created after login into browser localstore
Access folder in project root from dockerfile
pg-boss can't find certificates
How can i create an account in the local env and test it
Landing Page doesn't display
Adding svgr plugin to the vite config
Windows development
Changing the color of the text in the Login/signup/ forgetpass pages.
Uploading files to server
Do i need to set client env vars every deploy?
how to customize the signup verification logic in the version 0.11.8?
Navigating with /names/ instead /ids/
migrate found failed migrations in the target
Fetching Emails
VSCode go to definition
Multi-Factor Authentication
install on nixos
[ERROR] Cannot start service: Host version "0.21.5" does not match binary version "0.18.20"
Is there a simple guide on how to replace starlight-blog for another astro blog?
Can anyone help me with setting up wasp for a saas project.
Large database results in long data loading on frontend
wasp db migrate-dev taking forever!
Prisma version error (migration v0.14.0 to v0.15)
Manually deleted all Sessions for an user from DB. Unable to login with Google (login-logout loop)
Login to buy
How to add delay to all responses
input coming back as undefined
Good way of adding a search to a prisma table
How to use authUser conditionally in a react page?
Prisma Studio Deployed App (Fly)
Error calculating daily stats Production
Object literal may only specify known properties
Is it possible to use API routers in main.wasp?
Port error when deploying with Fly
Does WASP hope to handle compression of images to improve FE experience
Is there a way to inject env variables into wasp testing?
What would be the easiest way to implement a change email verification link?
I need help in debugging resource exhausted (Too many open files)
How differentiate different status codes on client from HTTPerror thrown
Password Reset for usernameAndPassword
How can I get user current plan in opensaas template
Remove Credits
Failed to resolve import
Update OpenAI to latest version Safe?
Migration from v0.14.0 to v0.15 leads Prisma errors
How can i avoid that a user can "signup" twice with the same email address in wasp version 0.11.8?
router.tsx:7 Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '/@fs/home/rootall/apps/minisaas-boilerplate
Context.user is null
CORS is blocking www
Fail to compile
multiSchema error: Error validating model "Session": This model is missing an `@@schema` attribute.
Machine doesn't start stays at waiting for machine to be reachable
I want to return a 401 status on an action when a certain error occurs
Timeout error when deploying railway up
Installing opencascade.js into wasp peoject (opensaas)
Not registering the new plan when buying it
Web workers
Deployment issues with migrations
[ Server ] Starting npm installwasp-bin: npm: streamingProcess: chdir: invalid argument (Bad file de
deleted my docker image with and can't recreate
Embeddings SaaS Template
Error deploying after migrating to ^0.15.0
railway tutorial not up to date
Mailgun domain
[ Server ] GET /auth/me 401 1.305 ms - 43
How to customize the wasp SaaS template
Welcome mail and verification page bypassing
Can I send image over Sengrid mail system on OpenSaaS?
How can i set a client side env var for production on fly
Login Form Language Customization
Should I Update my WASP Version?
Number of connection per pool
Improve SPA PageSpeed (OpenSaaS) - Bad Score in Core Web Vitals
signup email not working
SaaS Platform (No Vendor Lock-In) – Can I Use React + Express Instead of Wasp?
Display app version in UI
What are the current possibilities and limits of WASP for large apps?
Remove/replace the server's Hello world response?
304 error on auth/me after signing up
Google Analytics doesn't track navigation between pages (SPA Google Analytics Integration)
wasp db studio connecting to prod db shows now data
Tried S3 upload file with small files worked but not large files
Upgraded to v0.15 and got this error on wasp start
wasp db migrate-dev error with brand new installation
Production payment doesn't give user subscription
Integrate 3rd-party <script> objects
wasp deploy fly deploy failure
Can Wasp support tauri?
No MainPage.tsx
Google oAuth issue on production
PDF Creation & Prevoew
Another Deployment issue
SMTP on wasp build connecting on localhost instead of my SMTP provider
Expected Behaviour when running flyctl certs list -a <client app name>
seeding prod db
Change auth UI text (Different language)
File is not defined
How to limit one active session per user
Setting up custom mail provider
Wasp db migrate-dev questions
[ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package 'tailwindcss'
Redirect WWW to not-WWW version
0.14 -> 0.15 migration + fly
Your wasp project has successfully compiled is the last message
SMTP doesn't send emails on production
Can I disable cors on backend
where can i edit login and signup pages?
How is the wasp website built?
failed to send email production app
[plugin:vite:import-analysis] Failed to resolve import "../../../../src/clientSetup" from "src/index
fly deployment issues
Migration issues
How do i properly deploy?
Flask server in wasp
Update / maintain production deployment
Exclude certain files or folders on Fly Deploy
Websocket queries
Even after setting auth:true in api end point in main.wasp api end point is not secure.
How can I create a JSON field in a model?
Clear wasp api endpoint imports errors in ide?
Can't find example to configure logging(ex winston) on the server.
stripe setup help
Google Auth Redirection Not Working (Netlify & AWS)
deploy in with multiple environment
Migrating from v0.14 to v0.15, entities not found
Regarding ask-the-documents WSL2 solution to compile
I dont get the signup mail locally
How can I make my navbar dissapear on a specific page?
Best setup for cascading?
add stripe
How to build the just web-app
Google auth configFn and userSignupFields
Other places to deploy server
process is not defined
Doing SEO with Wasp
Issue with dotenv
Restrict access page based on role of user
google auth
Won't show up on google
Problem with generating Entity from Prisma Model.
What is entites?
how do I show the users email on my frontend.
CreatedAt, UpdatedAt, DeletedAt
Is there a way to style .wasp files in JetBrains products?
proxy db to locacl host and open db studio
How to install paritcular version of wasp
CORS issue
Thank You and Some Deployment Questions For All
Blank Page when Create New App
How to send emails with Mailgun
Failing to deploy (Assign own domain)
Jobs workers to consume from a queue
how does opensaas handle user data? According to the law!
OpenSaaS to Wasp 0.15.X update
How could i run a query funciton on button click
Could I execute an action or multiple once per day on the server side?
Changing auth social buttons style
wasp studio launch ?
Load Custom fonts from `src/client/fonts/HossRound`
resource exhausted (Too many open files)
Stripe payment refund
Job Hanging/Not Working when processing a large loop
Page & Route specific metadata
Added shadcn, and now app won't start
Generic type can not be seen while using wasp/client/operations
Bug?: `wasp start` reinstalls dependencies after stopping
Add credits to each subscription
is it good practice to call an action from an api?
delete entity
Error while compiling the project
First Time using opensaas, went through this error
Error handling in actions
primitive type returns in action
Migration Error after deployment
How to create a credit plan where I want to provide credits to multiple user features
CORS error for login when google OAuth is enabled
Customer portal
Wasp Railway Migrations
Problem with cors out of no where
Unknown at rule @tailwindcss(unknownAtRules)
OpenSaas setting up teams?
LoginForm colors is the only things customizeable
How do I create a page to display a single Task?
Is it good practice to call an action in a job in wasp?
Blog Questions
client not working when visit port 3000
How can I display the user's credits on the navbar ?
Problems with operations
Local file access in Query
How to deploy existing wasp app to Electron for desktop application ?
Best way of adding a 404 page?
Where is the complete API Reference in Open-Saas documentation / project?
AWS file upload query cache invalidation after creation
what is in essence the difference between a query and action
Use another Database on Development
Modify data in `onBeforeSignup` hook
Can't make onAfterLogin work
NextJS usePathname equivalent
Integration of Alternative Payment Gateway
Does wasp support preceeding route param eg. "/:lang/dashboard" ?
In saas project starter, why store uploadUrl in database
Refresh token is null
how do i fix this
How do i fix this error
Can you put a next.js app in wasp
Go-live issue
Is there a way to control timezone for dates ?
Meta tag in head
CORS issue on authentication
How can I protect a page?
Making sure www.<mysite>.com redirects to https://<mysite>.com?
What environment vars need to be set in order to deploy for production
How do i implement the stripe webhook in production
Payments gateway
Hide Loged User Navigation Bar in Onboarding Page
Username and Email field in the User model
Full stack type safety wasp 0.13 to 0.14
Best way to integrate a blog
CORS error on gitpod
CORS Error deploying to
Action in loop
syntax of importing from wasp
Failed to load resource: A server with the specified hostname could not be
Email with MailGun
TypeScript Error: Property 'pages' Does Not Exist on Story Type
- SDK build failed with exit code: 2
Quickest way to locally host for public
is there a way to customize the autogenerated fly.toml files for deploying on fly?
.env not populating
wasp build
CORS issue
SDK build failed with exit code: 2
recommended ssl configuration for api server
- SDK build failed with exit code: 2
I want just 1 page like coverlettergpt. how can I do this with the opensaas boilerplate?
Where to place CSV file when seeding the database
Websocket connection to server fails
Is there a recommended way to set up github actions for continuous delivering database migrations?
Deploying Client Side Env Variables/Incorrect Useage?
Can't change default button color
Client Side Routing
redirect after login
What is the best way to update from 0.14.0 to 0.14.2? deployment syntax error
The vulnerabilities are for everyone right?
rebuild project on file change
known issue with reloading web app?
Is there a way for me to run a SQL query on my local database?
How do i change width of the landing page
Different Root Components for Pages
Using Open SaaS with (shaden UI)
production deployment port
HTTP port
getDirectoryContents:openDirStream: resource exhausted (Too many open files)
Caching audio files on client
ssl cert
self-signed cert
add react component
How do I only let people with certain subscription acces a page
Anyone ever seen an error like this before with pgboss?
Hi, in mode test the stripe billing portal is not working. Does anyone have this problem ?
WASP App Wont Load Without Restarting Computer
Waspello example
Any examples?
Extremely slow loading on mobile
Cannot import external module @covalenthq/client-sdk
user create "Save failed: there was a database error" after reset
Customer Portal not displaying?
how to debug wasp api endpoint using breakpoints
Custom session token
scheduling feature
Why am I getting this error ?
CORS issue on my custom API
How to override the title, meta properties and description?
Using dummy email locally and Mailgun on environment
where to see console.log from api
wasp start can be faster building?
Report as a product.
best library for a react js ui components dashboard? with tsx.
I added a new function in demo ai app, but its not working (SaaS)
Standalone .wasp output generation
Cron jobs running locally?
cron job not working
Trouble deploying opensaas on, get a site not found after using authentication
Do I need to add client side env variable every time I deploy?
how to remove email verification for creating account??
Is there a CRUD entity update example?
What's the best way to setup auth with third party that utilizes Google Auth?
s3 integration to existing project
Set up client environment variables and deployed, but not defined on prod?
Login button can't be found
how do write to my entity from custom api
request too large
Control order of fields through SignupForm/ additionalFields before email and password
Where can I found the select "input template" ?
Understanding api/ backend communication
Open Saas template update
When i load a page it executes an action twice
Google OAuth help
redirect from landing page to another if user is logged in?
Quick question about Wasp Operations
can i implement an algorithm that fetches data on the client side
After deploying on Railway, database schema changes are not propagated
RSA algorithim for /auth/exchange-code
Github auth "All user data"
Stripe Checkout not opening when selecting buy plan
Help Needed with OpenSaaS in GitHub Codespaces
I have added wasp to my PATH, but it still says it cant be found.
Plan switching not reflected in the database
Building wasp apps: Easy. Deploying wasp apps: ?!@#$
Deploying with Docker issues
what are key steps on protecting SaaS endpoint used to retrieve valuable data from a chrome ext.
Access to Manage Subscription
Referencing entities via enums
What's the maximum payload entity size in wasp?
failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building
Sandbox demo
AWS file uploading setup
How to update data coming from `useQuery`
Error calculating daily stats
What's the best way to make live updates to the deployed prisma database?
How to generate Authorization header JWT token for custom API endpoint?
Using Typescript on a Basic wasp project.
error with import: import { Routes, Route, RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
don't need to check this question only need kapa for debug :) will close after.
After running a database migration locally, all my database deleted - how to prevent in prod?
onAfterLogin hook crashing the server
wasp app wont start
Organization management
using the same navbar from the landingpage for the pricing page and removing the other navbar.
Trouble setting up a cron job
Best practices for splitting queries and operations
colors/styling not changing for webapp when changing to dark mode.
cannot find module ...payment/plans
How can i avoid that a user can "signup" twice with the same email address?
Server URL is incorrect when deployed
getting error when implementing a query
simple question that the will probably help me with :) |adding my .txs webapp UI layout how?
Cannot add new field to User entity
has anyone implemented the GSC API in their Wasp project?
Backend public?
Stripe Webhook not firing when relevant events fire
What's the easiest way to add a live chat script?
Deployed Server and Client appear "Disconnected"
How to change how user is added to database.
How do I fix this db error
Issues with deploying to baremetal
Cursor AI + Open SaaS
Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: failed to solve: failed to com
Replacing Wasp's Auth UI, while keeping the functionality
Accidentally deleted database url from production environment while debugging - how to proceed
Ios abb subscription and login auth
Strugle with Dark/Light mode (AI-Created React components)
Problem running npx shadcn-ui@latest init in WSL Terminal
Issue deploying with secrets
How do I connect to the postgres db deployed on fly?
Passwordless Authentication
Apollo GraphQL
Is vitest compatible with wasp (vite)?
Stripe and Multiple saas
is there a way to hard restart the app? if i change an api file need to restart manually
websockets - emit event from server
Custom Email with Loops
Is there a way to test run a job with a command in wasp?
Use Astro for Docs (but other thing for Blog)
Recommendation for deploying and database
How to become friend of da boi
How to correctly use queries
How to keep client credentials for a third party platform safe
User is logged out quite quickly
Installation failed: There is no wasp version 0.14.0
Koyeb Issues
How do i use the darkmodeswitcher component from the template in my other pages?
Google auth redirects to domain instead of custom domain
Zero length key (google auth) ??
Locally hosting two wasp projects at once
Redirect to a specific page after signup
print wasp documents? (irl)
When trying to perform a database action i get network error. Also when trying to register
Wasp can't run PostgreSQL dev database for you since port 5432 is already in use.
What file can i change login page colors
How do I edit the navbar in opensaas
header of landing page showing on different route
Issue with Keycloak Logout Not Terminating Session in Wasp 0.14 on WSL
My website isn't showing up when I run wasp start
Are there any future plans of implementing something like Clerk's organizations?
Why is my deployed project ui different to my local ui?
How to change styles for login/signup page
Open Saas - Login/Signup forms with shadcn ui
Trouble with forms...
Cannot find module 'wasp/client/operations' or its corresponding type declarations.
I have a wasp project with shadcn
wasp new with saas shows white page
help from kapa on error with shadcn
P1 bug in wasp causing insanity in developer. Please isolate and fix. :-)
"Hidden" schema error (?) causing cascading import failures
Direct access to prisma
How do I create a good sidebar UI
railway issues
Netlify deployment query
wasp-bin: npx: streamingProcess: chdir: invalid argument (Bad file descriptor)
Mailgun Messages Delayed
how can i get a communities name
Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module 'http://localhost:3000/@fs/home/razvan/Desktop/Licenses/
Creating DMG file with Electron?
how can i set the redirection ip to something other than localhost, im running the test version on a
Question about client and server side data handling
How to implement file upload middleware for large video files in a Wasp app?
Streamlit App on subdomain with wasp boilerplate for landing page and backend. possible?
Tailwindui theme
Wasp issue
Nginx ssl certificates broke client/server communication?
Real time change in UI
How Do I Link Pages Correctly? Code Provided
deployment with Digital Ocean
Authenticated image download
server side imports of the form "./foo" used to work and now fail
General Q: on every branch switch, wasp/prisma wants to make a new migration, is this the right way?
multiple features
Migration Issues 0.14
After deploying, my wasp app says "This site can’t be reached" - it was previously working
I don't have cookie consent files
Dependency hell
Can I create a user with only an email?
If I want to create a second project, what considerations do I need to make?
Using the SAAS template, I want to manage the blog and docs in a "CMS" like an admin screen, how?
SendGrid 403 Error
callback for google auth trying to send to old domain.
Unable to start db in saas template because of permission error in WSL
One click deploy on baremetal?
Accessing OpenSaas site from other devices when running locally
Updating to Prisma v5
Error Report from Stripe.ts and Relevant Questions
Implementing a user sign-in to multiple accounts, and placing an account switcher.
stripe best practices
Deploying wasp(0.14.1 ) ubuntu(22.04) vultr server
Enable SSH on Backend-Server
Deploying Wasp/fastapi on Digital Ocean
my cursor ide broke something, i have no idea how to fix it.
Outside of Vite service allow list
OpenSaaS add entities into useAuth/getMe or User entity
Is there a way to modify the GPT choices to use 4o instead of gpt-4 in "wasp new AI-generated "
How to integrate ShadCN components in Opensaas correctly?
Difficulty deploying via dockerfile to coolify
Serve /public files in prod (build)
User Tier doesn't update
Dark theme by default?
Embeddings template needs pinecone update
Added a new page, can't get it to load
Binary for ARM64?
Deploying Migration fails
want to redirectTo=customURL after login
Is there a table component?
hot swapping auth
[RESOLVED] http://localhost:3000/ is just blank page? Everything on installed seemed fine?
User dropdown and Auth not visible/working upon deployment
Update Wasp AI to use latest GPT model
Render for deployment a good choice?
Best Way of Migrating DB on deployed project?
Did I accidentally delete a folder/files? 'wasp/client/router' & 'wasp/client/auth'
How to get custom import aliases
How to create and use a custom template?
wasp start
Can you eject?
How to Automatically Create Default Values in a Related Table on User Signup?
What causes this rollup error?
Can't set client environment when deploying to
Why doesn't console.log output anything to terminal?
Getting the user in the rootcomponent
Accessing/changing another entity when performing a db action
Simple Api call to chatgpt
context.user is empty on api endpoint
Payload error
Some General Questions
Worth Moving to the Current State of Open SaaS?
Wasp-lang is the 💣
Payload too large
An argument for 'context' was not provided.
Simple File Upload
Issue with @default([]) in schema.prisma during migration from Wasp 13 to 14
Is Railway still recommended? I note the instructions do not track the Railway site
Token questions
How do I re-deploy on but use the same database and DNS settings that my current domain is on
Docker Permission Denied when running "wasp start db"
Auth working on dev, not so on stage
Moving from dev (local) to staging server, access control issues abound
Can't connect to WASP WebSocket's on Intranet
Deploy Wasp App do Azure
Error 401 with authentication
CORS on custom API endpoint
Tutorial API implementation doesn't work for me.
Light/Dark mode Query
Create API endpoint for external service
User Subsctiption plan change?
Chakra UI+tailwind
Has anyone deployed on Vercel?
How do i connect APIs to Open SaaS ?
Wasp emailSender.send set CC recipients
Does wasp have a component library?
How do I install a Google Analytics signup event upon signup?
Does wasp work with shadcn
how do I obtain a da boi plushy?
How to create seed data on postgres instance
CORS Issues
Can Wasp be deployed for free?
Custom Type Declarations
Integration Issue with Mailgun in Wasp: 'Forbidden' Error Related to EU Domain
Error: Cannot find module '@node-rs/argon2-wasm32-wasi' when deploying to
TodoApp doesn't show changes until I switch tabs
Has anyone run into the following starting the runtime academy docker image?
Single Account Multiple Devices Access
Genrative AI
Getting a 404 on our test API route
Invalid credentials after DB changes
share functions between server and client
Install specific version of wasp
Getting 'Not Found' error after clicking email verification link.
Google auth not working in production
Infinite loop if updateCurrentUser returns void
WARNING The app is not listening on the expected address and will not be reachable by fly-proxy.You
wasp db migrate-dev Error
Cant find user table in production db after deploying to
Can't edit or delete users in admin panel
When we query any entity with child entities included, how to get types defined for those in client
Unable to create opensaas project
wasp command does not work in docker
Trying to install wasp within a docker image, and it always fail
A possible bug: wasp deploy fly deploy resets the server URL
How do I change the text that appears when I share my URL
Getting network errors when trying to authenticate when running app with remote database locally
When i'm running wasp db migrate-dev, that's what i get
database subscriptiontier and subscriptionstatus do not get updated on stripe completion
find-or-create with social login -- SaaS template
Struggling with initial installation (Mac, M2)
when im runnig wasp start db, db is not connecting, just this happens and that's it endlessly
wasp db migrate-dev could not resolve
[email protected]
Installing mantine hooks got this error!
When i'm running this line - wasp db-migrate dev, Im getting this error
Uncaught Error when using prisma inside `app/src/server/utils.ts`
Best way to use jobs/workers
Has anyone succeeded in using leaflet package with opensaas? (Could be a Vite issue?)
Opensaas with new wasp version failed to install dependencies
Correct way of using environment variables when deploying via CLI
Migrating Wasp / OpenSaaS app from 0.11.8 to the latest version
Query an entity throws "unexpected token: entities" Error
What is the best place to initialize tracking on the backend
S3 files can't update
Auth hooks not triggering
How do I access the user's email when they signed up with google
Unable to tunnel to production db
Dynamic Route
redirect incoming request to a path with a new header
Entire app being invisible if ad blocker is enabled
blank page
Routing issues with signup/login
How to access user's fields on FE from child table
Google Analytics seems not working
Enabling Auth Required Isnt Routing to /login
Update Google Auth style 3 Free VMs
Error: browserType.launch: Executable doesn't exist at
How to contribute to the SaaS template?
Wasp Deploy Client only to Flyio
Customize Entity for Client and Server Function
if I don't use "www." then my app doesn't show
React Query questions
Github Oauth additional query parameters
Deployed /auth/me blocked by CORS policy
how to Re-hydrate query data ?
Do I need to do something for the hot reload to work?
How to edit google oauth credits
Issue with Stripe webhook testing using CLI
tsconfig paths alias
Where are files stored after being uploaded to the file-upload page?
How do you handle pagination with Wasp's useQuery?
*/migrations should not be in .gitignore right?
Proper VSCode Intelisense
React Query Defaults
How: Dynamic Email Sender configuration
When I made a custom api, I added user as an entity, but in the context it is empty
Database migrations for production setup
useQuery error handling
Network error on Sign up after deploy on
Json support
React Router missign hooks
[ Server!] NotFoundError: No DailyStats found
Scalability Questions
Migration to 0.14 Issue with Prisma
Error launching a new wasp project
todo list: server crashes
When i try to install opensaas and when i try to wasp db migrate-dev i get this
What are the password requirements for users?
Module '"wasp/server/operations"' has no exported member 'scrapeArticles'.
Deployment Questions
Migration to 14, should update auth field?
Undefined email parameters
migrate-dev failure when adding property to entity
Reuse auth from wasp/opensaas in other apps
Sendgrid Error
Switching wasp version, and/or running in Docker
Trying to run wasp over https locally, permission denied
Documentation for `login` action
change what port wasp is listening on
Undefined identifier: User
Help: path:"/" to: "pubilc/index.html"
streamingProcess: exec: invalid argument (Bad file descriptor) error
Is there a way automatically navigate to another page
Can I stop server or db machines?
Building SDK error
Supabase Auth
Multi-Schema support for Postgres
Guidance to hosting and putting a domain on wasp
DATABASE_URL var not found when deploying to
How to deploy openSaaS wasp project on using github repository
How can I offer a free trial?
Sendgrid is not sending sign up emails
the User query instead of the Auth user
Stripe multiple product or multiple prices
Errors in deployment to
How to invalidate a query
Getting an error trying to get an existing wasp app started
Running into an issue with importing generated .wasp actions directory
Why my client seems inactive?
Updating and redeploying Postgres DB in Railway
Usage of getEmail
Give certificate to server or client (using
Integrate custom oauth provider with wasp auth and session entities
network error when I try to sign in or add a task when running locally on linux
Prisma error
Stripe payment successful does not add credits
can I implement another analytics tool like posthog?
Custom key file not able to be referenced after compiling
Facebook Auth
Can I swap out Stripe for my country-specific payment processor alternative?
Migrate Waspello to 0.14.0 not functioning
Did anybody manage to get particles.js to work as a background by any chance?
How do you use (Best Hosting for wasp) for free?
Issue with creating jobs/workers
PGboss error on Linux server
Cannot Access dB once Deployed...
What is the API endpoint in production?
Need help incorporating existing project into this template
SubscriptionStatus and subscriptoinTier not getting updated in stripe test mode.
type declarations
Github actions failing with "OpenAI API key not set"
Migrate db in Production frontend keeps crashing
user.subscriptionStatus and user.subscriptionTier are not set
Link Components having typescript errors when linking to a path with a slug
"Wasp deploy fly launch" command cannot find prisma in root folder?
How can I put the production website behind a password like a staging area?
Getting stuck at Setting up database after configuring external postgresdb
How to redirect from www to non www
Login does not work after verifying with the link
Error running the Todo App
Error when trying to add authentication
Prisma Error Handling
Configure vite to resolve @ alias to src directory
db seed verified email
Wasp project deployment fails, cannot create Prisma?
Error on sending email to veirify account
First time wasp user, Unable to add super simple custom API
Best hosting services to deploy?
What value does subscriptionStatus contain if its not past_due?
Extending verifyEmail function
Derive username from userId
Connecting to socials
Where can I find the code for the login form?
How to deploy my wasp project to a purchased basic server?
Change main font globally
Dependabot Vulnerability Alerts for Internal Dependencies
What would you recommend for autocomplete search? Cache?
How to create a custom API Endpoint to check subscriptionStatus and subscriptionTier
Setting up Wasp
Vite.Config.Js and import Issues
Option to disable react strict mode
How to do relationship updates? Prisma fails when doing connection to relationship.
The application isn't picking up server changes (on Actions.ts).
How to overwrite system api endpoint?
WASP on windows WSL2 / arm64 - issue getting wasp start error
Actions.ts doesn't have hot reload?
Dependency issue with server deploy
How to change the language of authentication forms?
Issues deploying to fly (server + client specifically)
Stripe working in production but user credits don't update
Help me create a new wasp project
Sub page-level auth
Issues after deployment
rollup causing initiating error
Adding Chat message persistency
I am getting a 404 with a custom api when using a parameter
Add Dependencies to wasp project
use auth when requesting a custom api without the api wrapper
How can I create an onboarding flow where forms the user fills are saved to their account
should an external api call to get photos be a query or an action or custom api
Why does OpenSaaS require spinning up a db instance via Docker?
How to add custom Sign up field that refers another entity
Email auth not working in
Learn about opensaas
Open SaaS template without some funcitonalities? (e.g., without Auth)
Issue with Environment Variables after Binding Custom Domain on
deploying to custom URL does not work consistently
Updating existing installations
Where should I deploy my open saas app?
Setting machine configuration using wasp CLI deploy commands
Error calculating daily stats
Scheduling email sending with Pg-boss
ai-generated - 403
implementation of refinedev/inferencer
Stripe Test Integration
Handling logic for Buy options after a purchase was complete + commerce transactional features
SaaS setting/option not available during product setup in Stripe
Issue with stripe webhook in production
Is there any alternative to Stripe?
Is it possible to use prisma clientExtensions?
Lemon Squeezy Integration into OpenSaas (Alternative to Stripe)
Using action in backend
Navbar obscuring content: UI layout bug?
custom signup action not running
Updating keycloak roles into database
Where are the server logs to find the dummy email verification token/link?
UI intercept
Site image not appearing when posting site on twitter
Sitemap generation - Google search console error
How do I debug why an actions endpoint is returning a 404? problem after deployment
How do I prevent the api call from being run every time sate is changed, and only run on button pres
Stripe production does not update user after purchase
Service Worker Blocking Fetch Requests in PWA
How to add signup validation on backend
sample code for reading a document from db and parsing it to json from the action
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')
This should never happen, studio should never stop.
Network Error when adding authentication to todo app
How do you debug a whitescreen in wasp/react project?
How do you debug a whitescreen in wasp/react project?
Is there any contact us email integration?
User `postgresWaspDevUser` was denied access on the database
Proper way to stop process
Having Trouble integrating Supabase with Wasp
Errors with tsconfig
Can't redirect after action taken
Should the `/login` route respect the `onAuthSucceededRedirectTo` when the user visits `/login`?
Is it possible to use Qwik framework with wasp ?
SaaS Auth & Login
Is there google autentication integrated with mail autentication in wasp?
Remove email sign in/ up
Server is blocked by CORS policy
Having problems with deploying to vercel and also manually deploying to my server hosting provider!
Some crazy WASP error!
google login custom domain
Issue with open saas and supabase
Why people use when there is free tool like OpenSaaS?
Does OpenSaaS provide email authentication webpage teamplate as html/jsx/css file?
Does OpenSaaS provide email authentication service for different users?
Add extension postgis
ERP Project Help
manual deploy gcp
ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND due to double .js.js extension in name?
crud get
Operations restarts everytime i alt-tab to the window
Affordable server solution
How to change the order of fields in in signup page
How can I implement server sent events
Prisma Studio for a deployed app
How do I implement text streaming from the openai api
CORS error while trying to sign up - deployed everything in railway
Open Graph
open API documentation
Next.js vs. Wasp: Best Path Forward for a New Developer?
Issues with MailGun
missing an opposite relation field
Timestamp with time zone attribute in PostgreSQL Database
How do I add a different chatgpt api call
Can't find variable: process
Adding New Page
no changes on page problem
Deployment Options
Stripe event for onMonthlyContinuation of subscription?
stripe integration testing on local gets me 403 using gmail
I am getting a 403 on sendgrid sending locally
wasp start db hanging
Mage Giving Error
Could not resolve "@emotion/styled" imported by "@mui/styled-engine"
.env variables when deploying to production in railway - wasp 0.13.2, MacOS, Railway
Entity variations
Optimal approach to fire a second query that depends on the result of a first query?
useQuery server side?
Adding Custom Auth
CORS Issues After Deployment (Email Auth)
Error Running Migrations
React Router Dependency Issue
git merge upstream/main
WASP_SERVER_URL not applied into ToDoApp tutorial
Safe to do major prisma update?
Getting 404 when trying to use ai-generative mode
LinkedIn Auth
custon tsconfig.json
app crashed
How do you get the user's email address when using Google login?
Is the isEmailAutoVerified boolean accessible/usable/exposed?
Get unique userID via wasp or auth0?
Anyone use railway for deployment
API Authentication
Accessing API endpoing from postman
can i use wasp for big production apps?
websocket definition?
Automatic log in upon sign up
Disable Email Verification in Production
Best Solution to Automate Workflows
New user fields not recognized
React Native Integration
adding node packages
New Wasp Entity Attributes Not included in CreateEntityName function
Action expecting two arguments, but context is not passed
Cleaned up version of opensaas
Type error: Undefined identifier: Dummy (On Wasp Start)
Broke wasp db studio after migrating from Wasp 0.11 to 0.13
Get Download URL After Upload
Direction of wasp-lang
Vercel AI Sdk
File Upload (Tutorial Follow Along)
Are there any known limitations with wasp vs using traditional NodeJS + React?
Adding Locify pages to OpenSaaS app.
is there going to be a MongoDB integration soon?
DB stuidio on
wasp start in custom port that added in .env
How to Change the Overall Color Scheme of a Website
Installing Reflio affiliate manager
Error: spawnSync /Users/venkatesh/wasp/freelander/app/node_modules/vitest/node_modules/esbuild/bin/e
Can't open input file .../project-name/node_modules/.bin/prisma when running wasp db migrate-dev
Sign up network error
Trying to globally install Wasp with ZSH
using ai after project creation
deployment issues
Custom authRequired = true
Problems with imports from WASP
How to implement Company Based Custom Auth For OpenSaaS ?
Modification of sing up. Add additional fields in sing up form and user entity.
white screen, how to debug?
Bug wasp db studio
Best practice for adding properties to User entity?
database migration error
Context entities in a query
just created new app, trying to create first user, user.create is failing
"No Exported Member" Prisma Issues occurring after reinstalled dependencies w/SDK exit code 2
Anyone got RAG working with WASP?
Error while seeding DB any ideas how to solve? #p2021
affiliate program integration
Hello! thanks! I'm debugging a deployment with an additional Dockerfile
Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch
Deploy the app i build with wasp open-saas to self hosted (VPS)
DB wont setup
I want to show a react gpu component using Use.GPU
Query returning extra records that do not match
Credit functionality
Threat of clickjacking
Graph database integration
Showing no such file or directory when I do wasp db migrate-dev
Server listen addr when deploying to
how to optimize image loading in OpenSaas Project?
Is there a way to display a 404 for any routes not defined in main.wasp?
Disable Plausible and enable Google Analytics
Path error
Activation of Google and GitHub AUTH on saas project
Turning off ASCII color logging in PROD
Getting error on Google Auth deployed version (using MacOS) and wasp version 0.13.2
stripe issues
OpenSaas template updates pull into project
How does one go about creating their own server-side API endpoint to interact with in the frontend?
Prisma client generation failed
WASP AI feature - still using old OpenAI models?
CSS bugs after installing shadcn
Trying to clone ChatGPT's UI for an multi-AI agent app powered by AutoGen
Dummy Email Provider OpenSaas
Deploying on
Lazy Loading React Components
Starting npm installwasp-bin: npm: streamingProcess: chdir: invalid argument (Bad file descriptor)
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined
Is these a server side validation of isAdmin?
Where to actually code my feature?
Use .env.client : The 'import.meta' meta-property is only allowed when the '--module' option is 'es2
Deploying a new Module as Separate App to
504 Outdated Optimize Depth when adding any UI library
schema errors how to solve
payment tiered access control middleware
Does Wasp support other LLMs such as Claude or open-source models from Hugging face?
checkStripePortalLInkExists in shared/constants.ts
[Authentification] NetworkError when singin on a fresh install
Can someone help me in making chat application using wasp
Having multiple generator in schema.prisma
Direct to a defined page after successful login
Remove email login
How to use Env variables in main.wasp?
can not find "wasp/server/_types" module or declaration
Disable email login
Do I have a way to use useLazyQuery ?
Where to see migration files?
File upload size limit
Quick Start not working?
I cant see ubunbtu on my Linux sub system folder
Is it possible to separate client and server wasp build? deployment error
front end developers demand in job market
Passing Context for Dependency Injection
Getting Updates to the Open SaaS Template (not working?)
Cant find app and blog in my folder but it says wasp already installed.
Storing additional data in session
OAuth Login Error with Google Credentials in Local Environment
Typescript not validating included relation
customize auth UI button shape
Starlight missing trailing slash
Suggested cookie consent plugin?
paypal & other payment gateway integration
Google Tag Manager
custom http api endpoint
Is it possible to customise titles of Auth component?
How can I custom the verification email content?
failed to solve: process "/bin/bash -ol pipefail -c npm run build" did not complete successfully: ex
Database not started on setting up the project
error schema.prisma:63
How to change logo in google search
How to replace wasp logo as favicon in tab
What file contains the styles for the login and signup page
When using GitHub codespaces, how to setup Google Oauth for development
I tried using "wasp ai" like this video shows but it doesn't work
Oauth provider flow redirects to localhost:3001 instead of 3000
GetPaginatedTransactions problem with query with decimals
Prisma update Update available 4.16.2 -> 5.12.1
Is there an easy way to use another Tailwind Component Library or shadcn?
Issue with OpenAI API
Restart wasp db
Google Auth re-using the OAuth token
Superjson problem
Using Wasp Mage to generate and update new Wasp entity Actions and Queries
how to add middleware for actions and querys
I've been running into the same issue with wasp start
freaking out a little bit
Is anyone else having issues with installing Wasp? I keep running into this issue:
google auth on with opensaas/wasp
Is there any pre-defined package (or recommended) to create robots.txt?
Running wasp db migrate-dev gives permission error
Problems in action.ts
Is it possible to make the primary database in open-SaaS as mongodb ?
do I need vike?
Deploying Wasp/Open-SaaS to Netlify
server env variables cause process is not defined
tsconfig update for v0.13.1
File upload preview
Subscribing to database events with @prisma/extension-pulse
Not implemented Server start
OpenSAAS for a Course website
Authentication Issues Live
Stuck at this error
How to use wasp deploy fly deploy command in github actions
Checking certs for custom domain
Database not connecting on
How to Pass Additional Parameters in SSO Login
auth security
blank page on authorized pages
default password
How can I use WASP on Windows?
Error when trying to login with google oauth
Password Reset token invalidation
Mails not being sent (Mailgun and Sendgrid tested => both haven't even got an API request)
Running the backend as a regular node.js app?
Where to start
running wasp inside google idx error
App crashed for unknowing reason
trying to run server on docker
Confused about [Client ]HMR
Issue with deploying my wasp app to
has anyone got shadcn to work with wasp? I am trying but keep getting an error
"wasp start db" takes too much time.
Best Practices for Implementing Auth System in Chrome Extension Connected to OpenSaaS
Compile / Parse error with the ToDoAp
Possibility to disable wasp reload on UI file changes?
What's the best way to start with Wasp?
onAuthSucceededRedirectTo previous site
Is there something missing? :(
dynamic variables in main.wasp
Google Auth in Prod
How can I get current theme colors and set them to div ?
Calling queries without useQuery hook
chat gpt integration docs
Need help with joined tables
opensaas recompile
Replace Vite after wasp gen?
What am i missing here? new to wasp
looking for help trying to wasp start - keep getting node:events:496[ Client!] throw er; // U
Dynamic change in main.wasp routing.
opensaas favicon
Getting off waspi
how to start...
How to check if logged in on client/frontend?
How to interact with database in prisma studio after deployment?
Reorder predefined fields in auth forms
How to test the backend apis via postman
Stripe Webhook Server in production
How to I set/import REACT_APP_SOME_VARIABLE_NAME for client side when in production on
seo and ssr
wasp db reset showing help instructions
i am having issues installing wasp
Need help deploying application to
How can I authenticate a user from a mobile app
live server not updating
Older node version still needed?
Why Vite, not Next ?
action calling action not working. Bad programming or issue?
useQuery in an eventHandler?
Wasp start
Importing a json module
Form Styling
email template support
My login tab on the frontpage went missing after deployment on
WebSocket authentication
Template Signup Network Error
Upload files using multer
.wasp not recognising disambiguating relations
How to test delete function in open sass starter template
How to test the backend in isolation
Whenever I run `wasp db migrate-dev` on my ec2 instance (micro free tier) it causes the box to hang
Is it possible to redirect post requests in wasp
Importing external CSS
Running database migrations on hosted app
Can Mage CLI review code?
Auth kicking out
Object relation doesn't compile to TypeScript
Failure to deploy client with Wasp CLI
Using Cypress for end to end testing and getting a 401 error, not to sure why
Vito Error
Is there a detail tutorial to add pages and actions?
Is it possible to redirect traffic from Wasp's Post Requests?
After migration flowbite-react is not working
useAuth() usage
fontsource not included in .wasp/out
Can I split up the main.wasp file into seperate files
Update DB Field using Another Field
import actions into main.wasp
Passwordless authentication
How to integrate Django API Sign Up with Wasp
Tried to run open-saas on my Mac Mini M1, here are my thoughts:
Error when trying to run it on Raspberry PI 4b
Accesing the database in pgAdmin
hi getting a [ Server ] POST /operations/stripe-payment 500 44.007 ms .
Integrating Radix UI
Using Sendgrid in test
Hey! Any ideas on some solutions to these errors?
Change html dir
Any inputs on deploying backend in aws and frontend in netlify
Set new Auth password with custom logic
IAM authentication
Missing "./auth/email" specifier in "wasp" package
Navbar question
Need help running Wasp app
Prisma schema for a github-like multi-tenant saas
Best place to share experiences and/or feedback?
I am trying to understand the subsciptionStatus logic in stripe.ts
Need Recommendations
Installation trouble
Post-query errors about failing to resolve an import.
Running alongside separate authed API?
DB error
Repetitive Undetected Syntax Error with MageAI
Unable to get react working.
Hot Reloading?
nothing shows up in localhost:3000 after wasp start
File-Manager troubleshooting
Add a new entity into the saas template
OpenSaas setup 'Role postgres does not exist'
What does this mean ?
Axios Error
phone verification?
Wasp/OpenSaas Typescript vs Javascript
Error building after migrating Wasp to 0.12
Unable to run "wasp start db" in my terminal
Multi-modal “AI_agent”
Hi, how do you add authorization ?
ChatGPT says ...
wasp new:ai
MAGE app error
How can I add an API to download files under a directory?
Pulling new changes for OpenSaaS/Wasp while maintaining my own repository on GitHub
Edit Body Tags
I want to have a trial period before the payment start kicking in. How do I do that?
how do you guys manage dev and prod deployments?
Setting Environment-specific Values in main.wasp File
Node version conflict between wasp and astro
wasp db migrate-dev and wasp db studio not showing any output during installation of Open-SaaS
Why not Node 20 yet and still npm to install packages
Oauth redirects to localhost:3001 instead of 3000
Use Oauth protocol with other than Google or Github
Using actions inside workers - is it possible?
can I add a assets on the server side? a folder a config file etc
How do I resend an email verification email?
file download from s3
hi why iam this problems?:
Jobs - Output type error following the example in docs
Wasp developer?
OpenSaas usage for android / ios apps
Preserving Query Parameters in Google Social Auth Redirects
server deployment issue
Cascade Deletes with transaction
Help about opensaas.
about custom route
Data Storage & CMS for Beginners?
Multi-tenancy with WASP and Postgres?
Cannot install wasp
Replit intégration
database url
main.wasp question
Business model
Payment for Credits / Credit Balance System
TS2305 error on open-saas project
OpenSaas Blog deployment
(Resolved)Modification of Signup form
Deploying to AWS
mage through cli
if i'm starting today, should I wait for the latest wasp to be released or?
How to install shadcn ui
Getting Wasp Compilation Error since Yesterday
Question about
Disable opening tab with vite open-saas
Frontend React Template integration into OpenSaas template
Getting this error when running 'wasp start db' inside of the app folder of open-saas
(Resolved) Prisma Error on Mac
adding python apps
Help with Wasp Embedding template / seeding the db
Nested routing?
How does file upload work?
How do i allow upload of pdf files?
Stripe testing issues(401) (SOLVED)
GPTs - bringing my OpenAI Hosted GPTs to wasp and hosting it for free.
Full stack AI app with Wasp❔
Problems with server on - unexpectedly without any updates or redeployments
Tightly coupled to React?
experiences with testing the backend or e2e?
Integrate Twilio SMS API?
stripe integration debugging best practices
type checking of client code
Getting started with Wasp on Terminal
not working with Node 20.11.0
Help with DB build/deploy error.
openai gpt Assistant api, or embeddings template? How to select version when git cloning?
Mongodb with open-saas
Cant find: src/shared/constants.ts file? Stripe connect.
Node 20.x.x isn't compatible with Wasp? Or am I doing something wrong?
Cant start database docker is not working on wsl properly
Unable to access the Dashboard as an admin user
Disable case sensitivity on username register/login?
[SOLVED] OpenSaaS installation docker and db issue
Redirect route to another route
Can someone let me know how to install wasp.cli on windows using terminal or git?? Win11
Installation failed: There is no wasp version 0.11.8
SOS "no file or directory exists" (ignore pic please)
Custom auth error messages?
Update return entity type
[SOLVED] Using Decimal type with Prisma
[SOLVED] Separate queries & actions to multiple files?
[SOLVED] Help with auth vs unauth routing...
[SOLVED] Object relation works when running app but doesn't compile to TypeScript?
open-sass error on wasp start db
Modular .wasp files?
WASP and IntelliJ Idea
wasp tutorials
Building Wasp app that uses Replicate API, Error submitting images to the API, 404
Custom Frontend React Template
Can't build app
Help with node version
Schedule email with sendgrid
Help with node install
trouble setting up wasp-ai
How to store client secrets?
Next step?
could not create directory
HI I've had a problem when going onto the hosted site that I generated with mage
Using GPT 4 Turbo
edit app
alternative to openai
Python backend?
Why other two authentication methods are disabled in MAGE? Only Username & Password are enabled.
Mage GPT?
IP - Intellectual Property Ownership
Setup and installation
Intellisense for projects
An error ocurred. Please refresh the page.
can we self-host Wasp AI app generator?
Simple Way to Run App Online?
Guys i get this error on git bash when i try to install wasp
How to include a custom file in the project?
Can Wasp server code be run without docker
Am having issues starting database
Can anybody help with this problem
Can I host the frontend in github pages?
ETA for smarter merging of accounts
Couldn't find wasp project root in GitHub CodeSpaces
How to install wasp?
The "Fixing common mistakes in pages... "
What's the Wasp way of adding ESLint/Prettier?
Error when running new app
Invalid Argument
is Wasp Down?
How to seed production database using fly proxy -a <app_name>
Login/Sign up error
The application did not show other component in my page
List of scalars in entities
Blank Page when start the app
Google auth stops working when I remove email.
Stripe not working in my Saas Template Project.
Is anyone else getting response timeouts when trying to run MageGPT locally with GPT4
I have npm installed just whenever I try to run the wasp project I come on this error code help!
Wasp cannot find wasp root after downloading MageGPT app
Dockers issue for postgreSQL database
Setting up Wasp on Windows
Facing error when I use "wasp db migrate-dev"
My browser is trying to make calls to localhost endpoints, despite the app being accessed remotely
when is the wasp X giveaway today
Having Trouble Running MageGPT - BEGINNER
need to make AI prompt based form builder
Unsure about how to add shadcn/ui to Wasp
Learning Resources for beginners getting started
Help with running Wasp MageGPT locally on ubuntu
Shared function generates CORS error
Should I expect to be getting auto import recommendations from VSCode?
Trying to run my app locally on mac and I get this error
Trying to run my first App produced by Mage. Does anyone have a dockerfile they use
Installing wasp error
Wasp SaaS+blog
Any ETA on Full Version Release?
Just made my first app with mage and looking to run it in a Docker container.
Help with localhost.
any help here
Website launch
Stuck Setting up wasp on Windows
Wasp application on Github Pages
Hi All, im really really stuck!
Error in the Tutorial ?
Is it possible to make a full online chatting app for a local company using wasp - magegpt?
new to this. How do i install it for windows??
Failed to resolve imports
Failed to resolve import "./ext-src/Admin.jsx" from "src/router.tsx". Does the file exist?
AI chatbot for your documentation
I was wondering if there is a way to add features and pages to an already published app.
Does WASP work with Supabase or Firebase?
Issues Starting my WASP Project: Bus error
issue while running the example app on linux
Apple silicon
Dedicated server deployment
Router.tsx Issue
Hi, I tried to use but it doesn't seem to work
#Hello and help
Multiple client support
React Native Support namespaces support
Recurring Job behavior with fly
How do I seed production DB hosted on Fly
@types delcarations
How to implement text streaming(the same way it is done in ChatGPT)?
What do folks usually do for CSRF in Wasp ?
Custom loading screen
Testing NPM Packages Locally
TypeScript checking by "wasp deploy fly deploy"?
Deployment failure on
RBAC how-to?
Non-cloud deployment?
Problem with recharts
adding discord auth provider
Wasp logs are partially displayed
How do I get daisyui to work?
Unexpected dictionary field ‘wasp‘
Error Module not found
rawBody through apiNamespace
Automatic webapp generation using speciffic templates
API versioning, is there any best practices?
using client-side env variables
When the Permission will be available?
Many to Many relationship example?
Can you host a wasp app on Oracle Cloud?
Supabase support
Using SQLite for production?
Actions and reactivity
Issue in docs for todoApp using - update
Unable to find wasp command
'Docker' not installed
Debug Wasp app in VS Code
generateGptResponse error
Using Wasp with AWS RDS Postgresql?
Entity in Typescript does not have all properties
MacOs Error.
How to properly run GPT Web App Generator App Code in Windows local machine. Can someone help please
Can't run from Terminal
Typed jobs
[Error] Migrate dev failed:
PATH help
Install Wasp in Window 11
Non-interactive automated deployment option
Examples are not running
API CORS error
context.user through middlewareConfigFn
useEffect and useQuery
Custom favicon.ico
Does Wasp support MySQL?
Help with Login/Signup/Email Verify Language [Localization]
Google Auth callback URL gets called twice
langchain python
react dependency
Creating email method for auth but how i can add username?
Return static files from the server
Calling the backend from a different domain
How can I seed my production?
Wildcard routes for 404/not found redirects?
Custom domain with not working?
Help with Deploy?
Q&A with Embeddings & GPT
File-Upload using a custom API
Shame, OpenBSD is not supported
Typescript required?
Running "wasp deploy" returns odd error
"wasp compile" is not documented or I'm missing something?
Noob Question: How would one add a proper dropdown to the NavBar?
Error: secretOrPrivateKey must have a value
accessing env on client
[SOLVED] Websocket implementation
[SOLVED] Error when trying to use dbSeeding.
How to update favicon?
Should the STRIPE_KEY in your environment variables be the Secret Key or the Public Key?
[SOLVED]Monthly unlimited subscription not working
public media folder
Queries/Actions type
[SOLVED]Google Auth error while trying to set-up SaaS GPT Template
Writing raw queries
[Solved] Server side relative import fails to find the file
[Solved] Tutorial: Auth redirect simply throws 500
Cannot log in
I can't get Tailwind css working
State management
Generating Components and Actions
How do you set the org slug when deploying to
Hosting for SAAS Template
How do I add additional products?
What is the localhost stripe webhook URL?
pg-boss failed to start!
Cannot build frontend part due to type error
Optional node_modules installs
Client Page component query parameter
Query Typescript
Prisma Enum
Following get started tuto - getTasks list not generated
React version
LSP for neovim / vim users
`wasp start db` issue --> docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon...
CORS question
Any idea how I can do RLS
Processing List to add in DB
File Uploading
How to delete entities?
Guides on how to use Codux with Wasp
use wasp to do crud pages react and prisma?
Types on the Frontend