How does file upload work?

(Resolved)When i upload a file prisma tells me that the type of the file is json while type string is expected
7 Replies
rirusta14mo ago
Prisma is just an ORM. Only the data related to those files is saved in the database, such as path, name, etc. The file itself has to be saved in fs or some cloud. Multer is a popular middleware in Node for file management.
Dimitrios Mastrogiannis
what's the code that is needed for me to have file upload and how can i integrate to wasp?
rirusta14mo ago
Read the multer documentation for file management in node Sorry, but if you are new to web development, this framework may not be highly recommended. It takes care of a lot of work, but first it's important to understand the basics of how its components work. There is a lot of documentation on the web about handling files with react and node.
miho14mo ago
Uploading files in Wasp works like in any other Node.js + React project. @martinsos wrote a bit here:
miho14mo ago
Here's a gist with a simple setup with Multer
Uploading files with Wasp 0.11.8
Uploading files with Wasp 0.11.8. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Dimitrios Mastrogiannis
Thanks a lot!
martinsos14mo ago
Thanks @rirusta for help here!

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