"Wasp deploy fly launch" command cannot find prisma in root folder?

wasp deploy fly launch mycoolapp mad
38 Replies
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Hi @skyblade2954. I'm kapa.ai, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- It seems like you're encountering an issue where the wasp deploy fly launch command is not able to find Prisma in the root folder. This could be due to a package.json file present in a directory above your Wasp project. If this package.json file has Prisma as a dependency, it might cause unexpected results or errors. One of the reported issues on the Wasp Github page suggests that if there is a package.json file above the Wasp project, the Prisma version from it will be used. This can lead to errors if the Prisma version in the package.json file is different from the one required by your Wasp project. A potential solution to this problem is to move your Wasp project directory somewhere else where there is no package.json file in any of the parent directories. Another solution is to remove the package.json and package-lock.json files from the parent directory if they are not needed. Here is the relevant discussion on this issue: Github Issue #787 (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/787) Please note that these are potential solutions based on similar issues faced by other users and might not directly apply to your specific situation. If the problem persists, I would recommend reaching out to the Wasp community or support for more specific guidance. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @skyblade2954, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
skyblade2954ā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai there is no package.json in parent folders. However my dockerfile cannot find a prisma folder inside root directory.
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- If your Dockerfile cannot find the Prisma folder inside the root directory, it might be due to the way your Dockerfile is set up or how your project is structured. In one of the issues on the Wasp Github page, a user encountered a similar problem where the Dockerfile was not able to find the db/schema.prisma file. The Dockerfile was trying to copy this file into the db directory in the Docker container, but it was failing because the file was not found. Here is the relevant discussion on this issue: Github Issue #572 (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/572) If you have renamed your db folder to prisma, you might need to update your Dockerfile to reflect this change. For example, if you have a line in your Dockerfile like this:
COPY db/schema.prisma ./db/
COPY db/schema.prisma ./db/
You might need to change it to this:
COPY prisma/schema.prisma ./prisma/
COPY prisma/schema.prisma ./prisma/
This will ensure that the Dockerfile is looking for the schema.prisma file in the correct directory. If you're still having trouble, it might be helpful to reach out to the Wasp community or support for more specific guidance. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @skyblade2954, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
skyblade2954ā€¢3mo ago
I don't have prisma or db folder inside my root. what's wrong with it. Please help me anyone, I don't have any document about this, like I run a simple command, but probably something required for this. what is it that required?
mihoā€¢3mo ago
Kapa can lead you down the wrong path here, don't listen to it. Let's try to solve this with couple of basic checks: 1. Did you delete all existing Fly app from the previous attempts? I mean, the app builders as well. Fly can have weird caching issues sometimes. 2. Did you delete the TOML files from the previous attempts? 3. Did you just run this command that you wrote in the original question?
skyblade2954ā€¢3mo ago
Ok, @miho I deleted everything, you asked. Let me tell you how I did. I deleted fly-client.toml and fly-server.toml. I ran: fly apps destroy mycoolapp-server, fly apps destroy mycoolapp-client, fly apps destroy mycoolapp-db I ran: wasp deploy fly launch mycoolapp mad Somehow, my dockerfile cannot find ./prisma folder, I don't know where should it find. I don't have any folder called prisma
skyblade2954ā€¢3mo ago
No description
mihoā€¢3mo ago
In your build log it mentions #3 [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/node:18.20.3-slim We don't use that image to build the server, we use FROM node:18.18.0-alpine3.17 AS node This means that there is still something cached from your previous attempts on Fly. Which is really annoying. Did you delete the App builders as well?
skyblade2954ā€¢3mo ago
How to delete app builders? Could you please give me the commands?
mihoā€¢3mo ago
I just go here: https://fly.io/dashboard/<username>/builders
skyblade2954ā€¢3mo ago
I have one app down there I am trying to delete it.
mihoā€¢3mo ago
If that doesn't work out, another option we could try to avoid their remote builders is to run:
wasp deploy fly launch <app> <region> --build-locally
wasp deploy fly launch <app> <region> --build-locally
skyblade2954ā€¢3mo ago
But there is no delete button, wth gui How do you delete the builder? @miho
mihoā€¢3mo ago
Please don't tag me after 4 minutes šŸ˜„
skyblade2954ā€¢3mo ago
Ok. It was in settings. God Damn it. I wish I can solve this problem @kapa.ai
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