Waspβ€’11mo ago

Starting npm installwasp-bin: npm: streamingProcess: chdir: invalid argument (Bad file descriptor)

I recently made some entity changes and now I can't seem to get migrate-dev or db studio commands to work. Here are the errors I'm seeing. Anyone seen this before? Thanks! 1. wasp-bin: /home/joe/Repositories/saas-volunteer/app/.wasp/out/: removeDirectoryRecursive:removeContentsRecursive:removeDirectory: unsatisfied constraints (Directory not empty) 2. Starting npm installwasp-bin: npm: streamingProcess: chdir: invalid argument (Bad file descriptor) They don't point to anything particular in my definitions: ``(base) joe@DESKTOP-L0KQC2M:~/Repositories/saas-volunteer/app$ wasp db migrate-dev 🐝 --- Compiling wasp project... -------------------------------------------------- wasp-bin: /home/joe/Repositories/saas-volunteer/app/.wasp/out/: removeDirectoryRecursive:removeContentsRecursive:removeDirectory: unsatisfied constraints (Directory not empty) (base) joe@DESKTOP-L0KQC2M:~/Repositories/saas-volunteer/app$ wasp db studio 🐝 --- Compiling wasp project... -------------------------------------------------- [ Wasp ] Starting npm install [ Wasp ] [ Wasp ] up to date, audited 828 packages in 1s [ Wasp ] [ Wasp ] 136 packages are looking for funding [ Wasp ] run npm fund for details [ Wasp ] [ Wasp ] 4 vulnerabilities (1 low, 3 moderate) [ Wasp ] [ Wasp ] To address issues that do not require attention, run: [ Wasp ] npm audit fix [ Wasp ] [ Wasp ] To address all issues, run: [ Wasp ] npm audit fix --force [ Wasp ] [ Wasp ] Run npm audit` for details. [ Client ] Starting npm install [ Server ] Starting npm installwasp-bin: npm: streamingProcess: chdir: invalid argument (Bad file descriptor) (base) joe@DESKTOP-L0KQC2M:~/Repositories/saas-volunteer/app$ ^C
11 Replies
kapa.aiβ€’11mo ago
Hi @SL8. I'm kapa.ai, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- Based on the knowledge sources provided, it seems like you're encountering a couple of different issues. 1. wasp-bin: /home/joe/Repositories/saas-volunteer/app/.wasp/out/: removeDirectoryRecursive:removeContentsRecursive:removeDirectory: unsatisfied constraints (Directory not empty) This error suggests that Wasp is trying to delete a directory that is not empty. This could be due to files being in use or locked by another process, or due to insufficient permissions. 2. Starting npm installwasp-bin: npm: streamingProcess: chdir: invalid argument (Bad file descriptor) This error suggests that there's an issue with the npm installation process. It could be due to a variety of reasons, such as a problem with the npm package itself, a network issue, or a problem with your local npm or Node.js installation. Unfortunately, the provided knowledge sources do not contain a direct solution to these issues. However, here are a few general suggestions that might help: - Make sure you have the latest version of Wasp installed. You can check your version by running wasp version in your terminal. - Try running wasp clean before running wasp db migrate-dev or wasp db studio. This command cleans up any build artifacts from previous compilations. - Ensure that you have the correct Node.js and npm versions installed. Wasp requires Node.js version 12 or newer. - If you're working in a shared environment or using version control, make sure there are no conflicts or locked files that might be causing the issue. If the problem persists, I would recommend opening an issue in the Wasp Github repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues) providing all the details of the problem for further assistance. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @SL8, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
SL8OPβ€’11mo ago
Attempting to clean before retrying... Now at least I am getting validation errors.. I will try to fix!
mihoβ€’11mo ago
Okay, let us know what happens next πŸ™‚ @sodic something for you to check out
Filipβ€’11mo ago
Hey @SL8, for the future, please check our message guidelines. When pasting a lot of code, it's easier to read if you use a code block with three backticks πŸ™‚ This sure was a weird error, but I see that wasp clean fixed it. What kind of validation errors are you getting now? Maybe I can help out Created an issue for the reported bug, tracked here: https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/2008 @SL8 I've included a link to your message, hope that's ok! πŸ™‚
SL8OPβ€’11mo ago
Yes sorry about that! It ended up being a missing database reference. But it was interesting that I had to clean and rebuild before I could see the error.
MEE6β€’11mo ago
Wohooo @SL8, you just became a Waspeteer level 1!
Filipβ€’11mo ago
Hahaha, "interesting" is very generous of you πŸ˜„ Yeah, it's a problem we know we have: most of our debugging instructions start with "run wasp clean", which should not be the case
SL8OPβ€’11mo ago
I’m a dev too so I get it πŸ˜‚ I think this stack is super cool, no hate from me man
Filipβ€’11mo ago
Thanks! We appreciate it Nice profile picture too, AM was my favorite album at one point
SL8OPβ€’11mo ago
Thanks! Fortunate enough to see them live in Vegas last year. Bucket list checked off!
Filipβ€’10mo ago
Nice! I keep missing them whenever they come to my country (which is pretty often actually πŸ˜… ). Well, maybe next time Made an issue for this: https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/2028

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