Wasp2y ago

Trying to run my first App produced by Mage. Does anyone have a dockerfile they use

I am running on Windows, but I want to start up the Mage produced Wasp app I made. I believe I can do this in a docker image. I would really like some guidance as to the right procedure.
3 Replies
MEE62y ago
Wohooo @JB, you just became a Waspeteer level 1!
matijash2y ago
You want to run it locally or deploy it? To run it locally you just need to run wasp start in the app folder
martinsos2y ago
If you want to deploy it to production, we have whole section in docs on how to do that! I think you want to run it in development instead? If so, the easiest way is to run it locally on your machine, all you need is node installed and that should be it. Either directly on Mac/Linux, or via WSL on Windows. You could run it in Docker I guess, but I am not sure what you would gain with that, what are your thoughts about this?

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