Recurring Job behavior with fly scales apps down or up when needed. If there's no usage for an app it scales down to 0 machines. How does this work with recurring/scheduled jobs?
29 Replies
Heisenberg13mo ago
If I schedule a job to run at a specific time, and the app is scaled down to 0 machines at that time, will the job still run? Obviously there will be some delay due to the cold start, but will it run after the app is scaled back up?
miho13mo ago
I haven't thought about that. I believe it won't run 🤨 you should configure your app to have at minimum 1 instance running. @martinsos food got thought
Heisenberg13mo ago
Is setting the minimum instance to 1 for the server enough? Or does it need to be set for the db aswell? I'm not familiar w pgboss but I think it uses the db to store the jobs correct?
miho13mo ago
Yep, but the DB is just the "queue" mechanism but the server is doing the requests to see if there are jobs to process 😊
pg-boss/src/worker.js at master · timgit/pg-boss
Queueing jobs in Node.js using PostgreSQL like a boss - timgit/pg-boss
miho13mo ago
So, I would assume the server is enough to keep it ticking 😃
martinsos13mo ago
@Heisenberg what you are asking is, if jobs that couldn't run because server was down, will run after the server gets back on some time later? I have to admit I am not sure off the bat, but this will depend on how pgboss handles things, so I would recommend checking their docs regarding that specific behaviour. Is db needed -> yeah, pgboss uses the db to store the jobs, so you will need db up for pgboss to work. Question though: why would you not have at least 1 instance of server and 1 instance of db running? Normally, you will want your app to have at least 1 instance of client, 1 of server, and 1 of the db, then it all works normally. But if it can't learn from db that there is a job to execute, I guess it won't execute it, right?
Heisenberg13mo ago
When a user tries to access the website, say, fly automatically scales it up and starts a new machine to serve the request and if sends a request to the server, only then a server machine is started up For most applications that slight delay during the cold start doesn't matter, so they can scale down to zero
martinsos13mo ago
@Heisenberg oh seriously, Fly does that? I was pretty sure my Fly app was running all the time, at least the server -> I mean I don't want it scaling down my server, my server is doing stuff (e.g. jobs)! This setup you are talking about, is this some kind of special setup on Fly, do you have any docs you can link to?
Heisenberg13mo ago
I'm not sure if its the default setup as the fly.toml is automatically created by Wasp. Wasp sets the minimum instances to zero.
miho13mo ago
This is the default fly setup as far as I am aware 😊
Heisenberg13mo ago
# fly.toml app configuration file generated for ask-ai-client on 2023-10-02T19:09:06+05:30
# See for information about how to use this file.

app = "ask-ai-server"
primary_region = "mia"


internal_port = 8043
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = true
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 0
processes = ["app"]
# fly.toml app configuration file generated for ask-ai-client on 2023-10-02T19:09:06+05:30
# See for information about how to use this file.

app = "ask-ai-server"
primary_region = "mia"


internal_port = 8043
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = true
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 0
processes = ["app"]
I've set the min_machines_running to 1 now, and it stays up if jobs are running maybe they run even if the server is scaled down to 0?
martinsos13mo ago
Oh man yeah this doesn't look great for jobs hm! I think default should be different, it should be 1 being minimum
Heisenberg13mo ago
Yeah that would be better, I was confused why my jobs weren't running 😅 but now I'm confused on how yours are haha
martinsos13mo ago
The question is, how does Fly determine when to stop the server -> when activity is low? Because for the server serving the client, it is ok if it is stopped, and db I don't think will be stopped (I doubt it has this same setting in toml? I should check), but for the server we don't want it to stop. Btw the .toml you shared is for client, maybe one for server doesn't have min_machines_running set to 0?
Heisenberg13mo ago
Oh my bad, I was editing it to set it to 1 must've messed that up. The default is zero though yes
Heisenberg13mo ago
Setting a minimum number of instances to keep running when using au...
We now support setting a minimum number of machines to keep running when using the automatic start/stop feature for Apps v2. This will prevent the specified number of machines from being stopped. Update your flyctl to the latest version and then in your fly.toml [[services]] auto_start_machines = true auto_stop_machines = true min_machine...
MEE613mo ago
Wohooo @Heisenberg, you just became a Waspeteer level 2!
Heisenberg13mo ago
No description
martinsos13mo ago
Ok thanks @Heisenberg -> I would put server to 1 for sure, client and database might be ok with 0 if Fly is smart enough to know how to turn them on when a request comes. We will take a deeper look into this in the following days and ensure we have these minimums properly set by default!
Heisenberg13mo ago
Thanks for the quick response! Only issue with this is that it's a little pricey for hobby projects haha Usually with the scaling down you don't have to pay for the full month usage and comes to much lesser
martinsos13mo ago
Yeah you are right, that sucks a bit, but since we are allowing people to run whatever they want on server, including jobs and whatever code they want really, meaning it is proper server and not serverless execution, we should by default be assuming something is always running on the server. However, if you know you don't have anything running, no jobs or anything, you could put that minimum to 0.
Heisenberg13mo ago
Yep makes sense
martinsos13mo ago
Ok, created an issue for it, will solve it soon! How is it going for you so far @Heisenberg , any other hiccups, besides seeding in production? Anything you like, dislike, could be better?
Heisenberg13mo ago
Pretty intuitive, ran into some issues with missing node packages etc and some installation steps were missing from the docs but I could figure those out Most recent one being the commander package was missing from my wasp installation, so I had to manually install it to wasp before being able to deploy The starter templates and examples are really helpful, whoever worked on those did a great job 😁
martinsos13mo ago
Ha yes, @Vinny (@Wasp) and also @miho did most of the work on templates and examples, so they will be happy to hear this! Missing node packages and missing installation steps -> if you can remember or replicate any of these, please do let us know, as we would love to make sure this doesn't happen for others! Also, what do you mean by commander package missing from your wasp installation -> that was required of you by wasp deploy? The commander package at the OS/system level?
Heisenberg13mo ago
I'll create an issue in the future if I run into anything! About the commander issue, my bad I phrased that really badly. What I meant was the output at .wasp was missing the commander package Which was a requirement to deploy So I had to cd into /.wasp/out/server and npm i commander
martinsos13mo ago
commander -> ok but wait that is also quite weird, isn't it? Can you tell me, who required commander -> wasp when you tried to do wasp deploy?
Heisenberg13mo ago
I'm not sure, this was for the embeddings starter, I hadn't made any changes myself
martinsos13mo ago
Ok interesting, we will inspect this then, thanks!
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