Wasp13mo ago

DB error

So i got this app made from mageGPT. but when i try to open or run it i get that error. while making the db i also got Error: P1003 [ Db !] Error: P1003 [ Db !] [ Db !] Database dev.db does not exist at /mnt/e/OpenSaaS/Tweet/.wasp/out/db/./dev.db [ Db !] [ Db ] Environment variables loaded from .env [ Db ] Prisma schema loaded from ../db/schema.prisma [ Db ] [ Db ] ✔ Generated Prisma Client (4.16.2 | library) to ./../../../node_modules/@prisma/client in 557ms [ Db ] You can now start using Prisma Client in your code. Reference: https://pris.ly/d/client [ Db ]
[ Db ] import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
[ Db ] const prisma = new PrismaClient()
[ Db ]
[ Db ] import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
[ Db ] const prisma = new PrismaClient()
[ Db ]
Prisma Client
Prisma Client is an auto-generated, type-safe query builder generated based on the models and attributes of your Prisma schema.
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8 Replies
Vinny (@Wasp)
Vinny (@Wasp)13mo ago
hey 👋 can you share the contents of your .wasp file? did you run wasp db migrate-dev?
martinsos13mo ago
So the first error, about database not existing, that one is not important, it shouldn't really be an error, more like information, but for some reason Prisma likes to report it as an error -> we are looking into hiding / removing that. You do get a database error later -> that must be something else, and the real problem. As @Vinny (@Wasp) said, did you run wasp db migrate-dev? Which commands exactly did you run to get here? Can you share the link to the genreated web app, so we can try running it? What are the logs you get in your terminal?
THRAWNOP13mo ago
MAGE GPT Web App Generator ✨ MageGPT
Generate your full-stack React, Node.js and Prisma web app using the magic of GPT and the Wasp full-stack framework.
THRAWNOP13mo ago
trying to make an app with twitter API
martinsos13mo ago
Did you run wasp db migrate-dev?
martinsos13mo ago
Ok, so here is error from the terminal, which I get when I run your app
No description
martinsos13mo ago
What this means is that the app Mage (GPT) generated has a mistake in it. ANd it is probably not only mistake, there are likely more, since you gave it a quite complicated app to make and GPT can be quite silly. What you need to do is go through this code and fix it on your own, mistake by mistake. For this specific mistake, what I believe will help is if, in main.wasp file, on entity User, you make twitterCredentials relation optional / not required.
THRAWNOP13mo ago
i did ok I will try

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