Deploy the app i build with wasp open-saas to self hosted (VPS)

I am considering deploy the app i will be building to a VPS. Did anyone try it already that can give some tips...
11 Replies
kapa.ai11mo ago
Hi @Stefan Vitória. I'm, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- Sure, deploying a Wasp app to a VPS is possible. Here are the general steps you need to follow: 1. Generating Deployable Code: Run the command wasp build to generate deployable code for the whole app in the .wasp/build/ directory. Note that you won't be able to build the app if you are using SQLite as a database. You'll have to switch to PostgreSQL before deploying to production [^1^]. 2. Deploying the API Server (backend): There's a Dockerfile that defines an image for building the server in the .wasp/build directory. Deploy this Docker image to your VPS and ensure the required environment variables on the server are correctly set up. The necessary environment variables include DATABASE_URL, WASP_WEB_CLIENT_URL, WASP_SERVER_URL, JWT_SECRET (if using Wasp Auth), and PORT [^5^]. 3. Deploying the Web Client (frontend): To build the web app, position yourself in .wasp/build/web-app directory and run npm install && REACT_APP_API_URL=<url_to_wasp_backend> npm run build. Replace <url_to_wasp_backend> with the URL of the Wasp server that you previously deployed. The command will build the web client and put it in the build/ directory in the web-app directory. Since the app's frontend is just a bunch of static files, you can deploy it to any static hosting provider [^3^]. 4. Deploying the Database: Any PostgreSQL database will do, as long as you provide the server with the correct DATABASE_URL env var and ensure that the database is accessible from the server [^4^]. If you are considering deploying Wasp to bare metal and/or with Docker container + docker-compose.yml, there is an open issue on GitHub discussing this topic. The issue includes a deploy script for Caprover (self-hosted PaaS) and a suggestion for writing a docker-compose.yml to run a built Wasp app [^2^]. Remember, you can deploy each part of a Wasp app anywhere where you can usually deploy Node.js apps or static apps [^6^]. [^1^]: (source)[] [^2^]: (source)[] [^3^]: (source)[] [^4^]: (source)[] [^5^]: (source)[] [^6^]: (source)[] ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @Stefan Vitória, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
terrence11mo ago
I'm trying to do so, but I dont see a good tutorial tool, I just use netlify and for now, I'm trying to migrate to aws
Stefan Vitória
Stefan VitóriaOP11mo ago
@terrence maybe we should give it try and make a step by step for others... I didn`t finished my app yet, actually just starting out with wasp. But a private server would be more cost effictive...
terrence11mo ago very cheap, they have $5credit each month, so basically free for development and testing
martinsos11mo ago
So I haven't deployed behind VPS, but don't see why it shouldn't be doable. We do have instructions for manual deployment here: . And we are here to assist you on the way! Indeed, tutorial on how you did it could be very interesting.
Stefan Vitória
Stefan VitóriaOP11mo ago
@martinsos I will give it a try
MEE611mo ago
Wohooo @Stefan Vitória, you just became a Waspeteer level 1!
Ricardo Batista
Ricardo Batista11mo ago
I was thinking of using Cloudflare Pages for frontend + Cloudflare Workers for backend + supabase for database, but still didn't find the time to do so.
martinsos10mo ago
@Ricardo Batista the only tricky part with Cloudlfare workers is that they are serverless, and some parts of Wasp require a proper server (e.g. Jobs)!
Killshot10mo ago
@Stefan Vitória do you have an update on this? Were you able to deploy your whole app on VPS?
Stefan Vitória
Stefan VitóriaOP10mo ago
Nope. I didn't looked into it yet.

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