Waspβ€’14mo ago

How to install shadcn ui

Hey everyone! I absolutely love Wasp, but I have troubles installing shadcn ui properly. I could not find any docs online that would describe me how to do it without being able to use "npx". I have added the dependency in wasp.main, but it does not work. Thanks for you help in explaining me how I can import components from external libraries. Thanks a lot in advance for your support!
Using ShadCN with Wasp 0.12+
Using ShadCN with Wasp 0.12+. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
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17 Replies
matijashβ€’14mo ago
I think @martinsos @miho and @Filip will know the most here πŸ™‚
mihoβ€’14mo ago
I've tried before to install Shadcn but with no luck 😦 I think with 0.12 things will change, but in 0.11.8 I haven't been able to set it up
wambofabioOPβ€’14mo ago
thanks for your response, Matija and Miho. sad to hear that it is currently not possible... would speed up development significantly. Have you made good experiences with other component libraries, @miho ?
mihoβ€’14mo ago
We had luck with NextUI, Chakra UI and many others, maybe @Vinny (@Wasp) can chime in
Vinny (@Wasp)
Vinny (@Wasp)β€’14mo ago
yeah Chakra UI is my fav of the bunch
wambofabioOPβ€’14mo ago
ok great! Thank you a lot, will try out Chakra UI then. Thanks for your support!
matijashβ€’14mo ago
@wambofabio check out the source code of https://coverlettergpt.xyz/ for a fast start with Chakra UI: https://github.com/vincanger/coverlettergpt
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matijashβ€’14mo ago
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wambofabioOPβ€’14mo ago
Thanks a lot, will have a look!
Borisβ€’14mo ago
@wambofabio shouldn't the manual installation work? https://ui.shadcn.com/docs/installation/manual NPX is basically copy-pasting this configuration for you
Manual Installation
Add dependencies to your project manually.
martinsosβ€’14mo ago
@miho forgot to mention, but important fact is also that Wasp v0.12 is coming out very soon, in a matter of days (next week latest), so if you really want to use chadcn it might be worth the wait. Although this is interesting what Boris says also, this looks like it might work. @miho have you tried this?
Kamalitoβ€’12mo ago
Hi. Any news about how to setup Shadcn UI with Wasp v0.2?
mihoβ€’12mo ago
Wasp 0.12 * and yes πŸ™‚ it's now possible to do with some manual interventions but it works for me. Let me create a small gist with the instructions and I'll share it here πŸ˜„
Kamalitoβ€’12mo ago
Awesome, thank you.
mihoβ€’12mo ago
Using ShadCN with Wasp 0.12+
Using ShadCN with Wasp 0.12+. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Kamalitoβ€’12mo ago
That was quick. Thank you so much πŸ˜‰
MEE6β€’12mo ago
Wohooo @Kamalito, you just became a Waspeteer level 1!

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