[SOLVED] OpenSaaS installation docker and db issue

i tried
wasp start db
wasp start db
and getting this error. How to fix this and procceed? Error message: ✨ Starting a PostgreSQL dev database (based on your Wasp config) ✨ Additional info: ℹ Connection URL, in case you might want to connect with external tools: postgresql://postgresWaspDevUser:postgresWaspDevPass@localhost:5432/SaaSTemplate-8e5c6bf866 ℹ Database data is persisted in a docker volume with the following name (useful to know if you will want to delete it at some point): wasp-dev-db-SaaSTemplate-8e5c6bf866 ... docker: permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/containers/create?name=wasp-dev-db-SaaSTemplate-8e5c6bf866": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied. See 'docker run --help'. wasp-bin: callCommand: docker run --name wasp-dev-db-SaaSTemplate-8e5c6bf866 --rm --publish 5432:5432 -v wasp-dev-db-SaaSTemplate-8e5c6bf866:/var/lib/postgresql/data --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgresWaspDevPass --env POSTGRES_USER=postgresWaspDevUser --env POSTGRES_DB=SaaSTemplate-8e5c6bf866 postgres (exit 126): failed I'm new in WASP and docker both. OS: Ubuntu
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12 Replies
Boris10mo ago
From the looks of it, you don't have Docker permissions set up properly. Can you follow this guide? https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/#manage-docker-as-a-non-root-user
Docker Documentation
Linux post-installation steps for Docker Engine
Find the recommended Docker Engine post-installation steps for Linux users, including how to run Docker as a non-root user and more.
Boris10mo ago
If you want to, you can install Docker Desktop, which should make the whole thing easier https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/linux-install/
Docker Documentation
Install Docker Desktop on Linux
Install Docker on Linux with ease using our step-by-step installation guide covering system requirements, supported platforms, and where to go next.
Uthsob from Mars
Uthsob from Mars10mo ago
Uthsob from Mars
Uthsob from Mars10mo ago
After running
wasp db migrate-dev
wasp db migrate-dev
I'm getting this error now!! Help!!!!!!!
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Boris10mo ago
try deleting the .wasp folder, running the DB and then doing wasp db migrate-dev
martinsos10mo ago
But it sound slike you might have some kind of permission issues on your machine? On what kind of machine are you running, and how experienced are you with it? Ah sorry you said above it is Ubuntu! How much do you use it, are you newer to it?
Uthsob from Mars
Uthsob from Mars10mo ago
Sorry i didn’t share the update. It was a docker permission problem. It is fixed by installing docker desktop. Thanks to Boris
martinsos10mo ago
awesome! But you already had docker desktop installed?
Uthsob from Mars
Uthsob from Mars10mo ago
I installed docker cli first. Then i installed desktop
Danquillius8mo ago
i'm also trying to run the openSaas template from wsl (ubuntu) through my windows computer. if i follow this guide, would I be ok: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/wsl/
Docker Documentation
Docker Desktop WSL 2 backend on Windows
Turn on the Docker WSL 2 backend and get to work using best practices, GPU support, and more in this thorough guide.
From An unknown user
From An unknown user
Boris8mo ago
Try following this guide since it brings you step by step through WSL and Wasp: https://wasp-lang.dev/blog/2023/11/21/guide-windows-development-wasp-wsl and then if you have additional issues with docker, you can check the official Docker guide
Danquillius8mo ago
Perfect, thanks so much!
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