Wasp13mo ago

TS2305 error on open-saas project

Hi everyone, I use the worderfull template open-saas (and I want a lambo), but I have a problem, I want to add a blog on my saas. - I have had a template of an article on my wasp.main - but in my web-app/src/entities/index.ts i have this message Le module '"@prisma/client"' n'a aucun membre exporté 'Post'.ts(2305) export Post I don't understand why, can you explain me and resolve my problem ?
1 Reply
martinsos12mo ago
Hey @bastienLC ! WHat do you mean by "I have had a template of an article on my wasp.main"? Sounds like your app is complaining that Prisma doesn't export Post -> maybe you need to run wasp db migrate-dev? It is a bit hard for me to say much without more information. Maybe you can share your main.wasp file, and explain in more details the changes you did to the codebase? Btw, if you want to have a blog where you will post your own articles, then I advise using the blog that comes with open saas -> you have app/ at the top level of the codebase, and you have blog/ . You shouldl be able to use a blog there without implementing your own!

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