Waspā€¢3mo ago

Wasp compile error

[ Wasp ] error TS5056: Cannot write file '/mnt/d/AI Projects/wsl backup/yt new/app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/dist/ext-src/server/main/youtubeAPI.d.ts' because it would be overwritten by multiple input files. [ Wasp ] error TS5056: Cannot write file '/mnt/d/AI Projects/wsl backup/yt new/app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/dist/ext-src/server/main/youtubeAPI.js' because it would be overwritten by multiple input files.
88 Replies
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Hi @ArDev. I'm kapa.ai, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- This error seems to be related to a known issue in Wasp regarding file generation and management. Based on the information provided in the knowledge sources, I can offer some insights and potential solutions: 1. File Generation Issue: Wasp currently has a problem with redundant file generation, as discussed in this GitHub issue (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/594). The compiler doesn't differentiate between files used by the client and server, leading to duplicate file generation. 2. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Warning: The error message shows a path starting with /mnt/d/, which suggests you're using WSL. There's a known issue with using Wasp on Windows file systems, as mentioned in this GitHub issue (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/1857). To resolve this issue, you can try the following: 1. Ensure your project is on the Linux file system within WSL, not on the Windows file system. Wasp works best when run entirely within the Linux environment. 2. If you're already using WSL correctly, try cleaning your project and rebuilding: - Delete the .wasp directory in your project - Run wasp clean in your project directory - Try compiling again with wasp start 3. If the problem persists, it might be related to how your project files are structured. Make sure you don't have duplicate files with the same name in different directories that Wasp is trying to compile. 4. As a temporary workaround, you could try increasing the file limit on your system, as suggested in this GitHub comment (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/1919#issuecomment-1904111509), although this doesn't address the root cause of the redundant file generation. If none of these solutions work, you may need to wait for future updates to Wasp that address the redundant file generation issue. The Wasp team is aware of this problem and is working on improvements, as evidenced by the ongoing discussions in the GitHub issues. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
If the problem persists, it might be related to how your project files are structured. Make sure you don't have duplicate files with the same name in different directories that Wasp is trying to compile. how to check this @kapa.ai
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- To check if you have duplicate files with the same name in different directories that Wasp is trying to compile, you can follow these steps: 1. Examine your project structure: Look through your project directories, especially focusing on the ext-src folder and its subdirectories. Pay attention to files with the same names in different locations. 2. Use command-line tools: You can use the find command in your terminal to search for files with the same name across your project. For example:
find . -name "youtubeAPI.ts" -o -name "youtubeAPI.js"

find . -name "youtubeAPI.ts" -o -name "youtubeAPI.js"

This command will search for files named "youtubeAPI.ts" or "youtubeAPI.js" in your current directory and all subdirectories. 3. Check your Wasp file: Review your .wasp file to ensure you're not accidentally referencing the same file multiple times or in different locations. 4. Inspect the generated output: Look into the .wasp/out directory to see if there are duplicate files being generated. This can help you identify where the problem might be originating. If you find duplicate files, consider consolidating them or renaming them to avoid conflicts. However, it's important to note that this issue might be related to a deeper problem in Wasp's file generation process, as mentioned in this GitHub issue (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/517). The Wasp team is aware of issues related to duplicate file generation and is working on improvements to handle these scenarios better. If you continue to experience problems after checking for and resolving any duplicate files, it would be helpful to report your specific case to the Wasp GitHub repository, providing details about your project structure and the steps to reproduce the issue. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai jkp@DESKTOP-8S2VLLC:/mnt/d/AI Projects/wsl backup/yt new/app$ find . -name "youtubeAPI.ts" -o -name "youtubeAPI.js" ./.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/ext-src/server/main/youtubeAPI.js ./src/server/main/youtubeAPI.js
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the output of your find command, it appears that you have two files with the same name "youtubeAPI.js" in different locations: 1. ./.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/ext-src/server/main/youtubeAPI.js 2. ./src/server/main/youtubeAPI.js This duplicate file situation is likely the cause of the compilation error you're experiencing. The error message you received earlier indicates that Wasp is trying to write to the same output file from multiple input sources, which is causing a conflict. To resolve this issue, you should: 1. Keep only one version of youtubeAPI.js in your project, preferably in the ./src/server/main/ directory. This is the correct location for your custom server-side code in a Wasp project. 2. Delete the file at ./.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/ext-src/server/main/youtubeAPI.js. This file is in the generated output directory and should not be manually edited or version controlled. 3. After removing the duplicate file, clean your Wasp project:
wasp clean

wasp clean

4. Then try to compile your project again:
wasp start

wasp start

This issue is related to how Wasp handles file generation and project structure, as discussed in this GitHub issue (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/594). The Wasp team is aware of these file management challenges and is working on improvements. If you continue to experience issues after making these changes, it would be helpful to report your specific case to the Wasp GitHub repository, providing details about your project structure and the steps to reproduce the issue. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai [ Wasp ] ext-src/server/main/actions.js(6,37): error TS1149: File name '/mnt/d/AI Projects/wsl backup/yt new/app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/ext-src/server/main/youtubeApi.js' differs from already included file name '/mnt/d/AI Projects/wsl backup/yt new/app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/ext-src/server/main/youtubeAPI.js' only in casing. [ Wasp ] The file is in the program because: [ Wasp ] Imported via './youtubeAPI.js' from file '/mnt/d/AI Projects/wsl backup/yt new/app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/ext-src/server/main/actions.js' [ Wasp ] Imported via './youtubeAPI.js' from file '/mnt/d/AI Projects/wsl backup/yt new/app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/ext-src/server/main/actions.js' [ Wasp ] Matched by include pattern '.' in '/mnt/d/AI Projects/wsl backup/yt new/app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/tsconfig.json' [ Wasp ] Imported via './youtubeApi.js' from file '/mnt/d/AI Projects/wsl backup/yt new/app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/ext-src/server/main/actions.js'
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- This error message indicates a case sensitivity issue with file naming in your Wasp project. The problem arises because you have two files with the same name but different casing: 'youtubeApi.js' and 'youtubeAPI.js'. This can cause conflicts, especially when working across different operating systems that handle file name casing differently. To resolve this issue, you should: 1. Standardize the file naming: Choose one consistent naming convention for your file, either 'youtubeApi.js' or 'youtubeAPI.js', and stick to it throughout your project. 2. Update all references: After choosing a consistent file name, update all import statements in your code to use the correct casing. 3. Check your imports: In your 'actions.js' file, make sure all imports are using the correct file name with consistent casing. 4. Clean and rebuild: After making these changes, run wasp clean and then wasp start to rebuild your project. It's worth noting that this issue is partly related to the file system case sensitivity differences between Windows (case-insensitive) and Linux (case-sensitive) file systems. Since you're using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), you're encountering this cross-platform issue. As mentioned in this GitHub issue (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/1857), there are known issues with using Wasp on Windows file systems. To avoid such problems in the future, it's recommended to keep your Wasp projects entirely within the Linux file system when using WSL, rather than on the Windows file system. If you continue to face issues after making these changes, consider reporting your specific case to the Wasp GitHub repository, providing details about your project structure and the steps to reproduce the issue. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai [ Wasp ] ext-src/server/scripts/usersSeed.ts(2,23): error TS2307: Cannot find module '@faker-js/faker' or its corresponding type declarations.
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- This error suggests that the @faker-js/faker package is not properly installed or recognized in your Wasp project. To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps: 1. Install the package: Make sure you have installed the @faker-js/faker package in your project. You can do this by running:
npm install @faker-js/faker

npm install @faker-js/faker

or if you're using yarn:
yarn add @faker-js/faker

yarn add @faker-js/faker

2. Check your package.json: Ensure that @faker-js/faker is listed in your dependencies. 3. Rebuild node_modules: Try deleting your node_modules folder and reinstalling all dependencies:
rm -rf node_modules
npm install

rm -rf node_modules
npm install

4. Wasp clean and restart: After installing the package, run:
wasp clean
wasp start

wasp clean
wasp start

If the problem persists, it might be related to how Wasp handles external dependencies. There's an ongoing discussion about improving Wasp's handling of node_modules and import resolution, as mentioned in this GitHub issue (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/1429). If none of these solutions work, you may need to wait for future updates to Wasp that address dependency management issues. The Wasp team is aware of these challenges and is working on improvements. Remember to always run Wasp commands from within the Linux environment if you're using WSL, as there are known issues with using Wasp on Windows file systems, as discussed in this GitHub issue (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/1857). ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai what is some piece of code that runs when a user logs in? what script is that
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the knowledge sources provided, there isn't a specific piece of code that automatically runs when a user logs in in Wasp. However, I can provide you with information on how login is handled and how you can add custom logic after login: 1. Login Action: Wasp provides a login() function that you can use in your frontend code to handle user login. Here's an example of how it's typically used:
import { login } from 'wasp/client/auth'

async function handleSubmit(event) {
try {
await login(username, password)
} catch (error) {
import { login } from 'wasp/client/auth'

async function handleSubmit(event) {
try {
await login(username, password)
} catch (error) {
This code is usually part of your login form component. After successful login, it redirects the user to the home page. Source: Auth > Username & Password > Login (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/auth/username-and-pass#login) 2. Custom Logic After Login: Currently, Wasp doesn't provide built-in hooks to run custom code after login. However, the Wasp team is planning to add this feature in the future, as mentioned in this GitHub issue (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/1556). 3. Workaround for Custom Logic: As a workaround, you can create your own custom login page and action. After calling the login action, you can execute your custom logic. Here's how you might structure this:
import { login } from 'wasp/client/auth'

async function handleLogin(username, password) {
try {
await login(username, password)
// Add your custom logic here
// For example:
await someCustomFunction()
} catch (error) {
// Handle error
import { login } from 'wasp/client/auth'

async function handleLogin(username, password) {
try {
await login(username, password)
// Add your custom logic here
// For example:
await someCustomFunction()
} catch (error) {
// Handle error
Remember, this approach requires you to implement your own Auth UI component and possibly your own login action. Source: Discord support thread (https://discord.com/channels/686873244791210014/1217452914503585902) It's worth noting that the Wasp team is aware of the need for hooks to run code after login/signup, and they're planning to implement this feature in future releases. Until then, the workaround described above is the recommended approach for adding custom logic after login. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai 2024-12-23T13:13:20Z app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info]npm error Missing script: "start-production"
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- This error message suggests that there's an issue with the npm scripts defined in your package.json file for your Wasp project. Specifically, it's looking for a script named "start-production" which is not present. This error is likely related to how Wasp handles production deployments. Based on the available knowledge sources, I can provide some insights and potential solutions: 1. Missing Script: The "start-production" script is expected to be present in your package.json file, but it's not there. This script is typically used for starting your application in production mode. 2. Wasp Version: This issue might be related to the version of Wasp you're using. Newer versions of Wasp may have different requirements for production scripts. To resolve this issue, you can try the following: 1. Check your package.json file: Make sure you have a "start-production" script defined. If it's not there, you can add it. It should typically look something like this:
"scripts": {
"start-production": "node ./dist/server.js"

"scripts": {
"start-production": "node ./dist/server.js"

2. Update Wasp: Ensure you're using the latest version of Wasp, as newer versions might have addressed this issue. 3. Regenerate the project: Try running wasp clean and then wasp build to regenerate your project files. This might create the missing script. 4. Check Wasp documentation: Review the latest Wasp documentation for any changes in how production deployments are handled. If these steps don't resolve the issue, it would be helpful to report this problem to the Wasp GitHub repository. The Wasp team is actively working on improving the framework, and they would likely be interested in addressing this deployment-related issue. Remember, when deploying Wasp applications, it's important to follow the recommended deployment procedures as outlined in the Wasp documentation. The exact steps might vary depending on your deployment platform and the version of Wasp you're using. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai jkp@DESKTOP-8S2VLLC:/mnt/d/AI Projects/wsl backup/yt new/app/.wasp/build$ fly deploy ==> Verifying app config Validating /mnt/d/AI Projects/wsl backup/yt new/app/.wasp/build/fly.toml āœ“ Configuration is valid --> Verified app config ==> Building image ==> Building image with Depot --> build: (ā€‹) [+] Building 1.6s (6/9) => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.1s => => transferring dockerfile: 3.51kB 0.1s => [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/node:20 0.7s => [internal] load .dockerignore 0.2s => => transferring context: 64B 0.2s => [internal] load build context 0.6s => => transferring context: 2B 0.5s => [base 1/5] FROM docker.io/library/node:20@sha256:f4755c9039bdeec5c736b2e0dd5b47700d6393b65688b9e9f807ec12f54 0.0s => => resolve docker.io/library/node:20@sha256:f4755c9039bdeec5c736b2e0dd5b47700d6393b65688b9e9f807ec12f54a8690 0.0s => ERROR [base 2/5] COPY .wasp/build/ /app/ 0.0s ------
[base 2/5] COPY .wasp/build/ /app/:
------ ==> Building image ==> Building image with Depot --> build: (ā€‹) [+] Building 0.6s (6/9) =
[base 2/5] COPY .wasp/build/ /app/:
------ Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: failed to solve: failed to compute cache key: failed to calculate checksum of ref pueuwd5t3pczs8ma3zkvvtvgz::fu3b7y8jqafvfker442tlpfi6: "/.wasp/build": not found
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- This error message indicates that there's an issue with the Docker build process when trying to deploy your Wasp application to Fly.io. The problem seems to be related to the location of the .wasp/build/ directory. Let's break down the issue and suggest some solutions: 1. Directory Structure: The error suggests that the .wasp/build/ directory is not found where the Dockerfile expects it to be. This could be because you're running the fly deploy command from within the .wasp/build/ directory itself. 2. Dockerfile Location: The Dockerfile generated by Wasp is typically placed in the .wasp/build/ directory, and it assumes that it's being run from the parent directory of .wasp. To resolve this issue, try the following steps: 1. Change Directory: Move up one level in your directory structure before running the deploy command. From your current location, run:
cd ../..

cd ../..

This should put you in the root directory of your Wasp project. 2. Run Deploy: Now try running the deploy command again:
fly deploy

fly deploy

3. Verify Dockerfile: If the problem persists, check the contents of your Dockerfile (located in .wasp/build/Dockerfile) to ensure it's correctly referencing the .wasp/build/ directory. 4. Clean and Rebuild: If you're still encountering issues, try cleaning your Wasp project and rebuilding:
wasp clean
wasp build
fly deploy

wasp clean
wasp build
fly deploy

5. Check Fly.io Configuration: Ensure your fly.toml file is correctly configured and located in the right place (usually the root of your project). If you continue to face issues, it might be helpful to review the Wasp documentation on deploying with Fly.io (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/cli#flyio-server-and-database). The Wasp CLI provides a streamlined way to deploy to Fly.io, which might help avoid these issues:
wasp deploy fly deploy
wasp deploy fly deploy
This command handles much of the deployment process automatically, including building and pushing the Docker image. If none of these solutions work, consider reporting this issue to the Wasp GitHub repository, providing details about your project structure and the steps you've taken. The Wasp team is actively working on improving the deployment process and would likely be interested in addressing this issue. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai 2024-12-23T14:26:46.019 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] npm error Missing script: "start-production" where do i add it in wasp?
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The "start-production" script is typically not added directly in the Wasp file, but rather in the package.json file of your generated project. However, Wasp should be generating this script automatically when you build your project for production. Let's go through the steps to resolve this issue: 1. First, make sure you've built your Wasp project for production:
wasp build

wasp build

2. After building, check the package.json file in your .wasp/build/ directory. This is where the "start-production" script should be located. You can view its contents with:
cat .wasp/build/package.json

cat .wasp/build/package.json

3. If the "start-production" script is missing, you can add it manually to this package.json file. Open the file in an editor and add the following to the "scripts" section:
"scripts": {
// ... other scripts ...
"start-production": "node ./dist/server.js"

"scripts": {
// ... other scripts ...
"start-production": "node ./dist/server.js"

4. If you've made manual changes, rebuild your project:
wasp build

wasp build

It's important to note that manually editing generated files is not ideal, as these changes may be overwritten when you rebuild your project. If the "start-production" script is consistently missing, this might indicate an issue with your Wasp setup or version. As mentioned in the Wasp CLI documentation (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/general/cli#overview), you can use the wasp dockerfile command to print the contents of the Wasp-generated Dockerfile. This might give you insights into how Wasp is setting up your production environment:
wasp dockerfile
wasp dockerfile
If the problem persists after these steps, it would be beneficial to report this issue to the Wasp GitHub repository. The Wasp team is actively working on improving the framework, and they would be interested in addressing this deployment-related issue. Remember, when deploying Wasp applications, it's crucial to follow the recommended deployment procedures as outlined in the Wasp documentation. The exact steps might vary depending on your deployment platform and the version of Wasp you're using. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai cat .wasp/build/package.json {"dependencies":{"youtube-transcript-api":"^1.1.2","youtube-captions-scraper":"^2.0.3","@radix-ui/react-tooltip":"^1.1.2","@radix-ui/react-slot":"^1.1.0","youtube-caption-scraper":"^1.0.0","@aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner":"^3.523.0","openai":"^4.24.1","react-hot-toast":"^2.4.1","@tailwindcss/typography":"^0.5.7","@radix-ui/react-scroll-area":"^1.1.0","cheerio":"^1.0.0","@radix-ui/react-checkbox":"^1.1.1","clsx":"^2.1.1","tailwindcss-animate":"^1.0.7","zod":"3.22.4","vanilla-cookieconsent":"^3.0.1","react-icons":"^4.11.0","@tabler/icons-react":"^3.12.0","pako":"^2.1.0","prettier":"3.1.1","@radix-ui/react-label":"^2.1.0","react-scroll":"^1.9.0","@faker-js/faker":"^8.4.1","na.2.1","googleapis":"^118.0.0"},"name":"painpoint.pro","type":"module","devDependencies":{"@types/react":"^18.0.37","prisma":"5.19.1","@types/canvas-confetti":"^1.6.4","typescript":"^5.1.0","daisyui":"^4.12.10","@types/cors":"^2.8.5","@types/express":"^4.17.13","@types/file-saver":"^2.0.7","vite":"^4.3.9","@types/react-scroll":"^1.8.10"},"scripts":{"server":"wasp build && cd .wasp/build && railway up","prod":"wasp build && cd .wasp/build/web-app && npm install && REACT_APP_API_URL="https://server-production-0269.up.railway.app/\" REACT_APP_STRIPE_CUSTOMER_PORTAL="https://billing.stripe.com/p/login/9AQ3fY6JY5rk0H6dQQ\" npm run build && netlify deploy --prod && cd ../../.. && cp D/Dockerfile .wasp/build/Dockerfile && cd .wasp/build && railway up","client":"wasp build && cd .wasp/build/web-app && npm install && REACT_APP_API_URL="https://painpointpro.fly.dev\" REACT_APP_STRIPE_CUSTOMER_PORTAL="https://billing.stripe.com/p/login/9AQ3fY6JY5rk0H6dQQ\" npm run build && netlify deploy --prod"}
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the content of the package.json file you've shared, it appears that the "start-production" script is indeed missing. This explains the error message you received earlier. To resolve this issue, you need to add the "start-production" script to your package.json file. Here's how you can do it: 1. Open the .wasp/build/package.json file in a text editor. 2. In the "scripts" section, add the following line:
"start-production": "node ./dist/server.js"

"start-production": "node ./dist/server.js"

3. The "scripts" section of your package.json should now look something like this:
"scripts": {
"server": "wasp build && cd .wasp/build && railway up",
"prod": "wasp build && cd .wasp/build/web-app && npm install && REACT_APP_API_URL=\"<https://server-production-0269.up.railway.app/\"> REACT_APP_STRIPE_CUSTOMER_PORTAL=\"<https://billing.stripe.com/p/login/9AQ3fY6JY5rk0H6dQQ\"> npm run build && netlify deploy --prod && cd ../../.. && cp D/Dockerfile .wasp/build/Dockerfile && cd .wasp/build && railway up",
"client": "wasp build && cd .wasp/build/web-app && npm install && REACT_APP_API_URL=\"<https://painpointpro.fly.dev\"> REACT_APP_STRIPE_CUSTOMER_PORTAL=\"<https://billing.stripe.com/p/login/9AQ3fY6JY5rk0H6dQQ\"> npm run build && netlify deploy --prod",
"start-production": "node ./dist/server.js"

"scripts": {
"server": "wasp build && cd .wasp/build && railway up",
"prod": "wasp build && cd .wasp/build/web-app && npm install && REACT_APP_API_URL=\"<https://server-production-0269.up.railway.app/\"> REACT_APP_STRIPE_CUSTOMER_PORTAL=\"<https://billing.stripe.com/p/login/9AQ3fY6JY5rk0H6dQQ\"> npm run build && netlify deploy --prod && cd ../../.. && cp D/Dockerfile .wasp/build/Dockerfile && cd .wasp/build && railway up",
"client": "wasp build && cd .wasp/build/web-app && npm install && REACT_APP_API_URL=\"<https://painpointpro.fly.dev\"> REACT_APP_STRIPE_CUSTOMER_PORTAL=\"<https://billing.stripe.com/p/login/9AQ3fY6JY5rk0H6dQQ\"> npm run build && netlify deploy --prod",
"start-production": "node ./dist/server.js"

4. Save the file and try deploying again. However, it's important to note that manually editing files in the .wasp/build/ directory is not ideal, as these changes may be overwritten when you rebuild your project. This issue suggests that there might be a problem with how Wasp is generating your production build. To address this more permanently, you should: 1. Make sure you're using the latest version of Wasp. 2. Try cleaning your project and rebuilding:
wasp clean
wasp build

wasp clean
wasp build

3. If the issue persists, it would be beneficial to report this to the Wasp GitHub repository. The Wasp team can help identify why the "start-production" script is not being generated automatically as it should be. Remember, these manual changes are a temporary fix. The root cause of why Wasp isn't generating this script should be investigated for a long-term solution. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai 2024-12-23T14:38:24.580 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] Error: Cannot find module '/app/dist/server.js'
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- This error message indicates that the server.js file is not present in the expected location within your deployed Wasp application. This could be due to a few reasons: 1. Build process issue: The server.js file might not be getting generated or copied to the correct location during the build process. 2. Incorrect path: The start script might be pointing to the wrong location for the server.js file. 3. Deployment configuration: There might be a mismatch between the expected file structure and the actual deployed structure. To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps: 1. Check your build process: Make sure your build process is correctly generating the server.js file. You can do this by running wasp build locally and checking if the file is present in the .wasp/build/dist/ directory. 2. Verify the Dockerfile: Use the wasp dockerfile command to print the contents of the Wasp-generated Dockerfile. Check if it's correctly copying the server files to the /app/dist/ directory in the container. 3. Update the start script: If the server.js file is being generated but in a different location, you might need to update the "start-production" script in your package.json. For example, if the file is in the root of the /app directory, you could change the script to:
"start-production": "node ./server.js"

"start-production": "node ./server.js"

4. Rebuild and redeploy: After making any changes, rebuild your project with wasp build and then redeploy. 5. Check deployment logs: Review the full deployment logs to see if there are any errors during the build or file copying stages that might explain why the server.js file is missing. If you continue to face this issue after trying these steps, it would be beneficial to report this problem to the Wasp GitHub repository. The Wasp team is actively working on improving the framework, and they would be interested in addressing this deployment-related issue. Remember, when deploying Wasp applications, it's crucial to follow the recommended deployment procedures as outlined in the Wasp deployment documentation (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview). The exact steps might vary depending on your deployment platform and the version of Wasp you're using. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai there is no server.js just a server folder under dist
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Thank you for providing that information. It seems that the structure of your built Wasp application is different from what the "start-production" script expects. Let's adjust our approach based on this new information. Given that there's a server folder under the dist directory instead of a server.js file, we need to modify the "start-production" script to correctly point to the server entry point. Here's what you can do: 1. First, check the contents of the server folder under dist. Look for a file that seems to be the main entry point for your server. It might be named something like index.js or main.js. 2. Once you've identified the correct file, update the "start-production" script in your .wasp/build/package.json file. The script should point to this file. For example, if you found an index.js file in the server folder, your script should look like this:
"scripts": {
// ... other scripts ...
"start-production": "node ./dist/server/index.js"

"scripts": {
// ... other scripts ...
"start-production": "node ./dist/server/index.js"

3. Save the changes to the package.json file. 4. Rebuild your project:
wasp build

wasp build

5. Try deploying again. If you're still encountering issues after making these changes, it might be helpful to review the Wasp deployment documentation (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) to ensure all other aspects of your deployment configuration are correct. Remember, manually editing files in the .wasp/build/ directory is not ideal as these changes may be overwritten when you rebuild your project. This discrepancy between the expected and actual file structure suggests there might be an issue with how Wasp is generating your production build. If the problem persists, it would be beneficial to report this issue to the Wasp GitHub repository. Provide details about your project structure, the contents of your dist folder, and the steps you've taken. The Wasp team can help identify why the build process is not generating the expected file structure and provide a more permanent solution. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai this is what it contains, is this good?// PUBLIC API export { default as config } from './config.js'; // PUBLIC API export { default as prisma } from './dbClient.js'; // PUBLIC API export { HttpError } from './HttpError.js'; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the content you've shared, it appears you're looking at the index.js file in your server directory. This file seems to be exporting several modules that are commonly used in a Wasp application. Let's break it down: 1. It exports a config object from ./config.js 2. It exports a prisma object from ./dbClient.js 3. It exports an HttpError class from ./HttpError.js This structure is indeed good and typical for a Wasp application. It's exporting the necessary modules that your server will likely need to function properly. Given this information, you should update your "start-production" script in the package.json file to point to this index.js file. Here's how you can do it: 1. Open your .wasp/build/package.json file. 2. In the "scripts" section, add or update the "start-production" script:
"scripts": {
// ... other scripts ...
"start-production": "node ./dist/server/index.js"

"scripts": {
// ... other scripts ...
"start-production": "node ./dist/server/index.js"

3. Save the changes to the package.json file. After making this change, try rebuilding your project with wasp build and then redeploy. This setup should work correctly for starting your Wasp application in production. The index.js file you've shown is exporting the necessary components for your server to run, including the database client (prisma), configuration, and error handling. If you continue to face issues after making these changes, it would be beneficial to report this to the Wasp GitHub repository. The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the build process. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai do you need the start-productoin thing?
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the information provided in the knowledge sources and our previous conversation, the "start-production" script is indeed necessary for deploying a Wasp application. Here's why: 1. Error Message: You encountered an error message stating "Missing script: 'start-production'", which indicates that the deployment process is looking for this script. 2. Deployment Process: When deploying a Wasp application, especially to platforms like Fly.io or Railway, the platform typically looks for a "start-production" script to know how to start your application in production mode. 3. Wasp Build Process: Ideally, Wasp should generate this script automatically when you build your project for production using wasp build. However, in your case, it seems this script was missing, which is why we had to add it manually. 4. Script Purpose: The "start-production" script tells the deployment platform how to run your server in production mode. It typically points to the main server file, which in your case is ./dist/server/index.js. While it's not ideal to manually add this script (as it should be generated automatically by Wasp), having it is crucial for successful deployment. If you're finding that you need to add this script manually, it might indicate an issue with your Wasp setup or version. To ensure you have the most up-to-date and correct setup, you could try the following: 1. Update Wasp to the latest version. 2. Run wasp clean followed by wasp build to regenerate all files. 3. Check if the "start-production" script is now present in the generated package.json. If the issue persists, it would be beneficial to report this to the Wasp GitHub repository, as it might be a bug in the current version of Wasp. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
All instances $ fly logs -a painpointpro 2024-12-23T17:20:24.848 proxy[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] Starting machine 2024-12-23T17:20:24.921 proxy[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] Starting machine 2024-12-23T17:20:24.922 proxy[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [error] [PM01] machines API returned an error: "rate limit exceeded" 2024-12-23T17:20:25.094 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] INFO Starting init (commit: 1df1d0a0)... 2024-12-23T17:20:25.164 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] INFO Preparing to run: docker-entrypoint.sh npm run start-production as root 2024-12-23T17:20:25.171 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] INFO [fly api proxy] listening at /.fly/api 2024-12-23T17:20:25.381 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] 2024/12/23 17:20:25 INFO SSH listening listen_address=[fdaašŸ…°ļøa54d:a7b:34d:75ec:74c7:2]:22 dns_server=[fdaa::3]:53 2024-12-23T17:20:25.521 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] npm error Missing script: "start-production" 2024-12-23T17:20:25.521 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] npm error 2024-12-23T17:20:25.521 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] npm error To see a list of scripts, run: 2024-12-23T17:20:25.521 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] npm error npm run 2024-12-23T17:20:25.523 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /root/.npm/_logs/2024-12-23T17_20_25_428Z-debug-0.log 2024-12-23T17:20:25.870 proxy[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [error] [PC01] instance refused connection. is your app listening on make sure it is not only listening on (hint: look at your startup logs, servers often print the address they are listening on) 2024-12-23T17:20:26.171 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] INFO Main child exited normally with code: 1 2024-12-23T17:20:26.184 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] INFO Starting clean up. 2024-12-23T17:20:26.213 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] WARN could not unmount /rootfs: EINVAL: Invalid argument @kapa.ai
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the logs you've provided, there are a few issues with your Wasp application deployment on Fly.io. Let's break down the main problems and suggest solutions: 1. Missing "start-production" script: The most critical error is:
npm error Missing script: "start-production"

npm error Missing script: "start-production"

This confirms that the "start-production" script is indeed necessary and is missing from your package.json file. Solution: Add the "start-production" script to your .wasp/build/package.json file:
"scripts": {
// ... other scripts ...
"start-production": "node ./dist/server/index.js"

"scripts": {
// ... other scripts ...
"start-production": "node ./dist/server/index.js"

2. Application not listening on the correct port:
[PC01] instance refused connection. is your app listening on

[PC01] instance refused connection. is your app listening on

This suggests that your application isn't configured to listen on the correct port. Solution: Ensure your server is configured to listen on You might need to modify your server code or set an environment variable for the port. 3. Rate limit exceeded:
[PM01] machines API returned an error: "rate limit exceeded"

[PM01] machines API returned an error: "rate limit exceeded"

This is likely a temporary issue with Fly.io's API. Solution: Wait a bit before trying to deploy again. To resolve these issues: 1. Add the "start-production" script to your package.json as mentioned above. 2. Ensure your server is configured to listen on the correct port (8080). 3. Rebuild your project with wasp build. 4. Try deploying again with wasp deploy fly deploy. If you continue to face issues after making these changes, it would be beneficial to report this to the Wasp GitHub repository. The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the build process. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) Remember, manually editing files in the .wasp/build/ directory is not ideal as these changes may be overwritten when you rebuild your project. If you find yourself consistently needing to make these manual changes, it might indicate an issue with your Wasp setup or version. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai but its not usually in the package.json file normally? not in other wasp projects
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- You're correct, and I apologize for any confusion in my previous responses. In a typical Wasp project, the "start-production" script is indeed not usually present in the package.json file. Let me clarify based on the actual Wasp deployment process: 1. Wasp's Build Process: When you run wasp build, Wasp generates the necessary files for deployment, including the correct startup scripts. These are typically handled internally by Wasp and are not explicitly defined in the package.json file. 2. Dockerfile Generation: Wasp generates a Dockerfile for deployment that includes the appropriate commands to start your application in production mode. This is usually done without relying on a "start-production" script in package.json. 3. Fly.io Deployment: When deploying to Fly.io, Wasp should handle the configuration to ensure the application starts correctly, including setting the correct port (8080) and startup command. Given this information, manually adding a "start-production" script to your package.json file is not the standard approach for Wasp projects and might not solve the underlying issue. Instead, you should focus on ensuring: 1. Your Wasp version is up to date. 2. You're using the correct Wasp deployment command: wasp deploy fly deploy 3. Your main.wasp file is correctly configured for deployment. If you're still encountering issues, it would be beneficial to review the Wasp deployment documentation (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/cli#flyio-server-and-database) and consider reporting this issue to the Wasp GitHub repository. The error you're seeing suggests there might be a problem with how Wasp is generating your deployment files, which the Wasp team would be best equipped to address. I apologize again for any confusion in my previous responses. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, as it helps ensure more accurate information for Wasp users. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@miho @kapa.ai [email protected] start-production 2024-12-23T17:42:08.188 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] > npm run db-migrate-prod && NODE_ENV=production npm run start 2024-12-23T17:42:08.456 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] > [email protected] db-migrate-prod 2024-12-23T17:42:08.456 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] > prisma migrate deploy --schema=../db/schema.prisma 2024-12-23T17:42:08.996 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] prisma:warn Prisma failed to detect the libssl/openssl version to use, and may not work as expected. Defaulting to "openssl-1.1.x". 2024-12-23T17:42:08.996 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] Please manually install OpenSSL and try installing Prisma again. 2024-12-23T17:42:09.210 proxy[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [error] [PC01] instance refused connection. is your app listening on make sure it is not only listening on (hint: look at your startup logs, servers often print the address they are listening on) 2024-12-23T17:42:10.151 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] prisma:warn Prisma failed to detect the libssl/openssl version to use, and may not work as expected. Defaulting to "openssl-1.1.x". 2024-12-23T17:42:10.151 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] Please manually install OpenSSL and try installing Prisma again. 2024-12-23T17:42:10.152 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] Prisma schema loaded from ../db/schema.prisma 2024-12-23T17:42:10.177 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] Datasource "db": PostgreSQL database "postgres", schema "public" at "aws-0-us-east-1.pooler.supabase.com:5432" 2024-12-23T17:42:10.200 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] Error: Could not parse schema engine response: SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'E', "Error load"... is not valid JSON
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the logs you've provided, there are several issues with your Wasp application deployment on Fly.io. Let's break down the main problems and suggest solutions: 1. OpenSSL/libssl Detection Issue:
prisma:warn Prisma failed to detect the libssl/openssl version to use, and may not work as expected. Defaulting to "openssl-1.1.x".
Please manually install OpenSSL and try installing Prisma again.

prisma:warn Prisma failed to detect the libssl/openssl version to use, and may not work as expected. Defaulting to "openssl-1.1.x".
Please manually install OpenSSL and try installing Prisma again.

This is a known issue with Prisma and OpenSSL compatibility, especially in Docker environments. Solution: This issue is related to the one discussed in this GitHub issue (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/877). The fix involves adding openssl1.1-compat to your Dockerfile. However, since Wasp generates the Dockerfile, you might need to update your Wasp version or wait for a fix from the Wasp team. 2. Connection Refusal:
[PC01] instance refused connection. is your app listening on

[PC01] instance refused connection. is your app listening on

Your application isn't binding to the correct address/port. Solution: Ensure your server is configured to listen on This should be handled automatically by Wasp, so this might indicate a configuration issue. 3. Schema Engine Response Error:
Error: Could not parse schema engine response: SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'E', "Error load"... is not valid JSON

Error: Could not parse schema engine response: SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'E', "Error load"... is not valid JSON

This error suggests that Prisma is having trouble parsing the response from the database, possibly due to the OpenSSL issue. To address these issues: 1. Update Wasp: Ensure you're using the latest version of Wasp. The OpenSSL issue might be resolved in a newer version. 2. Check Database Connection: Verify that your database connection string in the .env file is correct and that the database is accessible from your Fly.io deployment. 3. Rebuild and Redeploy: After updating Wasp, try rebuilding your project and redeploying:
wasp clean
wasp build
wasp deploy fly deploy

wasp clean
wasp build
wasp deploy fly deploy

4. If the issue persists, you might need to manually modify the generated Dockerfile to include the OpenSSL fix. However, this is not ideal as it may be overwritten on subsequent builds. 5. Report the Issue: If these steps don't resolve the problem, it would be beneficial to report this to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues). The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the build process. Remember, Wasp is designed to handle most of these configurations automatically, so if you're consistently encountering these issues, it might indicate a problem with how Wasp is generating your deployment files or interacting with Prisma and OpenSSL in the Docker environment. Source: GitHub Issue #877 (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/877) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai which one is the most serious issue that causes my server not to run?
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the logs and issues you've shared, the most serious issue that is likely causing your server not to run is the OpenSSL/libssl detection problem with Prisma. This is evident from the following error message:
prisma:warn Prisma failed to detect the libssl/openssl version to use, and may not work as expected. Defaulting to "openssl-1.1.x".
Please manually install OpenSSL and try installing Prisma again.
prisma:warn Prisma failed to detect the libssl/openssl version to use, and may not work as expected. Defaulting to "openssl-1.1.x".
Please manually install OpenSSL and try installing Prisma again.
This issue is critical because: 1. It's preventing Prisma from properly initializing, which is essential for your application's database operations. 2. It's likely the root cause of the subsequent error where Prisma couldn't parse the schema engine response:
Error: Could not parse schema engine response: SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'E', "Error load"... is not valid JSON

Error: Could not parse schema engine response: SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'E', "Error load"... is not valid JSON

This OpenSSL issue is preventing your database migrations from running correctly, which in turn prevents your server from starting up properly. Without a functioning database connection, your Wasp application cannot operate as intended. The OpenSSL problem is a known issue with Prisma in certain Docker environments, as discussed in this GitHub issue (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/877). It's particularly problematic because it's occurring in the deployment environment, which means it's not something you can easily fix by modifying your local development setup. While there are other issues mentioned in the logs (like the server not listening on the correct port), these are likely secondary problems that stem from the application failing to start properly due to the Prisma/OpenSSL issue. Resolving this OpenSSL compatibility problem should be your primary focus, as it's the most likely cause preventing your server from running in the Fly.io environment. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai how to solve it
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- To solve the OpenSSL/libssl detection issue with Prisma in your Wasp application deployment on Fly.io, you can try the following steps: 1. Update Wasp: First, ensure you're using the latest version of Wasp. The issue might have been resolved in a newer version. You can update Wasp using:
curl -sSL <https://get.wasp-lang.dev/installer.sh> | sh

curl -sSL <https://get.wasp-lang.dev/installer.sh> | sh

2. Modify the Dockerfile: If updating Wasp doesn't resolve the issue, you'll need to modify the Dockerfile. However, since Wasp generates the Dockerfile automatically, you'll need to do this after each build. Here's how: a. Build your Wasp project:
wasp build

wasp build

b. Open the generated Dockerfile in .wasp/build/Dockerfile c. Find the line that starts with RUN apk add --no-cache and add openssl1.1-compat to the end of it. It should look something like this:
RUN apk add --no-cache ... openssl1.1-compat

RUN apk add --no-cache ... openssl1.1-compat

d. Save the Dockerfile 3. Rebuild and redeploy: After modifying the Dockerfile, redeploy your application:
wasp deploy fly deploy

wasp deploy fly deploy

4. Check Prisma version: Ensure you're using a Prisma version that's compatible with your deployment environment. You can specify the Prisma version in your package.json file. 5. Environment variables: Make sure your database connection string and other necessary environment variables are correctly set in your Fly.io deployment. If these steps don't resolve the issue, you should consider reporting this problem to the Wasp GitHub repository. The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the build process. Remember, manually editing the Dockerfile is not an ideal long-term solution, as these changes will be overwritten each time you rebuild your project. The Wasp team is aware of this issue and is working on a more permanent solution, as mentioned in this GitHub issue (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/877). Source: GitHub Issue #877 (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/877) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai jkp@DESKTOP-8S2VLLC:/usr/Projects/yt/app$ curl -sSL https://get.wasp-lang.dev/installer.sh | sh bash: syntax error near unexpected token `|' also here is the dockerfile - # Stage 1: Builder FROM node:18.18.0-alpine3.17 AS builder Update and install necessary packages RUN apk --no-cache -U upgrade \ && apk add --no-cache python3 build-base libtool autoconf automake Set working directory WORKDIR /app Copy package files and install dependencies COPY package.json package-lock.json ./ RUN npm install Copy source code and other necessary files COPY src ./src COPY server .wasp/build/server COPY sdk .wasp/out/sdk COPY db/schema.prisma .wasp/build/db/ Install server-specific dependencies RUN cd .wasp/build/server && npm install Generate Prisma client RUN cd .wasp/build/server && npx prisma generate --schema='../db/schema.prisma' Bundle the server RUN cd .wasp/build/server && npm run bundle Stage 2: Production FROM node:20-alpine Install runtime dependencies RUN apk add --no-cache python3 Set environment variable ENV NODE_ENV=production Set working directory WORKDIR /app Copy global node_modules from builder stage COPY --from=builder /app/node_modules ./node_modules Copy SDK and server-specific node_modules COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/out/sdk .wasp/out/sdk COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules .wasp/build/server/node_modules Copy bundled server files COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/bundle .wasp/build/server/bundle COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/package*.json .wasp/build/server/ COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/scripts .wasp/build/server/scripts COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/db/ .wasp/build/db/ Expose the application port (ensure PORT is set appropriately) EXPOSE 8080 Set working directory to the server bundle WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server Define the entry point CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the information you've provided, there are two main issues to address: 1. Wasp Installer Error: The error you're encountering with the Wasp installer is likely due to how the command is being interpreted. The < and > symbols are being treated as redirection operators by your shell, rather than part of the URL. To fix this, try running the command without these symbols:
curl -sSL <https://get.wasp-lang.dev/installer.sh> | sh
curl -sSL <https://get.wasp-lang.dev/installer.sh> | sh
If this doesn't work, you might need to update curl or try downloading the script first and then executing it:
curl -sSL <https://get.wasp-lang.dev/installer.sh> -o installer.sh
sh installer.sh
curl -sSL <https://get.wasp-lang.dev/installer.sh> -o installer.sh
sh installer.sh
2. Dockerfile Analysis: Your Dockerfile looks well-structured and includes the necessary steps for building and running a Wasp application. However, there are a couple of points to note: a. OpenSSL Issue: The Dockerfile doesn't explicitly install OpenSSL, which was the root cause of the Prisma issues you were facing earlier. To address this, you can add openssl1.1-compat to the apk add command in the production stage:
RUN apk add --no-cache python3 openssl1.1-compat
RUN apk add --no-cache python3 openssl1.1-compat
b. Node Version: The builder stage uses Node 18.18.0, while the production stage uses Node 20. It's generally a good practice to use the same Node version in both stages to ensure consistency. Consider updating the builder stage to use Node 20 as well:
FROM node:20-alpine AS builder
FROM node:20-alpine AS builder
c. Start Script: The Dockerfile uses CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"] as the entry point. Ensure that this script is defined in your package.json file in the server directory. These modifications should address the OpenSSL issue that was preventing your server from running. After making these changes, rebuild your Docker image and redeploy your application. If you continue to face issues after implementing these changes, it would be beneficial to report this to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues). The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the build process. Source: GitHub Issue #877 (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/877) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai give me the full dockerfile then from this - # Stage 1: Builder FROM node:18.18.0-alpine3.17 AS builder Update and install necessary packages RUN apk --no-cache -U upgrade \ && apk add --no-cache python3 build-base libtool autoconf automake Set working directory WORKDIR /app Copy package files and install dependencies COPY package.json package-lock.json ./ RUN npm install Copy source code and other necessary files COPY src ./src COPY server .wasp/build/server COPY sdk .wasp/out/sdk COPY db/schema.prisma .wasp/build/db/ Install server-specific dependencies RUN cd .wasp/build/server && npm install Generate Prisma client RUN cd .wasp/build/server && npx prisma generate --schema='../db/schema.prisma' Bundle the server RUN cd .wasp/build/server && npm run bundle Stage 2: Production FROM node:20-alpine Install runtime dependencies RUN apk add --no-cache python3 Set environment variable ENV NODE_ENV=production Set working directory WORKDIR /app Copy global node_modules from builder stage COPY --from=builder /app/node_modules ./node_modules Copy SDK and server-specific node_modules COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/out/sdk .wasp/out/sdk COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules .wasp/build/server/node_modules Copy bundled server files COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/bundle .wasp/build/server/bundle COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/package*.json .wasp/build/server/ COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/scripts .wasp/build/server/scripts COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/db/ .wasp/build/db/ Expose the application port (ensure PORT is set appropriately) EXPOSE 8080 Set working directory to the server bundle WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server Define the entry point CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the Dockerfile you provided and the recommendations from our previous conversation, here's an updated version of the Dockerfile that addresses the OpenSSL issue and ensures consistency in Node versions:
# Stage 1: Builder
FROM node:20-alpine AS builder

# Update and install necessary packages
RUN apk --no-cache -U upgrade \
&& apk add --no-cache python3 build-base libtool autoconf automake openssl1.1-compat

# Set working directory

# Copy package files and install dependencies
COPY package.json package-lock.json ./
RUN npm install

# Copy source code and other necessary files
COPY src ./src
COPY server .wasp/build/server
COPY sdk .wasp/out/sdk
COPY db/schema.prisma .wasp/build/db/

# Install server-specific dependencies
RUN cd .wasp/build/server && npm install

# Generate Prisma client
RUN cd .wasp/build/server && npx prisma generate --schema='../db/schema.prisma'

# Bundle the server
RUN cd .wasp/build/server && npm run bundle

# Stage 2: Production
FROM node:20-alpine

# Install runtime dependencies
RUN apk add --no-cache python3 openssl1.1-compat

# Set environment variable
ENV NODE_ENV=production

# Set working directory

# Copy global node_modules from builder stage
COPY --from=builder /app/node_modules ./node_modules

# Copy SDK and server-specific node_modules
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/out/sdk .wasp/out/sdk
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules .wasp/build/server/node_modules

# Copy bundled server files
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/bundle .wasp/build/server/bundle
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/package*.json .wasp/build/server/
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/scripts .wasp/build/server/scripts
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/db/ .wasp/build/db/
# Expose the application port (ensure PORT is set appropriately)

# Set working directory to the server bundle
WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server

# Define the entry point
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
# Stage 1: Builder
FROM node:20-alpine AS builder

# Update and install necessary packages
RUN apk --no-cache -U upgrade \
&& apk add --no-cache python3 build-base libtool autoconf automake openssl1.1-compat

# Set working directory

# Copy package files and install dependencies
COPY package.json package-lock.json ./
RUN npm install

# Copy source code and other necessary files
COPY src ./src
COPY server .wasp/build/server
COPY sdk .wasp/out/sdk
COPY db/schema.prisma .wasp/build/db/

# Install server-specific dependencies
RUN cd .wasp/build/server && npm install

# Generate Prisma client
RUN cd .wasp/build/server && npx prisma generate --schema='../db/schema.prisma'

# Bundle the server
RUN cd .wasp/build/server && npm run bundle

# Stage 2: Production
FROM node:20-alpine

# Install runtime dependencies
RUN apk add --no-cache python3 openssl1.1-compat

# Set environment variable
ENV NODE_ENV=production

# Set working directory

# Copy global node_modules from builder stage
COPY --from=builder /app/node_modules ./node_modules

# Copy SDK and server-specific node_modules
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/out/sdk .wasp/out/sdk
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules .wasp/build/server/node_modules

# Copy bundled server files
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/bundle .wasp/build/server/bundle
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/package*.json .wasp/build/server/
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/scripts .wasp/build/server/scripts
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/db/ .wasp/build/db/
# Expose the application port (ensure PORT is set appropriately)

# Set working directory to the server bundle
WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server

# Define the entry point
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
Key changes made: 1. Updated the Node version in the builder stage to 20-alpine for consistency with the production stage. 2. Added openssl1.1-compat to the apk add commands in both stages to address the OpenSSL issue with Prisma. These modifications should help resolve the OpenSSL/libssl detection issue with Prisma and ensure a more consistent environment between the build and production stages. Remember to ensure that the "start-production" script is properly defined in your server's package.json file. Source: GitHub Issue #877 (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/877) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai mpw we aere hettomb - npm error Missing script: "start-production" 2024-12-23T17:56:58.931 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] npm error 2024-12-23T17:56:58.931 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] npm error To see a list of scripts, run: 2024-12-23T17:56:58.931 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] npm error npm run 2024-12-23T17:56:58.933 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /root/.npm/_logs/20
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the error message you're seeing, it appears that the "start-production" script is still missing from your package.json file. This is a critical issue that's preventing your Wasp application from starting on Fly.io. To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the "start-production" script is properly defined in the package.json file of your server. Here's what you can do: 1. Locate the package.json file: It should be in the .wasp/build/server/ directory of your project. 2. Open the package.json file and add the "start-production" script: Add the following to the "scripts" section of your package.json:
"scripts": {
// ... other scripts ...
"start-production": "node ./bundle/index.js"

"scripts": {
// ... other scripts ...
"start-production": "node ./bundle/index.js"

3. Save the changes to the package.json file. 4. Rebuild your Wasp project:
wasp build

wasp build

5. Redeploy your application:
wasp deploy fly deploy

wasp deploy fly deploy

It's important to note that manually editing files in the .wasp/build/ directory is not ideal, as these changes may be overwritten when you rebuild your project. This issue suggests that there might be a problem with how Wasp is generating your deployment files. If the problem persists after making these changes, or if you find that the changes are being overwritten, you should consider reporting this issue to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues). The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the build process. Remember, the goal is to have Wasp automatically generate the correct package.json file with the necessary scripts for deployment. If this isn't happening, it's likely a bug in Wasp that needs to be addressed by the development team. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai this is the fikle - { "name": "server", "version": "0.0.0", "private": true, "type": "module", "comment-filip": "The server.js location changed because we have now included client source files above .wasp/out/server/src.", "scripts": { "bundle": "rollup --config --silent", "start": "npm run validate-env && node --enable-source-maps -r dotenv/config bundle/server.js", "bundle-and-start": "npm run bundle && npm run start", "watch": "nodemon --exec 'npm run bundle-and-start || exit 1'", "validate-env": "node -r dotenv/config ./scripts/validate-env.mjs", "db-seed": "npm run bundle && node --enable-source-maps -r dotenv/config bundle/dbSeed.js", "db-migrate-prod": "prisma migrate deploy --schema=../db/schema.prisma", "start-production": "npm run db-migrate-prod && NODE_ENV=production npm run start" }, "nodemonConfig": { "delay": "1000" }, "engineStrict": true, "engines": { "node": ">=18.18.0" }, "prisma": {}, "dependencies": {"cookie-parser": "~1.4.6", "cors": "^2.8.5", "dotenv": "^16.0.2", "express": "~4.21.0", "helmet": "^6.0.0", "morgan": "~1.10.0", "superjson": "^2.2.1" }, "devDependencies": {"@tsconfig/node18": "latest", "@types/express-serve-static-core": "^4.17.13", "@types/node": "^18.0.0", "nodemon": "^2.0.19", "rollup": "^4.9.6", "rollup-plugin-esbuild": "^6.1.1" } }
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the package.json file you've shared, it appears that the "start-production" script is already defined in your server's package.json file. Here's the relevant part:
"scripts": {
// ... other scripts ...
"start-production": "npm run db-migrate-prod && NODE_ENV=production npm run start"
"scripts": {
// ... other scripts ...
"start-production": "npm run db-migrate-prod && NODE_ENV=production npm run start"
This script is doing two things: 1. Running database migrations with npm run db-migrate-prod 2. Starting the server in production mode with NODE_ENV=production npm run start Given that this script is present, the error message you were seeing earlier ("npm error Missing script: "start-production"") should not occur. However, if you're still encountering this error, it could be due to one of the following reasons: 1. The package.json file you've shown might not be the one being used in your deployment environment. Make sure this file is correctly copied to the right location in your Docker image. 2. There might be an issue with how npm is reading the package.json file in your deployment environment. 3. The error could be coming from a different part of your deployment process that's not correctly referencing this package.json file. To troubleshoot this: 1. Verify that this package.json file is correctly copied to your Docker image during the build process. You can do this by adding a step in your Dockerfile to print out the contents of the package.json file:
RUN cat /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json

RUN cat /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json

2. Ensure that your Dockerfile's CMD instruction matches the script name exactly:
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]

CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]

3. If you're using any deployment scripts or configurations (like a fly.toml file for Fly.io), make sure they're correctly referencing this start-production script. If you've verified all of these and are still seeing the "Missing script" error, it would be beneficial to report this issue to the Wasp GitHub repository with all the details you've gathered. There might be an underlying issue with how Wasp is handling the deployment process that the Wasp team needs to address. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai thats fixed but now we get - RUN cat /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books:
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai sorry we get this now - Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: failed to solve: invalid containerPort: (ensure
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- I apologize, but I made a mistake in my previous response. The RUN cat /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json command was meant to be a debugging step to verify the contents of the package.json file during the Docker build process, not a fix for your deployment issue. Since you've mentioned that the previous issue is fixed, let's focus on the current problem. It seems that you've added this line to your Dockerfile, which is causing an error during the build process. This is because the RUN command is being executed before the necessary files are copied into the Docker image. To resolve this issue and properly verify the contents of your package.json file, you should: 1. Remove the RUN cat /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json line from your Dockerfile. 2. If you want to verify the contents of the package.json file during the build process, you can add this line after all the COPY commands in your Dockerfile, like this:
# Copy bundled server files
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/bundle .wasp/build/server/bundle
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/package*.json .wasp/build/server/
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/scripts .wasp/build/server/scripts
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/db/ .wasp/build/db/

# Verify package.json contents (optional)
RUN cat /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json

# Expose the application port (ensure PORT is set appropriately)

# Copy bundled server files
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/bundle .wasp/build/server/bundle
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/package*.json .wasp/build/server/
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/server/scripts .wasp/build/server/scripts
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build/db/ .wasp/build/db/

# Verify package.json contents (optional)
RUN cat /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json

# Expose the application port (ensure PORT is set appropriately)

3. After making these changes, rebuild your Docker image and redeploy your application. If you're still encountering issues after removing or correctly placing the RUN cat command, please provide the new error message or logs you're seeing. This will help in further diagnosing any remaining deployment problems. Remember, the RUN cat command is not necessary for your application to function properly; it's only useful for debugging purposes during the build process. If your application is deploying and running correctly without it, you can safely remove this line from your Dockerfile. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins? ---------------------- I apologize, but the error message you've provided is incomplete, which makes it difficult to diagnose the exact issue. However, based on the partial error message and the context of our previous conversation about deploying a Wasp application to Fly.io, I can provide some insights and suggestions. The error message "Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: failed to solve: invalid containerPort" suggests there might be an issue with how the container port is specified in your deployment configuration. This could be related to the EXPOSE directive in your Dockerfile or the port configuration in your fly.toml file. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve this issue: 1. Check your Dockerfile: Ensure that the EXPOSE directive in your Dockerfile is correctly set. It should match the port your application is listening on. In the Dockerfile we discussed earlier, it was set to 8080:


Make sure this port matches the one your application is actually using. 2. Verify your fly.toml file: If you have a fly.toml file in your project root, check the [http_service] section. It should specify the correct internal_port. For example:
internal_port = 8080
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = true
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 0
processes = ["app"]

internal_port = 8080
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = true
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 0
processes = ["app"]

Ensure that the internal_port matches the port exposed in your Dockerfile and the port your application is listening on. 3. Check your server code: Make sure your server is configured to listen on the correct port. Often, this is done by reading from an environment variable:
const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server listening on port ${port}`);

const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server listening on port ${port}`);

4. Rebuild and redeploy: After making any necessary changes, try rebuilding your Wasp project and redeploying:
wasp build
wasp deploy fly deploy

wasp build
wasp deploy fly deploy

If you continue to face issues after checking these points, it would be helpful to see the complete error message and any relevant configuration files (Dockerfile, fly.toml, etc.). With more detailed information, we can provide more specific guidance. Remember, Wasp is designed to handle much of this configuration automatically, so if you're consistently encountering these issues, it might indicate a problem with how Wasp is generating your deployment files. In that case, reporting the issue to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues) would be beneficial. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai jkp@DESKTOP-8S2VLLC:/usr/Projects/yt/app/.wasp/build$ flyctl deploy ==> Verifying app config Validating /usr/Projects/yt/app/.wasp/build/fly.toml āœ“ Configuration is valid --> Verified app config ==> Building image ==> Building image with Depot --> build: (ā€‹) [+] Building 0.5s (2/2) FINISHED
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.1s => => transferring dockerfile: 1.82kB 0.1s => [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/node:20-alpine 0.3s ==> Building image ==> Building image with Depot --> build: (ā€‹) [+] Building 0.2s (2/2) FINISHED
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.1s => => transferring dockerfile: 1.82kB 0.1s => [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/node:20-alpine 0.1s Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: failed to solve: invalid containerPort: (ensure for some reason it gets cut offf
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the error message you've provided, it appears that the deployment process is failing during the Docker image build stage. The error suggests there's an issue with the container port configuration, but unfortunately, the full error message is cut off, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact problem. However, given the context of deploying a Wasp application to Fly.io, here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve this issue: 1. Check your Dockerfile: Ensure that the EXPOSE directive in your Dockerfile is correctly set. It should match the port your application is listening on. Typically, it would look like this:


Make sure this port matches the one your application is actually using. 2. Verify your fly.toml file: Check the fly.toml file in your project root. Look for the [http_service] section and ensure the internal_port is correctly set. For example:
internal_port = 8080
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = true
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 0
processes = ["app"]

internal_port = 8080
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = true
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 0
processes = ["app"]

The internal_port should match the port exposed in your Dockerfile and the port your application is listening on. 3. Check your server code: Ensure your server is configured to listen on the correct port. Often, this is done by reading from an environment variable:
const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server listening on port ${port}`);

const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server listening on port ${port}`);

4. Clean and rebuild: Try cleaning your Wasp project and rebuilding before deploying:
wasp clean
wasp build
flyctl deploy

wasp clean
wasp build
flyctl deploy

5. Check Fly.io documentation: Review the Fly.io documentation for Node.js applications (https://fly.io/docs/languages-and-frameworks/node/) to ensure you're following all the recommended practices for deploying Node.js apps on Fly.io. If the issue persists after trying these steps, it would be helpful to see the complete error message. You might need to increase the output buffer size of your terminal to capture the full error message. Alternatively, you could try redirecting the output to a file:
flyctl deploy 2>&1 | tee deploy_log.txt
flyctl deploy 2>&1 | tee deploy_log.txt
This will both display the output and save it to a file, allowing you to see the full error message. If you're still unable to resolve the issue, consider reporting it to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues) with all the details you've gathered, including your Dockerfile, fly.toml, and the full error message. The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the deployment process. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai jkp@DESKTOP-8S2VLLC:/usr/Projects/yt/app/.wasp/build$ flyctl deploy 2>&1 | tee deploy_log.txt ==> Verifying app config Validating /usr/Projects/yt/app/.wasp/build/fly.toml āœ“ Configuration is valid --> Verified app config ==> Building image Waiting for depot builder... ==> Building image with Depot --> build: (ā€‹) #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile #1 transferring dockerfile: 1.82kB 0.1s done #1 DONE 0.1s #2 [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/node:20-alpine #2 DONE 0.6s ==> Building image Waiting for depot builder... ==> Building image with Depot --> build: (ā€‹) #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile #1 transferring dockerfile: 1.82kB 0.1s done #1 DONE 0.1s #2 [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/node:20-alpine #2 DONE 0.2s Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: failed to solve: invalid containerPort: (ensure
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the output you've provided, it appears that the deployment process is still failing during the Docker image build stage. The error message is unfortunately still cut off, but it suggests there's an issue with the container port configuration. Given that we're still encountering the same error, let's try a more systematic approach to troubleshoot this issue: 1. Dockerfile Review: Check your Dockerfile in the .wasp/build/ directory. Ensure that the EXPOSE directive is correctly set and matches the port your application is using. It should look something like this:


2. fly.toml Configuration: Review your fly.toml file in the project root. Make sure the internal_port in the [http_service] section matches the port exposed in your Dockerfile. For example:
internal_port = 8080
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = true
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 0
processes = ["app"]

internal_port = 8080
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = true
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 0
processes = ["app"]

3. Server Code Check: Verify that your server code is set to listen on the correct port. It should be using an environment variable or a default port that matches your Dockerfile and fly.toml configurations:
const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server listening on port ${port}`);

const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server listening on port ${port}`);

4. Fly.io Version: Ensure you're using the latest version of the Fly.io CLI. You can update it using:
flyctl version update

flyctl version update

5. Wasp Version: Make sure you're using the latest version of Wasp. You can check your version with wasp version and update if necessary. 6. Clean Build: Try a clean build of your Wasp project:
wasp clean
wasp build

wasp clean
wasp build

7. Verbose Deployment: Try deploying with verbose output to get more information:
flyctl deploy --verbose 2>&1 | tee verbose_deploy_log.txt

flyctl deploy --verbose 2>&1 | tee verbose_deploy_log.txt

If after trying these steps you're still encountering the same error, it would be beneficial to report this issue to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues). Include the following information in your report: - The content of your Dockerfile - Your fly.toml file - The verbose deployment log - Your Wasp version (wasp version) - Your Fly.io CLI version (flyctl version) The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on this detailed information and the current version of Wasp. They may be able to identify if this is a known issue or provide a workaround specific to your setup. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai in docker how to print the contnets of package.json cos i get a 2024-12-23T18:14:52.462 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] npm error Missing script: "start-production" with this docker file - # Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base FROM node:20 AS base Copy the Wasp-generated files COPY .wasp/build/ /app/ Set the working directory WORKDIR /app Install dependencies RUN npm install Add any custom steps here RUN echo "Custom build step" Expose the port the app runs on EXPOSE 8080 WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server Start the app CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on your Dockerfile and the error message you're encountering, it seems that the "start-production" script is missing from your package.json file. To diagnose this issue, we can add a step to print the contents of the package.json file during the Docker build process. Here's how you can modify your Dockerfile to do this:
# Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base
FROM node:20 AS base

# Copy the Wasp-generated files
COPY .wasp/build/ /app/

# Set the working directory

# Print the contents of package.json
RUN cat /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json

# Install dependencies
RUN npm install

# Add any custom steps here
RUN echo "Custom build step"

# Expose the port the app runs on

WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server

# Print the contents of package.json again (to ensure it hasn't changed)
RUN cat /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json

# Start the app
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
# Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base
FROM node:20 AS base

# Copy the Wasp-generated files
COPY .wasp/build/ /app/

# Set the working directory

# Print the contents of package.json
RUN cat /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json

# Install dependencies
RUN npm install

# Add any custom steps here
RUN echo "Custom build step"

# Expose the port the app runs on

WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server

# Print the contents of package.json again (to ensure it hasn't changed)
RUN cat /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json

# Start the app
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
This modified Dockerfile adds two RUN cat commands to print the contents of the package.json file: one before the npm install step and one just before the final CMD instruction. This will allow you to see the contents of the package.json file during the build process and verify if the "start-production" script is present. After making these changes, try rebuilding your Docker image. The output should include the contents of the package.json file, which will help you determine if the "start-production" script is missing or if there's another issue. If you find that the "start-production" script is indeed missing from the package.json file, you may need to modify your Wasp configuration or manually add the script to the package.json file in your project before building the Docker image. Remember, manually editing files in the .wasp/build/ directory is not ideal, as these changes may be overwritten when you rebuild your project. If you consistently find that the "start-production" script is missing, it would be beneficial to report this issue to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues) for further assistance. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai => ERROR [7/7] RUN cat /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json 0.1s ------
[7/7] RUN cat /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json:
0.060 cat: /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json: No such file or directory ------ => CACHED [2/7] COPY .wasp/build/ /app/ 0.0s => CACHED [3/7] WORKDIR /app 0.0s => CACHED [4/7] RUN npm install 0.0s => CACHED [5/7] RUN echo "Custom build step" 0.0s => CACHED [6/7] WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server 0.0s => ERROR [7/7] RUN cat /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json 0.1s ------
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books:
MEE6ā€¢3mo ago
Wohooo @ArDev, you just became a Waspeteer level 10!
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
---------------------- Based on the error message you've provided, it appears that the file /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json does not exist in your Docker image. This suggests that the file structure within your Docker image is not what you expected. Let's analyze this issue and provide some potential solutions: 1. File Structure Issue: The error indicates that the expected directory structure (/app/.wasp/build/server/) or the package.json file within it doesn't exist after copying the files into the Docker image. 2. COPY Command: The COPY .wasp/build/ /app/ command in your Dockerfile might not be copying the files as expected. This could be due to the source directory structure not matching what you anticipate. To resolve this issue, try the following steps: 1. Verify Local File Structure: Before building the Docker image, check your local project structure. Ensure that the .wasp/build/server/package.json file exists in your project directory. 2. Modify COPY Command: If the file exists locally but isn't being copied correctly, try modifying the COPY command in your Dockerfile:
COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build

COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build

This ensures that the entire .wasp/build directory structure is preserved in the Docker image. 3. Debug File Structure: Add a step in your Dockerfile to list the contents of the directories:
RUN ls -R /app

RUN ls -R /app

This will show you the actual file structure in the Docker image during build. 4. Check Wasp Build Process: Ensure that your Wasp build process is generating the expected file structure. Run wasp build locally and verify that the .wasp/build/server/package.json file is created. 5. Use Multi-stage Build: If the issue persists, consider using a multi-stage build to ensure all necessary files are included:
FROM node:20 AS builder
COPY . .
RUN wasp build

FROM node:20
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build /app/.wasp/build
WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server
RUN cat package.json
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]

FROM node:20 AS builder
COPY . .
RUN wasp build

FROM node:20
COPY --from=builder /app/.wasp/build /app/.wasp/build
WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server
RUN cat package.json
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]

This approach builds your Wasp project in a separate stage and then copies only the necessary files to the final image. If after trying these steps you're still encountering issues, it would be beneficial to report this to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues). Include details about your project structure, Wasp version, and the steps you've taken to troubleshoot. The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the build process. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai => ERROR [5/8] RUN npm install 0.5s ------
[5/8] RUN npm install:
0.520 npm error code ENOENT 0.520 npm error syscall open 0.520 npm error path /app/package.json 0.521 npm error errno -2 0.521 npm error enoent Could not read package.json: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/app/package.json' 0.521 npm error enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file. 0.521 npm error enoent 0.522 npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /root/.npm/_logs/2024-12-23T18_18_34_795Z-debug-0.log ------ ==> Building image 1.1s
[5/8] RUN npm install:
0.556 npm error code ENOENT 0.557 npm error syscall open 0.557 npm error path /app/package.json 0.557 npm error errno -2 0.557 npm error enoent Could not read package.json: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/app/package.json' 0.558 npm error enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file. 0.558 npm error enoent 0.559 npm error A complete log of t Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base FROM node:20 AS base Copy the Wasp-generated files COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build RUN ls -R /app
Set the working directory WORKDIR /app Install dependencies RUN npm install Add any custom steps here RUN echo "Custom build step" Expose the port the app runs on EXPOSE 8080 WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server RUN cat /app/.wasp/build/server/package.json Start the app CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the error message and the Dockerfile you've provided, it appears that the package.json file is not in the expected location. The error suggests that npm is looking for a package.json file in the /app directory, but it's not there. Let's analyze the issue and provide a solution: 1. File Structure Issue: The package.json file is likely located in /app/.wasp/build/server/ instead of /app/. 2. WORKDIR and npm install mismatch: You're changing the working directory to /app, but the package.json file is in a subdirectory. To resolve this issue, try the following modifications to your Dockerfile:
# Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base
FROM node:20 AS base

# Copy the Wasp-generated files
COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build

# List the contents of the /app directory for debugging
RUN ls -R /app

# Set the working directory to where the package.json is located
WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server

# Print the contents of package.json for verification
RUN cat package.json

# Install dependencies
RUN npm install

# Add any custom steps here
RUN echo "Custom build step"

# Expose the port the app runs on

# Start the app
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
# Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base
FROM node:20 AS base

# Copy the Wasp-generated files
COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build

# List the contents of the /app directory for debugging
RUN ls -R /app

# Set the working directory to where the package.json is located
WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server

# Print the contents of package.json for verification
RUN cat package.json

# Install dependencies
RUN npm install

# Add any custom steps here
RUN echo "Custom build step"

# Expose the port the app runs on

# Start the app
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
These changes do the following: 1. We keep the COPY command as you modified it, which should preserve the directory structure. 2. We change the WORKDIR to /app/.wasp/build/server before running npm install. This ensures that npm is run in the directory containing the package.json file. 3. We print the contents of the package.json file to verify its presence and content. 4. We remove the second WORKDIR command as it's no longer needed. After making these changes, try rebuilding your Docker image. This should resolve the "Could not read package.json" error and allow the build process to continue. If you still encounter issues after making these changes, it would be beneficial to report this to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues). Include details about your project structure, Wasp version, and the steps you've taken to troubleshoot. The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the build process. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai now we get this - 2024-12-23T18:21:33.638 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] > [email protected] start-production 2024-12-23T18:21:33.638 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] > npm run db-migrate-prod && NODE_ENV=production npm run start 2024-12-23T18:21:33.780 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] > [email protected] db-migrate-prod 2024-12-23T18:21:33.780 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] > prisma migrate deploy --schema=../db/schema.prisma 2024-12-23T18:21:33.784 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] sh: 1: prisma: not found 2024-12-23T18:21:34.037 proxy[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [error] [PR04] could not find a good candidate within 21 attempts at load balancing
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the error message you've provided, it appears that the prisma command is not found in your Docker container. This is likely because Prisma CLI is not installed or not in the system's PATH. Let's address this issue: 1. Prisma CLI Missing: The error sh: 1: prisma: not found indicates that the Prisma CLI is not installed or not accessible in the container. 2. Load Balancing Error: The second error about load balancing is likely a consequence of the first error causing the application to fail to start. To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that Prisma CLI is installed in your Docker container. Here's how you can modify your Dockerfile to include Prisma CLI:
# Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base
FROM node:20 AS base

# Copy the Wasp-generated files
COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build

# Set the working directory to where the package.json is located
WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server

# Print the contents of package.json for verification
RUN cat package.json

# Install dependencies including Prisma CLI
RUN npm install && npm install prisma --save-dev

# Add Prisma CLI to PATH
ENV PATH="/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/.bin:${PATH}"

# Add any custom steps here
RUN echo "Custom build step"

# Expose the port the app runs on

# Start the app
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
# Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base
FROM node:20 AS base

# Copy the Wasp-generated files
COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build

# Set the working directory to where the package.json is located
WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server

# Print the contents of package.json for verification
RUN cat package.json

# Install dependencies including Prisma CLI
RUN npm install && npm install prisma --save-dev

# Add Prisma CLI to PATH
ENV PATH="/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/.bin:${PATH}"

# Add any custom steps here
RUN echo "Custom build step"

# Expose the port the app runs on

# Start the app
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
These changes do the following: 1. We install Prisma CLI as a dev dependency using npm install prisma --save-dev. 2. We add the local node_modules/.bin directory to the PATH, ensuring that the prisma command is accessible. After making these changes, rebuild your Docker image and try deploying again. This should resolve the "prisma: not found" error and allow your database migrations to run successfully. If you continue to face issues after implementing these changes, consider the following additional steps: 1. Verify your database connection string in the environment variables. 2. Ensure that your database is accessible from the Fly.io deployment environment. 3. Check if there are any issues with your Prisma schema or migrations. If the problem persists, it would be beneficial to report this issue to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues). Include details about your project structure, Wasp version, and the steps you've taken to troubleshoot. The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the deployment process. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai 2024-12-23T18:23:27.077 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:854 2024-12-23T18:23:27.077 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] throw new ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND(packageName, fileURLToPath(base), null); 2024-12-23T18:23:27.077 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] ^ 2024-12-23T18:23:27.077 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package 'wasp' imported from /app/.wasp/build/server/scripts/validate-env.mjs
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- This error message indicates that the Node.js runtime is unable to find the 'wasp' package when trying to import it in the validate-env.mjs script. This is likely because the Wasp SDK is not properly installed or accessible in your Docker container. Let's address this issue: 1. Missing Wasp Package: The error Cannot find package 'wasp' imported from /app/.wasp/build/server/scripts/validate-env.mjs suggests that the Wasp SDK is not installed or not in the correct location within your Docker image. To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the Wasp SDK is properly installed and accessible in your Docker container. Here's how you can modify your Dockerfile to include the Wasp SDK: 1. Update your Dockerfile: Add a step to install the Wasp SDK. You can do this by adding the following lines to your Dockerfile:
# Install Wasp SDK
RUN npm install wasp

# Install Wasp SDK
RUN npm install wasp

Place this line after the npm install command but before the CMD instruction. 2. Verify the import statement: Check the validate-env.mjs file to ensure that the import statement for the Wasp package is correct. It should look something like this:
import { ... } from 'wasp';

import { ... } from 'wasp';

3. Update the NODE_PATH: To ensure Node.js can find the Wasp package, you might need to update the NODE_PATH environment variable. Add this to your Dockerfile:
ENV NODE_PATH=/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules

ENV NODE_PATH=/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules

Your updated Dockerfile might look something like this:
# Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base
FROM node:20 AS base

# Copy the Wasp-generated files
COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build

# Set the working directory to where the package.json is located
WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server
# Install dependencies including Prisma CLI and Wasp SDK
RUN npm install && npm install prisma --save-dev && npm install wasp

# Add Prisma CLI and local node_modules to PATH
ENV PATH="/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/.bin:${PATH}"
ENV NODE_PATH=/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules

# Expose the port the app runs on

# Start the app
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
# Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base
FROM node:20 AS base

# Copy the Wasp-generated files
COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build

# Set the working directory to where the package.json is located
WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server
# Install dependencies including Prisma CLI and Wasp SDK
RUN npm install && npm install prisma --save-dev && npm install wasp

# Add Prisma CLI and local node_modules to PATH
ENV PATH="/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/.bin:${PATH}"
ENV NODE_PATH=/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules

# Expose the port the app runs on

# Start the app
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
After making these changes, rebuild your Docker image and try deploying again. This should resolve the "Cannot find package 'wasp'" error and allow your application to start properly. If you continue to face issues after implementing these changes, it would be beneficial to report this to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues). Include details about your project structure, Wasp version, and the steps you've taken to troubleshoot. The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the deployment process. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai throw new ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND( 2024-12-23T18:26:31.772 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] ^ 2024-12-23T18:26:31.772 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module '/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp/universal/validators' imported from /app/.wasp/build/server/scripts/validate-env.mjs 2024-12-23T18:26:31.772 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] at finalizeResolution (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:265:11) 2024-12-23T18:26:31.772 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] at moduleResolve (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:933:10) 2024-12-23T18:26:31.772 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] at defaultResolve (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:1169:11) 2024-12-23T18:26:31.772 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] at ModuleLoader.defaultResolve (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:542:12) 2024-12-23T18:26:31.772 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] at ModuleLoader.resolve (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:510:25) 2024-12-23T18:26:31.772 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] at ModuleLoader.getModuleJob (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:239:38) 2024-12-23T18:26:31.772 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] at ModuleWrap.<anonymous> (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:96:40) 2024-12-23T18:26:31.772 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] at link (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:95:36) { 2024-12-23T18:26:31.772 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] code: 'ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND', 2024-12-23T18:26:31.772 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] url: 'file:///app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp/universal/validators' 2024-12-23T18:26:31.772 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] } 2024-12-23T18:26:31.772 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] Node.js v20.18.1
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the error message you've provided, it appears that the Node.js runtime is unable to find a specific module within the Wasp package. The error suggests that the file structure or the installation of the Wasp package in your Docker container is not correct. Let's address this issue: 1. Missing Module: The error Cannot find module '/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp/universal/validators' indicates that this specific module is not present in the expected location. To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps: 1. Verify Wasp Installation: Ensure that the Wasp package is correctly installed in your Docker container. You can modify your Dockerfile to explicitly install the Wasp package:
# Install Wasp package
RUN npm install wasp@latest

# Install Wasp package
RUN npm install wasp@latest

2. Check File Structure: Verify that the Wasp package has the correct file structure. You can add a step in your Dockerfile to list the contents of the Wasp package:
RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp

RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp

3. Update Import Statement: If the module structure has changed in a recent Wasp version, you might need to update the import statement in your validate-env.mjs file. Check if there's an updated way to import the validators. 4. Use Local SDK: Instead of installing the Wasp package from npm, you might need to use the locally generated SDK. Modify your Dockerfile to copy the SDK:
COPY .wasp/out/sdk /app/.wasp/out/sdk

COPY .wasp/out/sdk /app/.wasp/out/sdk

And update your package.json to reference this local SDK:
"dependencies": {
"wasp": "file:.wasp/out/sdk/wasp"

"dependencies": {
"wasp": "file:.wasp/out/sdk/wasp"

5. Rebuild and Redeploy: After making these changes, rebuild your Docker image and redeploy:
wasp build
flyctl deploy

wasp build
flyctl deploy

If these steps don't resolve the issue, it would be beneficial to report this to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues). Include details about your project structure, Wasp version, and the steps you've taken to troubleshoot. The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the SDK structure or deployment process. Remember, the Wasp framework is actively developed, and the structure of the SDK or the deployment process might have changed in recent versions. Always ensure you're using the latest version of Wasp and following the most up-to-date deployment guidelines. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
COPY .wasp/out/sdk /app/.wasp/out/sdk @kapa.ai we can do this, but how to put it in the dockerfile? # Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base FROM node:20 AS base Copy the Wasp-generated files COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build Set the working directory to where the package.json is located WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server Print the contents of package.json for verification RUN cat package.json Install dependencies including Prisma CLI RUN npm install && npm install prisma --save-dev && npm install wasp Add Prisma CLI to PATH ENV PATH="/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/.bin:${PATH}" ENV NODE_PATH=/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules Add any custom steps here RUN echo "Custom build step" Expose the port the app runs on EXPOSE 8080 Start the app CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- To include the COPY .wasp/out/sdk /app/.wasp/out/sdk command in your Dockerfile, you should add it near the beginning of the Dockerfile, right after the initial COPY command. Here's how you can modify your Dockerfile to include this:
# Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base
FROM node:20 AS base

# Copy the Wasp-generated files
COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build

# Copy the Wasp SDK
COPY .wasp/out/sdk /app/.wasp/out/sdk

# Set the working directory to where the package.json is located
WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server

# Print the contents of package.json for verification
RUN cat package.json

# Install dependencies including Prisma CLI
RUN npm install && npm install prisma --save-dev && npm install wasp

# Add Prisma CLI to PATH
ENV PATH="/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/.bin:${PATH}"
ENV NODE_PATH=/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules

# Add any custom steps here
RUN echo "Custom build step"

# Expose the port the app runs on

# Start the app
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
# Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base
FROM node:20 AS base

# Copy the Wasp-generated files
COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build

# Copy the Wasp SDK
COPY .wasp/out/sdk /app/.wasp/out/sdk

# Set the working directory to where the package.json is located
WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server

# Print the contents of package.json for verification
RUN cat package.json

# Install dependencies including Prisma CLI
RUN npm install && npm install prisma --save-dev && npm install wasp

# Add Prisma CLI to PATH
ENV PATH="/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/.bin:${PATH}"
ENV NODE_PATH=/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules

# Add any custom steps here
RUN echo "Custom build step"

# Expose the port the app runs on

# Start the app
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
This modification ensures that the Wasp SDK is copied into the Docker image at the correct location. After making this change, you should also update your package.json to reference this local SDK, as mentioned in the previous answer:
"dependencies": {
"wasp": "file:.wasp/out/sdk/wasp"
"dependencies": {
"wasp": "file:.wasp/out/sdk/wasp"
Remember to rebuild your Docker image and redeploy after making these changes. This should help resolve the issue with the missing Wasp module. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module '/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp/universal/validators' imported from /app/.wasp/build/server/scripts/validate-env.mjs 2024-12-23T19:10:34.174 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] at finalizeResolution (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:265:11) 2024-12-23T19:10:34.174 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] at moduleResolve (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:933:10) 2024-12-23T19:10:34.174 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] at defaultResolve (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:1169:11) 2024-12-23T19:10:34.174 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] at ModuleLoader.defaultResolve (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:542:12) 2024-12-23T19:10:34.174 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] at ModuleLoader.resolve (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:510:25) 2024-12-23T19:10:34.174 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] at ModuleLoader.getModuleJob (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:239:38) 2024-12-23T19:10:34.174 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] at ModuleWrap.<anonymous> (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:96:40) 2024-12-23T19:10:34.174 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] at link (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:95:36) { 2024-12-23T19:10:34.174 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] code: 'ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND', 2024-12-23T19:10:34.174 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] url: 'file:///app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp/universal/validators'
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the error message you've provided, it appears that the Node.js runtime is still unable to find the 'wasp/universal/validators' module within your Docker container. This issue persists despite the changes we've made to the Dockerfile in our previous conversations. Let's try a few more approaches to resolve this: 1. Verify the Wasp SDK structure: Add a step in your Dockerfile to list the contents of the Wasp SDK directory:
RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp

RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp

This will help us understand if the 'universal/validators' directory exists in the copied SDK. 2. Update the import statement: The error suggests that the validate-env.mjs script is trying to import from 'wasp/universal/validators'. This import path might need to be updated. Check the validate-env.mjs file and update the import statement if necessary. It might look something like this:
import { validators } from '../../out/sdk/wasp/universal/validators';

import { validators } from '../../out/sdk/wasp/universal/validators';

3. Modify the NODE_PATH: Update the NODE_PATH environment variable in your Dockerfile to include the Wasp SDK directory:
ENV NODE_PATH=/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules:/app/.wasp/out/sdk

ENV NODE_PATH=/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules:/app/.wasp/out/sdk

4. Use a symlink: Create a symlink from the node_modules directory to the Wasp SDK:
RUN ln -s /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp

RUN ln -s /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp

5. Install Wasp locally: Instead of installing Wasp from npm, try to install it from the local SDK:
RUN npm install /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp

RUN npm install /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp

Here's an updated Dockerfile incorporating these changes:
# Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base
FROM node:20 AS base

# Copy the Wasp-generated files
COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build
COPY .wasp/out/sdk /app/.wasp/out/sdk
# Set the working directory to where the package.json is located
WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server

# Print the contents of package.json for verification
RUN cat package.json

# List Wasp SDK contents
RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp

# Install dependencies including Prisma CLI and local Wasp SDK
RUN npm install && npm install prisma --save-dev && npm install /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp

# Create symlink for Wasp
RUN ln -s /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp

# Add Prisma CLI and Wasp SDK to PATH
ENV PATH="/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/.bin:${PATH}"
ENV NODE_PATH=/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules:/app/.wasp/out/sdk

# Expose the port the app runs on

# Start the app
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
# Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base
FROM node:20 AS base

# Copy the Wasp-generated files
COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build
COPY .wasp/out/sdk /app/.wasp/out/sdk
# Set the working directory to where the package.json is located
WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server

# Print the contents of package.json for verification
RUN cat package.json

# List Wasp SDK contents
RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp

# Install dependencies including Prisma CLI and local Wasp SDK
RUN npm install && npm install prisma --save-dev && npm install /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp

# Create symlink for Wasp
RUN ln -s /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp

# Add Prisma CLI and Wasp SDK to PATH
ENV PATH="/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/.bin:${PATH}"
ENV NODE_PATH=/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules:/app/.wasp/out/sdk

# Expose the port the app runs on

# Start the app
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
After making these changes, rebuild your Docker image and try deploying again. If the issue persists, it would be beneficial to report this to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues). Include details about your project structure, Wasp version, and the steps you've taken to troubleshoot. The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the SDK structure or deployment process. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai [info] throw err; 2024-12-23T19:12:51.296 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] ^ 2024-12-23T19:12:51.296 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] Error: Cannot find module '/app/.wasp/build/server/bundle/server.js'
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the error message you've provided, it appears that the Node.js runtime is unable to find the server.js file in the expected location within your Docker container. This issue suggests that there might be a problem with how your Wasp application is being built or how the files are being copied into the Docker image. Let's address this issue: 1. Missing Server File: The error Cannot find module '/app/.wasp/build/server/bundle/server.js' indicates that the main server file is not present in the expected location after the build process. To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps: 1. Verify the build process: Ensure that the Wasp build process is correctly generating the server.js file. You can add a step in your Dockerfile to list the contents of the server directory:
RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/build/server

RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/build/server

This will help you understand if the bundle directory and server.js file are being created during the build process. 2. Check the bundle step: Make sure that the bundling step in your Dockerfile is working correctly. You might need to explicitly run the bundle script:
RUN npm run bundle

RUN npm run bundle

3. Update the start command: If the server.js file is in a different location, update the start command in your package.json file to point to the correct location. 4. Verify the COPY commands: Ensure that all necessary files are being copied into the Docker image. You might need to adjust the COPY commands in your Dockerfile:
COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build

COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build

Here's an updated version of the Dockerfile incorporating these changes:
# Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base
FROM node:20 AS base

# Copy the Wasp-generated files
COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build
COPY .wasp/out/sdk /app/.wasp/out/sdk
# Set the working directory
WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server

# Install dependencies
RUN npm install

# Run the bundle script
RUN npm run bundle

# List contents of the server directory for debugging
RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/build/server

# Expose the port the app runs on

# Start the app
CMD ["node", "bundle/server.js"]
# Use the Wasp-generated Dockerfile as a base
FROM node:20 AS base

# Copy the Wasp-generated files
COPY .wasp/build /app/.wasp/build
COPY .wasp/out/sdk /app/.wasp/out/sdk
# Set the working directory
WORKDIR /app/.wasp/build/server

# Install dependencies
RUN npm install

# Run the bundle script
RUN npm run bundle

# List contents of the server directory for debugging
RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/build/server

# Expose the port the app runs on

# Start the app
CMD ["node", "bundle/server.js"]
After making these changes, rebuild your Docker image and try deploying again. If the issue persists, it would be beneficial to report this to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues). Include details about your project structure, Wasp version, and the steps you've taken to troubleshoot. The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the build process or deployment procedures. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai give me the command to have detailed logging to fly deploy
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- To get detailed logging when deploying your Wasp application to Fly.io, you can use the --verbose flag with the flyctl deploy command. Here's the command you can use:
flyctl deploy --verbose
flyctl deploy --verbose
This command will provide more detailed output during the deployment process, which can be helpful for debugging issues. If you want to capture the output in a file for later analysis, you can redirect the output to a log file like this:
flyctl deploy --verbose 2>&1 | tee deploy_log.txt
flyctl deploy --verbose 2>&1 | tee deploy_log.txt
This command will both display the verbose output in your terminal and save it to a file named deploy_log.txt. These commands are based on the information provided in the Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) and the context of deploying Wasp applications to Fly.io. Using verbose logging can help you identify issues in the deployment process more easily. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai 2024-12-24T11:59:41.311 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module '/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp/universal/validators' imported from /app/.wasp/build/server/scripts/validate-env.mjs
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- This error message indicates that the Node.js runtime is unable to find the 'wasp/universal/validators' module within your Docker container. This is a common issue when deploying Wasp applications, especially if the file structure or module paths are not correctly set up. Let's address this problem step by step: 1. Verify Wasp SDK Location: First, ensure that the Wasp SDK is correctly copied into your Docker image. In your Dockerfile, you should have a command like this:
COPY .wasp/out/sdk /app/.wasp/out/sdk

COPY .wasp/out/sdk /app/.wasp/out/sdk

2. Update NODE_PATH: Make sure the NODE_PATH environment variable includes the path to the Wasp SDK. Add or update this line in your Dockerfile:
ENV NODE_PATH=/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules:/app/.wasp/out/sdk

ENV NODE_PATH=/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules:/app/.wasp/out/sdk

3. Create a Symlink: Create a symlink from the node_modules directory to the Wasp SDK. Add this line to your Dockerfile:
RUN ln -s /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp

RUN ln -s /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp

4. Install Wasp Locally: Instead of installing Wasp from npm, try to install it from the local SDK:
RUN npm install /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp

RUN npm install /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp

5. Verify File Structure: Add a step in your Dockerfile to list the contents of the relevant directories:
RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp
RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp

RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp
RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp

This will help you understand if the 'universal/validators' directory exists in the copied SDK. 6. Update Import Statement: If possible, check the validate-env.mjs file and update the import statement if necessary. It might need to be changed to something like:
import { validators } from '../../out/sdk/wasp/universal/validators';

import { validators } from '../../out/sdk/wasp/universal/validators';

After making these changes, rebuild your Docker image and try deploying again using the verbose logging command we discussed earlier:
flyctl deploy --verbose 2>&1 | tee deploy_log.txt
flyctl deploy --verbose 2>&1 | tee deploy_log.txt
If the issue persists after trying these steps, it would be beneficial to report this to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues). Include details about your project structure, Wasp version, and the steps you've taken to troubleshoot. The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the SDK structure or deployment process. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai in my D:\AI Projects\wsl backup\yt new\app.wasp\build\server\node_modules i cant find the wasp folder?
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the information you've provided, it appears that the 'wasp' folder is missing from your node_modules directory. This is likely the root cause of the deployment issues you've been experiencing. Let's address this problem: 1. Missing Wasp Package: The absence of the 'wasp' folder in your node_modules directory suggests that the Wasp package is not being installed correctly during the build process. To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps: 1. Manually Install Wasp: First, try manually installing the Wasp package in your project. Navigate to your project directory in the WSL environment and run:
cd /mnt/d/AI\ Projects/wsl\ backup/yt\ new/app/.wasp/build/server
npm install wasp

cd /mnt/d/AI\ Projects/wsl\ backup/yt\ new/app/.wasp/build/server
npm install wasp

2. Check package.json: Verify that 'wasp' is listed as a dependency in your package.json file. It should look something like this:
"dependencies": {
"wasp": "file:../../out/sdk/wasp"

"dependencies": {
"wasp": "file:../../out/sdk/wasp"

This assumes that the Wasp SDK is located in the ../../out/sdk/wasp directory relative to your server folder. 3. Rebuild the Project: After making these changes, try rebuilding your Wasp project:
wasp build

wasp build

4. Verify Installation: After rebuilding, check if the 'wasp' folder is now present in your node_modules directory. If these steps don't resolve the issue, it's possible that there's a problem with how the Wasp SDK is being generated or referenced in your project. In this case, it would be beneficial to report this issue to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues). Include details about your project structure, Wasp version, and the steps you've taken to troubleshoot. Remember, when working with Wasp in a WSL environment on Windows, it's important to keep your project files on the Linux file system to avoid potential issues with file permissions and symlinks. If your project is currently on the Windows file system (D: drive), consider moving it to the WSL file system for better compatibility. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai can you give me an example of a correct wasp/build foldeer
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- I apologize, but I don't have a specific example of a correct Wasp build folder structure in the provided knowledge sources. The exact structure of a Wasp build folder can vary depending on the project configuration and Wasp version. However, I can provide you with some general information about the Wasp project structure based on the available knowledge: 1. After creating a new Wasp project, you typically get a file structure that looks like this:
ā”œā”€ā”€ .gitignore
ā”œā”€ā”€ main.wasp
ā”œā”€ā”€ package.json
ā”œā”€ā”€ public
ā”‚ ā””ā”€ā”€ .gitkeep
ā”œā”€ā”€ src
ā”‚ ā”œā”€ā”€ Main.css
ā”‚ ā”œā”€ā”€ MainPage.jsx
ā”‚ ā”œā”€ā”€ queries.ts
ā”‚ ā”œā”€ā”€ vite-env.d.ts
ā”‚ ā”œā”€ā”€ .waspignore
ā”‚ ā””ā”€ā”€ waspLogo.png
ā”œā”€ā”€ tsconfig.json
ā”œā”€ā”€ vite.config.ts
ā””ā”€ā”€ .wasproot
ā”œā”€ā”€ .gitignore
ā”œā”€ā”€ main.wasp
ā”œā”€ā”€ package.json
ā”œā”€ā”€ public
ā”‚ ā””ā”€ā”€ .gitkeep
ā”œā”€ā”€ src
ā”‚ ā”œā”€ā”€ Main.css
ā”‚ ā”œā”€ā”€ MainPage.jsx
ā”‚ ā”œā”€ā”€ queries.ts
ā”‚ ā”œā”€ā”€ vite-env.d.ts
ā”‚ ā”œā”€ā”€ .waspignore
ā”‚ ā””ā”€ā”€ waspLogo.png
ā”œā”€ā”€ tsconfig.json
ā”œā”€ā”€ vite.config.ts
ā””ā”€ā”€ .wasproot
2. When you run wasp build, it generates deployable code for the whole app in the .wasp/build/ directory. 3. The .wasp/build directory typically contains the server code, including the bundled server files and necessary configuration for deployment. 4. There should be a package.json file in the .wasp/build/server directory that includes the necessary scripts and dependencies for running the server in production. 5. The build folder should also include the compiled and bundled client-side code, typically in a web-app or similar directory. If you're experiencing issues with your build folder structure or missing files, it might be helpful to: 1. Ensure you're using the latest version of Wasp. 2. Try running wasp clean followed by wasp build to regenerate the build folder. 3. If problems persist, consider reporting the issue to the Wasp GitHub repository with details about your project structure and Wasp version. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) Source: Docs > Tutorial > 2. Project Structure Part 1 (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/tutorial/project-structure) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai when doing wasp start everything works, but when doing fly deploy there are issues?
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the information provided in our conversation history and the knowledge sources, it's common to encounter issues when deploying a Wasp application to Fly.io even if it works fine locally with wasp start. This discrepancy often occurs due to differences in the environment and build process between local development and deployment. Let's address some potential reasons and solutions: 1. Environment Variables: Ensure that all necessary environment variables are properly set in your Fly.io deployment. You can set secrets using the Wasp CLI:
wasp deploy fly launch my-wasp-app mia --server-secret MY_SECRET=value

wasp deploy fly launch my-wasp-app mia --server-secret MY_SECRET=value

Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) 2. Build Process: The wasp deploy fly deploy command uses a remote Fly.io builder by default. If you want to build locally (which might help diagnose issues), you can use:
wasp deploy fly deploy --build-locally

wasp deploy fly deploy --build-locally

Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/cli#building-locally) 3. Dockerfile Issues: Ensure your Dockerfile is correctly configured. You might need to customize it for your specific needs. For example, adding OpenSSL support:
RUN apk add --no-cache python3 openssl1.1-compat

RUN apk add --no-cache python3 openssl1.1-compat

Source: GitHub Issue #877 (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/877) 4. Missing Dependencies: Make sure all required dependencies are properly installed in the deployment environment. This includes both npm packages and system-level dependencies. 5. File Structure: Verify that your project structure matches what Wasp expects, especially in the .wasp/build directory. Ensure all necessary files are being copied into the Docker image during the build process. 6. Port Configuration: Make sure your application is configured to listen on the correct port (usually 8080) in the deployment environment. 7. Database Migrations: If you're using a database, ensure that migrations are running correctly during deployment. To troubleshoot deployment issues, you can use verbose logging:
flyctl deploy --verbose 2>&1 | tee deploy_log.txt
flyctl deploy --verbose 2>&1 | tee deploy_log.txt
This will provide more detailed output during the deployment process. If you continue to face issues after trying these steps, it would be beneficial to report the problem to the Wasp GitHub repository (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues). Include details about your project structure, Wasp version, and the steps you've taken to troubleshoot. The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the deployment process. Remember, deploying to production environments often requires additional configuration and troubleshooting compared to local development. The Wasp team is actively working on improving the deployment process and addressing common issues. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
ArDevOPā€¢3mo ago
@kapa.ai 2024-12-24T17:53:29.953 app[3d8ddedb396d58] lhr [info] Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module '/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp/server' imported from /app/.wasp/build/server/bundle/server.js
kapa.aiā€¢3mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- This error message indicates that the Node.js runtime is unable to find the 'wasp/server' module within your Docker container during the deployment process on Fly.io. This issue is similar to the previous errors we've discussed, but it's specifically related to the server module of Wasp. Let's address this problem: 1. Missing Wasp Server Module: The error suggests that the Wasp server module is not properly installed or accessible in your deployment environment. To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps: 1. Verify Wasp SDK Installation: Ensure that the Wasp SDK is correctly installed in your Docker image. Add or modify these lines in your Dockerfile:
COPY .wasp/out/sdk /app/.wasp/out/sdk
RUN npm install /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp

COPY .wasp/out/sdk /app/.wasp/out/sdk
RUN npm install /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp

2. Update NODE_PATH: Make sure the NODE_PATH environment variable includes the path to the Wasp SDK. Add this line to your Dockerfile:
ENV NODE_PATH=/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules:/app/.wasp/out/sdk

ENV NODE_PATH=/app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules:/app/.wasp/out/sdk

3. Create a Symlink: Create a symlink from the node_modules directory to the Wasp SDK. Add this line to your Dockerfile:
RUN ln -s /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp

RUN ln -s /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp

4. Verify File Structure: Add a step in your Dockerfile to list the contents of the relevant directories:
RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp
RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp

RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp
RUN ls -R /app/.wasp/build/server/node_modules/wasp

This will help you understand if the 'server' directory exists in the copied SDK. 5. Check Import Statement: If possible, review the server.js file in your build output and ensure that the import statement for 'wasp/server' is correct. After making these changes, rebuild your Docker image and try deploying again using the verbose logging command:
flyctl deploy --verbose 2>&1 | tee deploy_log.txt
flyctl deploy --verbose 2>&1 | tee deploy_log.txt
If the issue persists after trying these steps, it would be beneficial to report this to the Wasp GitHub repository. Include details about your project structure, Wasp version, and the steps you've taken to troubleshoot. The Wasp team can provide more specific guidance based on the current version of Wasp and any recent changes to the SDK structure or deployment process. Source: Wasp Deployment Overview (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/advanced/deployment/overview) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ---------------------- Sorry @ArDev, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my support and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
Filipā€¢3mo ago
Hey @ArDev, if you're still having problems and need human help, please summarise the current situation for me and I'll look into it

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