Help with Deploy?

Tried doing the intro ToDo tutorial and was met with some weird errors upon deploying to Looks like the system isn't starting at all for some reason. Attached are the logs from the fly client machine. Weirdly the DB server seems to be working fine.
5 Replies
Vinny (@Wasp)
Vinny (@Wasp)2y ago
I'm not a pro with Fly but sometimes deploying to fly just needs some patience I've had to wait >15 minutes before if there was an issue, I deleted the apps and builder and tried again
Vinny (@Wasp)
Vinny (@Wasp)2y ago
if not, you may need to try some of the commands listed here:
Deploying | Wasp
Wasp is in beta, so keep in mind there might be some kinks / bugs, and possibly a bit bigger changes in the future.
shayne2y ago
@SoyMilkIsOk I just pushed an update to our deployer for solving this. essentially the latest version of flyctl changed how it detected our project and generated a new fly.toml file wasp v0.10.6 solves this. if you update, remove your toml files and apps in the fly dashboard, and try again, it should work now
SoyMilkIsOkOP2y ago
Hahaha that would be my luck. I'll give this a try Fixed! Thank you for the quick response Love the language so far btw, so quick
shayne2y ago
woot! awesome, glad you are enjoying yourself!

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