Waspβ€’6mo ago

Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: failed to solve: failed to com

Im getting this error while deploying opensaas with fly.io. How can I fix it ?
8 Replies
kapa.aiβ€’6mo ago
Hi @2euxs. I'm kapa.ai, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave:
MEE6β€’6mo ago
Wohooo @2euxs, you just became a Waspeteer level 2!
kapa.aiβ€’6mo ago
---------------------- Hmm, I don't know enough to give you a confident answer yet. The error message you provided seems to be incomplete and doesn't provide enough context to diagnose the issue. However, I can provide some general advice based on the knowledge sources provided. 1. Check your Dockerfile: Make sure your Dockerfile is correctly written and doesn't have any syntax errors. 2. Build Locally: Fly.io offers support for both locally built Docker containers and remotely built ones. However, for simplicity and reproducibility, the CLI defaults to the use of a remote Fly.io builder. If you want to build locally, supply the --build-locally option to wasp deploy fly launch or wasp deploy fly deploy. source (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/cli#building-locally) 3. Unique App Name: Ensure that the name of your app is unique across all of fly.io. If the name is not unique, the deployment with wasp deploy launch fails. source (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/1588) If the problem persists, I recommend reaching out to the Wasp community on their Discord server (https://discord.com/channels/686873244791210014/1219134547711758416) or opening an issue on the Wasp Github page (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues). ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @2euxs, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
88888888OPβ€’6mo ago
'🐝 --- Building SDK... ------------------------------------------------------------\n' + '\x1B[0m\n' + '\n' + \x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/auth/email-and-pass/emails.ts(1,15): error TS2305: Module '"wasp/server/auth"' has no exported member 'GetVerificationEmailContentFn'.\n + \x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/auth/email-and-pass/emails.ts(1,51): error TS2305: Module '"wasp/server/auth"' has no exported member 'GetPasswordResetEmailContentFn'.\n + \x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/auth/email-and-pass/EmailVerificationPage.tsx(2,10): error TS2305: Module '"wasp/client/auth"' has no exported member 'VerifyEmailForm'.\n + \x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/auth/email-and-pass/PasswordResetPage.tsx(2,10): error TS2305: Module '"wasp/client/auth"' has no exported member 'ResetPasswordForm'.\n + \x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/auth/email-and-pass/RequestPasswordResetPage.tsx(1,10): error TS2305: Module '"wasp/client/auth"' has no exported member 'ForgotPasswordForm'.\n + "\x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/newsletter/sendNewsletter.ts(4,29): error TS2307: Cannot find module 'wasp/server/email' or its corresponding type declarations.\n" + "\x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/newsletter/sendNewsletter.ts(5,28): error TS2307: Cannot find module 'wasp/server/email/core/types' or its corresponding type declarations.\n" + "\x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/payment/stripe/webhook.ts(9,29): error TS2307: Cannot find module 'wasp/server/email' or its corresponding type declarations.\x1B[31m\n" + '\n' + '❌ --- [Error] Your wasp project failed to compile: -------------------------------\n' + '\n' + '- SDK build failed with exit code: 2\x1B[0m\n' + '\x1B[31m\n' + '\n' + '❌ --- [Error] Building of wasp project failed: -----------------------------------\n' + '\n' + '1 errors found.\x1B[0m\n' } @kapa.ai @kapa.ai '🐝 --- Building SDK... ------------------------------------------------------------\n' + '\x1B[0m\n' + '\n' + \x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/auth/email-and-pass/emails.ts(1,15): error TS2305: Module '"wasp/server/auth"' has no exported member 'GetVerificationEmailContentFn'.\n + \x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/auth/email-and-pass/emails.ts(1,51): error TS2305: Module '"wasp/server/auth"' has no exported member 'GetPasswordResetEmailContentFn'.\n + \x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/auth/email-and-pass/EmailVerificationPage.tsx(2,10): error TS2305: Module '"wasp/client/auth"' has no exported member 'VerifyEmailForm'.\n + \x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/auth/email-and-pass/PasswordResetPage.tsx(2,10): error TS2305: Module '"wasp/client/auth"' has no exported member 'ResetPasswordForm'.\n + \x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/auth/email-and-pass/RequestPasswordResetPage.tsx(1,10): error TS2305: Module '"wasp/client/auth"' has no exported member 'ForgotPasswordForm'.\n + "\x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/newsletter/sendNewsletter.ts(4,29): error TS2307: Cannot find module 'wasp/server/email' or its corresponding type declarations.\n" + "\x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/newsletter/sendNewsletter.ts(5,28): error TS2307: Cannot find module 'wasp/server/email/core/types' or its corresponding type declarations.\n" + "\x1B[33m[\x1B[0m \x1B[33mWasp\x1B[0m \x1B[33m]\x1B[0m ext-src/payment/stripe/webhook.ts(9,29): error TS2307: Cannot find module 'wasp/server/email' or its corresponding type declarations.\x1B[31m\n" + '\n' + '❌ --- [Error] Your wasp project failed to compile: -------------------------------\n' + '\n' + '- SDK build failed with exit code: 2\x1B[0m\n' + '\x1B[31m\n' + '\n' + '❌ --- [Error] Building of wasp project failed: -----------------------------------\n' + '\n' + '1 errors found.\x1B[0m\n' }
kapa.aiβ€’6mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The error message you're seeing indicates that certain modules or their corresponding type declarations cannot be found. This could be due to a variety of reasons such as incorrect import statements, missing dependencies, or outdated Wasp version. Here are some steps you can take to resolve these issues: 1. Check your import statements: Make sure that the modules you're trying to import actually exist and that the import paths are correct. For example, the error message indicates that the module 'wasp/server/auth' has no exported member 'GetVerificationEmailContentFn'. However, according to the Wasp documentation (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/auth/email#emailverification-emailverificationconfig-), 'GetVerificationEmailContentFn' should be exported from 'wasp/server/auth'. So, you might want to check your import statement in 'emails.ts'. 2. Update Wasp: If you're using an older version of Wasp, it might not have the modules or exports that your code is trying to use. You can update Wasp by running npm install -g wasp. 3. Run Wasp compiler: Before you can use any of the wasp/* packages, you need to run the Wasp compiler. You can do this by running wasp start source (https://discord.com/channels/686873244791210014/1215750573278629958). 4. Clean and rebuild: If none of the above steps work, you might want to try cleaning your project and rebuilding it. You can clean your project by running wasp clean, which deletes all '.wasp' and 'node_modules' stuff. After that, you can rebuild your project by running wasp start source (https://discord.com/channels/686873244791210014/1215750573278629958). If the problem persists, I recommend reaching out to the Wasp community on their Discord server (https://discord.com/channels/686873244791210014/1219134547711758416) or opening an issue on the Wasp Github page (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues). ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @2euxs, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
88888888OPβ€’6mo ago
Where can I find wasp/client/auth ? Where can I find wasp/client/auth ? @kapa.ai
kapa.aiβ€’6mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The wasp/client/auth is a module provided by the Wasp framework. It contains various components and functions that you can use to implement authentication in your Wasp application. You can import it in your JavaScript or TypeScript files like this:
import { LoginForm, SignupForm } from 'wasp/client/auth'
import { LoginForm, SignupForm } from 'wasp/client/auth'
This module includes several components such as LoginForm, SignupForm, ForgotPasswordForm, ResetPasswordForm, and VerifyEmailForm which are used for handling different aspects of user authentication. You can read more about these components in the Wasp Auth UI documentation (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/auth/ui). Please note that before you can use any of the wasp/* packages, you need to run the Wasp compiler by running wasp start in your project directory. This will generate the necessary code in the .wasp/out directory, which includes the wasp/client/auth module. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
mihoβ€’6mo ago
Which version of Wasp are you using? Are you sure that the code you are trying to deploy actually works locally?

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