Are there any known limitations with wasp vs using traditional NodeJS + React?

I am evaluating if i should replace my software factory templates (that were manually built) that use NodeJS + React + Sequelize + Express + Swagger and others with wasp. But for this to happen i need to solve a few uncertainties: 1. How certain am I that wasp will be maintained in the future? 2. Are there any limitations by using wasp (seems there isnt, but maybe you know some)
3 Replies
kapa.ai10mo ago
Hi @tomas.morales. I'm, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- 1. Wasp is backed by a dedicated team that has been working on it for about 3 years and is supported by Y Combinator. This indicates a strong commitment to the project's future development and maintenance source ( 2. As for limitations, Wasp is designed to be a "glue" code that unites specific solutions like React, CSS, JS, etc., and provides a higher-level notion of the web app above them. It's not intended to replace these technologies but to integrate seamlessly with them source ( However, there are some things that Wasp can't do that other frameworks can. For example, Next.js has great SSR support, which Wasp currently doesn't offer source ( Also, Wasp is still early in its development, so it might not yet have all the features you're used to in your current stack. The team is actively working on moving more features from the "external" side to the "wasp" side, so developers will be able to express more features directly using Wasp source ( In conclusion, while Wasp offers a lot of potential benefits, it's important to carefully evaluate whether it currently meets all your specific needs before deciding to replace your existing templates. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @tomas.morales, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
martinsos10mo ago
Wasp is open-source and also a startup, supported by YC and VCs, growing very well lately and we have big ambitions, so you can expect good maintenance in the future + lot of improvements. It doesnt' have the guarantees of stable stuff like NodeJS yet, because it is newer technology (couple of years), but if we play it right we want it to get there. And yup Wasp is certainly somewhat more closed than if you did it all on your own, because it abstract some stuff, but we keep exposing whatever it turns out people are lacking, and I would say we already exposed most of it successfully (or are working on it). You could maybe take a look through our issues on github, we put all our ideas + what people requested there, so you can see what is yet potentially missing.
tomas.moralesOP10mo ago

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