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All posts for Prisma
P1001: Can't reach database server
Prisma Nuxt Turborepo: Cannot find module
Prisma migrate
PrismaPulseServerError: P6100 Prisma Pulse encountered an unexpected error
Seeding Prisma db with Excel File
Prisma studio not great for business people. Any alternatives?
VSCode Intellisense completely breaks when adding a relation
mongodb compressors
strictUndefinedChecks undesired behavior
Queries hanging indefinitely
Initializing a specific connection string for Prisma Pulse
Migration from 5 to 6 for serverless project
Prisma extension stopped working in Cursor
Billing support? Billing error
Optimize not showing any queries
prisma validation
Easiest way to investigate a slow Prisma D1 query?
Custom Migrations
Auto orderBy
vercel Prisma Client could not locate the Query Engine
how to prevent duplicate rows in my friends table
Prisma Postgres Using psycopg2
Custom user type vs database type
CUID Not Auto-Generating
Trying to create simple POST function (Expected double-quoted property name)
Is prisma/extension-read-replicas Dead?
Switch to migrations after db push
Includes in Prisma Pulse or Stream a db Views
Prisma not getting past create function.
[Noob] how do you add a optional search param to a findMany.
Prisma Autocomplete
PrismaClientInitializationError Prisma Client could no locate the Query Engine rhel-openssl-3.0.x
Prisma - npx prisma generate
Migration issue in UAT
Getting an error thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at libs/user-facing-errors/src/
Parameterized Views for postgres 🦄
Is joining views into models a recommended pattern? 🦄
How to remove (Rate how likely you are to recommend Prisma)
Updating Major Version from 3.4.2 to 6.4.0
FiveM and Prisma
connect mongodb database in console fail
React Native Prisma issue
Compatibility of Prisma with Azure Synapse SQL
as type error
NestJS with Optimize not working
Error in website
nexus-prisma already out of date?
Slow queries 1/2 on a simple SELECT by ID PGSQL
Multi Project (Database) Set-up With Prisma and Neon
Call for sponsorship: HACKHAZARDS '25 - India's largest community-run hackathon
Schema Engine Error: unexpected message from server during prisma migrate dev
Multischema prisma dynamic support issues
Prisma Transaction type error
Prisma creates invalid migration when removing an index
Update ad whose apartment has m2m relatioship with contents through apartment_contents join table
Prism Sync
findMany() vs findMany({...})
Prisma Pulse w/ Docker Postgres
Backing up data with Prisma Postgres
Seeding database with pnpm
Run Prisma In 2 different Process's
Recommended setup for Prisma with Supabase Auth
Hi guys. I've been using prisma for my projects and this time I have a weird issue:
node_modules/.prisma/client/ cannot access 'node_mod
How do I get the count in nested relations.
Can't connect to supabase using prisma
Prisma uuidv4 Error creating UUID, invalid length: expected length 32 for simple format, found 24
Silent and Stalled transaction
Converting a query to use TypedSQL
IDE massive performance downgrade from 6.2.1 (omitApi problem?)
nexus-prisma support for prisma v6
Issues connecting
Prisma studio unaccessible (local studio &
Without getting into the workplace philosophy...
Filter on url in GCP lots and all my prisma SQL dissapears!!!
queryRaw plsql function failed Code: `42601`. Message: `ERROR: syntax error at or near "$1"`
Docker with Prisma / Deno on Mac M1
Starter Spend Limit
Upgrade from Prisma Postgres EA to GA - pg_dump Connection Error
Timed out fetching a new connection from the connection pool
Multiple DBs in a project
Cloudflare D1 Performance
Audit Logging
Prisma with multi environments
Turborepo setup not working with prisma: Cannot find module `fs`
pulse something went wrong
Prisma Accelerate and Aurora Serverless
How to properly deal with connections pool and disconnects
Issues with Prisma in Turborepo
What is the good practice for migrations and keeping them on GitHub?
Find the way to write unit-test by postgres in memory db
Prisma postgres and replicas
How are the cold starts?
Prisma schemas and plugins
Nullable Datetime Field
ConnectorError after moving to Prisma Postgres
Next + Cloudflare Workers + D1
Vite + D1 + Cloudflare Workers + Prisma
Latency to/from US-east <-> US-east and Denmark <-> Paris
Any better way for data refreshing here?
<fields> is missing.
PgBouncer and Prisma
Prisma initialization failing in prod Prisma Postgres
Many to two relation
postgress migration error
Removed accelerate but keeps asking for database url that start swith prisma://
creating a BM25 index
Is there a recommended way to create an aws lambda layer?
Upgrade from Early Access
why am I getting this error when trying to update 1 user and using null in where
Prisma connect to Azure SQL database?
env variable not found
Two table fields are the same
Issue with Prisma Pooling Timeout
Can get prisma dev to align with production
Prisma extented Request type
PG extensions and database credentials
prisma pulse + supabase?
How can I get all fields from query that have been somehow accessed?
Prisma generate
Billed for Prisma
Prisma Studio Error
read replicas extension
Enum with custom value
getting data from prismaClient says field might be null when it literally isn't in the schema
Prisma Pulse not working after a while
Prisma Accelerate using >100 connections when configured to use 10
Prisma Studio Issues
Generating a default form from Prisma
Existing MySQL to Postgres
Prisma Python NO_PROXY not being honored?
Prisma with Turbo and Docker
Help with related filtering with some
TSOA generating from @prisma/client
Property '[PrivateResultType]' is missing in type 'TypedSql<Parameters, Result>'
Tips for dividing multiple schema files
Suddenly got P6008 out of nowhere
Typing Prisma and how write "or" and a named type (prisma ORM/mongodb)
Schema migration automation
Timeline for GAing the `driverAdapters` feature?
Prisma DateTime
type-safely wrapping `findMany`
cuid2 length
Modeling data
Intermittent Server Error with Prisma 6.2.1 with Node 22 on Linux Mint
Build nightmare BigInts and external prisma/zenclient project not building with TurboRepo and nuxt
binaryTargets option seemingly not working with bun in CI
ِArray of data
Initialisation of prisma req based nestjs
Error During Migration: must be a member of pg_signal_backend in Supabase with Prisma on Serverless
Migrating data from Railway to new database Prisma Postgres
Accelerate cannot connect to Postgres RDS inside of VPC with static IPs configured
Count records where number of related records is greater than X
Can't reach database server at `
Gi,Migration 2 shemafiles...schma1.prisma
Using Prisma with Azure SQL Hyperscale
why update/delete need the 'select' statement to not be empty??
Misleading error message: ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE
Custom/composite IDs as relation references
If I extend create, is there a way to extend createMany as well?
Prisma Pulse development flow
Initial value for data in my table
Multiple roles for a user
Issue with seeding in Next.js + Prisma + Docker + SQLite
BLOB in prisma schema
Using Prisma inside firebase functions
mongodb connection with prisma
Prisma Optimize Issue
how do you manage very large models in nextjs?
Prisma Playground Run button doesn't working
Nullable unique field on Prisma
'ts-node' is not recognized
Prisma and Google cloud run
Prisma pulse issue
Prisma no data loss migrations
Insert `Map` as `Json`
Will early access members receive an email when free is ending
Compatibility with workers
Check array contains
Existing Database in snake_case
Random accelerate network error
Queries slow even with accelerate
Prisma 6.2 seems incompatible with Turso
trying to push my first schema to prisma
Was a token launched or the one that is out is a scam
Can't access the database from the console
Could not find the migration file at
python question
TypeScript issue with JSON[] field filter using path
Please add Dark/Night mode on
"code":"P6003" Prisma example: accelerate-hacker-news
Query works but getting a TS error
Prisma MongoDB
Prisma Studio Whitescreen?
Im getting some errors out of nowhere
Can we pg_dump or pg_restore?
Can't configure Prisma query engine on FreeBSD server
Migration to v6 Cockroach DB
Console prisma studio
Hello, i'm getting error when i start my project
Delete annoying warning in production
Prisma.skip on deeply nested objects
Prisma JSON not working with "path"
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'bind')
Significant Performance Gap: Prisma vs Supabase Client in Nuxt 3
Prisma.sql vs Prisma $queryRaw diff
Prisma Optimize Initialization Missing Database URL
Alternative to Apollo Server 4?
Error saving in database
Can't configure compiled Prisma query engine for FreeBSD
Mocking Prisma with Bun
TypeError: The "payload" argument must be of type object. Received null
Tips for using Neon + Pulse + tRPC for real-time updates
Does Pulse .stream() have built-in reconnect logic?
any RDS proxy support ?
Using DELIMITER function in migration
Prisma + Supabase RLS
Getting P1012 preview feature not found using fullTextSearchPostgres
"payload" argument must be of type object. Received null
How to use tracing preview feature of Prisma?
Fluent API doesn't work as expected with client extensions
Prisma Promises not transferring context like Promises?
Pulse on ECS
When using createManyAndReturn, am I guaranteed the results order to be the same as of the input?
The "omit" field type is not generated for Prisma client - v6.2.0
Issues connecting prisma db to next.js
PrismaModule as globle in neatjs with prisma service and dburl
npx prisma migrate dev doesnt update @relation
Prisma postgres db not returning any records
Yarn monorepo, vite, tanstack router: ERROR: Could not resolve ".prisma/client/index-browser"
How to find DIRECT_URL link?
Type of client extended with dynamic extensions
Prisma schema folder
Prisma Optimize - small feedback
FreeBSD 14 - Help!
Dependency-dependents relations
Does Prisma Postgres support logical replication to work with Electric SQL?
Sveltekit not receiving real-time data
Nestjs Prisma extension
nixos and prisma
how to return the number of pages when doing pagination?
prisma generate --sql and seeding
Issue with Prisma Optimize: UI Waiting for Queries
About recommended connection pool size
Handle auto filter base on status of model (prisma and nestjs)
Join a column with multiple tables.
Timed out fetching a new connection from the connection pool. More info:
Using a JSON field as an id
"Something went wrong, please try again" ERROR
Query Performance
P3006 error I cannot run npx prisma migrate
TypedSql Array Parameter for Postgres
prisma throwing `RangeError` for numbers when I am using `BigInt` type. What?
Executing data migration/data field seed script for a migration automatically
PrismaClient is not configured to run in Edge Runtime
Getting error this.getGlobalTracingHelper(...).dispatchEngineSpans is not a function
Logging client errors
Prisma Studio ➖ Getting no records in T3 Stack
Prisma examples - I ran through the ORM Fullstack examples and have some feedback:
Connecting to docker postgres database
Prisma Mongodb & Express Res API Docker
Programatic where clause based off query parameters.
Soft Delete with Nestjs
How to deploy to a self-hosted server?
Is there a way to generate model in prisma using cli?
PrismaClientKnownRequestError: Invalid prisma.b2bTransaction.findUnique()
Minecraft command block texture problem
Production Migrations after Dev Migrations
Error: MongoDB error: An error occurred during DNS resolution: proto error: io error: A socket opera
Error validating datasource `db`: the URL must start with the protocol `prisma://`
cloudflare pages + Prisma
Help with `[optimize] HTTP 409 Conflict: There is no active recording to write queries to.`
How prisma handle with n+1 problem using relation strategy query instead of join?
Use foreign key as primary key
How do I connect to mysql on host from inside a docker container?
Supabase/Prisma DB Issues
My items dont update on deletion.
Prisma and Pothos integration using Raw SQL
Transactions across Files
TypeScript error when using select argument type
Help creating computed fields
Strange type error in seeding file
Postgis in Prisma Postgres
Nonsense error on correctly structured query
Calling all Developers: share your Thoughts on Prisma Console!
4 1/2 years this GitHub issue has been sitting after it was acknowledged but now radio silence.
How to query for is:{null} OR {something: true}
Accelerate billing
Prisma with pgbouncer behind a load balancer
Prisma Data Platform onboarding issue
Unclosed connections on redeploy
Prisma Schema Pull/Push Issues
Mocking prisma client with javascript
Declaring a PrismaClient with conditional logging
How to correctly deploy prisma into production?
Type Issues with Client Extension in Nest JS
Issues with shared library
Studio is not working with multifile schemas
node:20-alpine OpenSsl deployment issue
default data using prisma
Error @prisma/client did not initialize yet. Please run "prisma generate" on gitlab-ci.yml
ERROR: could not determine data type of parameter $5
Use statically linked prisma binary (linux-static-x64)
db Pull not pulling schemas
Prisma using repository pattern
React Native Prisma TurboModuleRegistry error
Recommended pgbouncer usage for pgbouncer version > 1.21.0
Performance problem
"upsertMany" with transaction timing out
field reference help
Many-to-many relationship not showing in prisma studio?
types from @prisma/client
Prisma migrate dev keeps wanting to drop my sequence
All queries hanging in simple edge deployment on Cloudflare with Neon
Can I access a database, which was created with prisma, with a normal sql driver?
Manually rollback in transaction
hello guys , i have a quetion about sorting in relational field in prisma , i have the below models:
Postgresql 17
Fix a query
Using Prisma nicely with SvelteKit (With Pulse)
multi language setup in prisma
Issue with prisma
Working Build to Non-working Build, OpenSSL & Platform Issues, Docker, Linux, Mac
Error at adding Prisma 6.0.1 to NextJs 15: can-connect-to-database
Previously Working Dockerfile No Longer Works
Retrieve accurate data
Retrieve user information
fullText contradicting errors
TypedSQL failing during build step
v6 Migration Doesn't Work
Why can't we connect directly to postgres ?
If I want to conenct to Prisma Postgres from the app which is developed by .NET, how can I do it.
CreateMany not allowing me to create nested M:N entities
AWS Connection
Optimize in a Constructor
Simple questions about modularity
Postgresql freezing, have to restart the app to unfreeze
Property 'xxx' is missing in type with relation
Memory leak on binary engine type
Enforce uniqueness on Json fields
Error P1012 when trying to use Prisma Postgres
WebStorm issue - not recognizing Prisma client regeneration?
Why does Prisma require a primary and/or unique key?
Migration containing DML statements hangs mysteriously
Wrong connection pool info ??
Question About Prisma Pricing
Cannot run built code when different prisma client output folder
Migrating to v6 issues with optimize
Prisma Singleton in Next.js
How to solve this in Prisma, count related entries of complex query
DATABASE_URL environment variable not found
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'create')
Typed sql only certain parts of query
Create tables for local development
I need to register the popularity of products
TypeError: client_1.Prisma.validator is not a function
New to Prisma, can I not rely on the order of the array when creating nested records?
Optimize recording does not record any query
Prisma Client could not locate the Query Engine for my runtime on AWS
does prisma postgres support timescale?
Working with decimal in NextJS
Error The "payload" argument must be of type object. Received null
How to use Pulse with Next.js
`isNot: null` filter on relation does not work
Database connection dropping
How to run migrations with SET ROLE xxx
Prisma Studio crashes with large databases
Weak relations
Prisma.join throwing error when using edge client
creation of new user failed and exited an error in vercel logs for my project
Using OR in connectOrCreate
Failed requests
Nuxt 3 with prisma
Amazon Linux 2023 support
Neon adapter (driverAdapters) gives error on PrismaClient init
Fix schema error
prisma decimal and react router 7
TypedSql generating wrong types from the query
Bug in TypedSQL in version 5.22
Postgis verstion update
Building the schema
ORM for Expo, Android Build. Error: Unable to resolve module .prisma/client/react-native
Delay when navigating between pages
Problem with Stream on Pulse
rawQuery compilation
TypeError: The "payload" argument must be of type object. Received null
Migrations hang on Prisma Postgres
nextjs + prisma: rawQuery breaking if using globalThis
FindUnique/Update using unique index on sub field
Concurrent request (Prisma)
TypedSQL for SQL Server?
Connecting to MySQL server in production.
Two Schemas but only one will stay generated at a time
Broken JsDoc on prisma Upgrade from 4 to 5.22
Optimize not showing recommendations for a finished recording (+ feature requests)
Best way to look for text in a deeply nested JSON?
Raw SQL returns ~5x slower than CLI / `pg` package
Infer type from create query?
Tracing / OTEL only works with manual active spans.
Dynamic Database Name Support in Studio
Is there no more online database browser from prisma?
narrow down String type using prisma client's extension?
`Prisma.skip` seen as `undefined`?
help with relations
License details for Studio
mongo dates without JS Date object?
using mongo -- insert document without any checks whatsoever?
gin index
No migrations file in the source code but build is getting failed
Omit type for creating
Syncing Prisma across multiple repo's
[React Native] DB duplicated to the emulator. Intentional?
Do transactions work when you nest them?
UnknownJsonError - P6000 - Something went wrong
Cant setup prisma accelerate, on the site when i try to enable accelerate I get error
[React Native] Creating client with Supabase crashes
Prisma extension in vscode too slow
Help Needed with sorting/filtering data over Timeframe Based on Aggregated results
Issues with raw queries (was working) - Postgres
How generete enum type from hasura?
Prisma trace questions
Security concern
Problem with array of strings on Postgres
Nothing is written in a SQLite database when i try to insert anything
Querying a SQLite database will just hang forever
Error when updating Record
Migration File Accidentally Deleted
new optional field failing
Dockerize Svelte with Prisma
Soft delete & include
enum @map value
Psql Timeout connecting a new connection from collection pool
Seeking Work
Unknown argument...Available options are marked with ?.
Prisma Sentry Tracing
Cannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET 'binary'
Migrations taking too long
Migration creates Implicit relational tables in database for an explicit M-N relationship
Creating Custom Thumbnails: Overcoming Background Skin Upload Challenges
How to derive a type from types generated by Prisma?
Can't delete records from Prisma Postgres in Studio
Prisma and Hono on Cloudflare Workers
Using Prisma Client (and libquery engine) on AWS SAM without Layers
Argument "columnName" is missing (v5.21.1)
TypedSQL: Passing null values into raw SQL?
Date as String, String as Date.
Optimize + NestJS not working
Filter relationship by value in parent
Middleware error: PrismaClientKnownRequestError
In one of my migration i have
Does Prisma support MariaDB 10.6
Way to run migrations & seeding using the PrismaClient
Is there a delay in cache invalidation taking effect?
Why is omit not available for this query?
How to use set a relation and update in the same time rows
How risky is Prisma Postgres now ?
Prisma Postgres Pricing
prisma postgres
Need Help with CRUD operations
Fail first deployment with typesafe raw query
How do you approach local development with db changes?
Help. Prisma ORM is not loading environment variables
Checking Null or empty list
prisma migrate diff freezes
Live events with prisma pulse for games
memory leak
unit testing with @default() value, using jest-mock-extended
pnpm install puts prisma generate in the wrong folder
Mongodb, Making Breaking changes to production database
Database connection issues
@unique and @index can't be used together
MSSQL Authentication failed against database server
Row locking on prisma suggestions
`npx prisma init` not working. Open bug?
Prisma Migrations: local, dev and prod
Prisma with cockroachDB & Deno
Connect Prisma Postgres without Prisma Client?
Custom method in a model, gives a "not found" error
Introspection in the client extensions
how can I implement an abstract class to apply the repository pattern?
SSL connection to supabase
How to use prisma accelerate on edge functions in local environment?
How to setup multiple Prisma clients in combination with `prismaSchemaFolder`
Prisma return model type
Cache invalidation across different repositories
link local prisma database project into other projects
Lambda Layer
D1 Database?
Wrong types for optional fields
How to filter table for json data?
CTE query not working properly
Prisma extension as a Middleware to update a count
Validate Model
Squashing migrations from Dev into Main
Typing Json fields
Argument `where` of type *WhereUniqueInput needs at least one of `id` arguments.
PRISMA_SKIP_POSTINSTALL_GENERATE is Not Skipping Generate on yarn install
prisma migrate dev - data lost
How to create a field in model that only exist on the application layer
How to line wrap prisma cli output?
Build error on enum type
Prisma Pulse - Setting Up ErrorInternal
What is the best practice to deploy migrations to production on AWS RDS?
How to dynamically get relationships of a from a wrapper function?
can anybody show the better examples of extended methods in nestjs ?
Accelerate - Which Neon Connection (Pooled or Direct)?
Error validating: This line is invalid. It does not start with any known Prisma schema keyword.
Error handling
Interactive Transactions: multiple round trips, or one?
Timed out fetching a new connection from the connection pool.
Beginner Help
prisma sqlserver timeout
MSSQL Include (Joins) Seem Case Sensitive
error TS2339: Property 'riskRegister' does not exist on type 'PrismaClient<{ log: "query"[]; }, neve
unable to query the database with the SQLite libsql adapter
The relation field on model is missing an opposite relation field on the model
Kinde + Prisma ORM
@prisma/nuxt Error
Redwood-Tutorial/Prisma Help
Why is this error hapenning on seeding?
Prisma deployment in API with TypedSql
prisma neon adapter
Error: P1001: Can't reach database server at localhost:5432
Prisma Optimize 1.0.1 errors
Prisma Studio not respecting 'not null' fields?
Typed SQL Queries for nested prisma/sql directories
I’m trying to fix an error I’m encountering in my Prisma code: This expression is not callable.
prisma/client 5.20
Extending client not typesafe
Invariant violation: migration persistence is not initialized
FindMany Where Confusion
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'exec')
Compilation error using prisma engines
Can I use Prisma ORM in a JavaScript project?
How can I fix the migration order (already applied in production)
Prisma.DbNull doesn't work with Prisma Accelerate
Are Prisma queries parameterized to prevent SQL injections?
Still unable to get Optimize working in my NestJS app.
sql Tagged Template Function
Hitting connection limits multiple times in a microservice environment
schema.prisma not found after changing the location
MongoDB DataType Code
Seeding New SqliteDB in Epic Stack
Hello, is it possible to bulk import data from a CSV into my postgres DB using prisma
Prisma pulse TS error.
Sorting by Relations
Help Needed: Error with Postgres Schema, OpenAI Embedding and Prisma
How to extends the client for adding soft delete features currently this is not working how to fix ?
How to do operations on multiple columns
Problem fetching relations where where-clause have same field name
Unexpected message from server
NextJS + Prisma + Docker | "can't reach db server"
Able to setup Accelerate, unable to setup Pulse. AWS RDS Postgres.
Why does this function not work?
Accelerate On-Demand Invalidation Rate Limit
Tool to write schema by hand
Records found that don't exist (Supabase + Prisma)
Correct way to setup prisma + docker
Error validating datasource URL must start with the protocol prisma://
TypeError: client._engine.apiKey is not a function
AWS SAM + Lambda not bundling properly.
`The Query did not produce a result within the maximum allowed execution time of 10 seconds.`
dev.db-journal is always created
introspecting never loading
JSON Filtering on object key value inside array example from doc doesn't work
.update return null when data is found using .findUnique using the same where clause (version 5.17.
Error when using accelerate (Local Development)
Any way to decrease prisma client size for Cloudflare D1?
Property does not exist on type..but it clearly does.
How to kill idle connections properly in postgres
NestJs + Prisma Optimize
Prisma Accelerate Typescript
Nested orderBy
Cannot set up optimize
Question about interactive transactions
Getting error on "npx prisma init"
Deleting User Account and All Related Data
$use replacement for tracking prisma calls per request
Migration gets stuck
Application breaks when adding .$extends to prisma initialziation
Prisma Accelerate + Prisma Studio
why he say that is missing? Its come from a relation
concat two Prisma.sql queries.
prisma Error: p1001: Can't reach database server at `xyz`
Deploying migrations
snaplet/seed with prismaSchemaFolder
Configure new database connection
Is "daisy-chaining Extensions" a good practice?
how to remove `| null` from relations in relationMode = "prisma"?
@prisma/nuxt with bun stuck on generating prisma client
Order Conversation based on Chat `createdAt`?
Cant run prisma generate at build time
error while trying to create Prisma pulse project.
Weird prisma error
Generate prisma client programmatically
Using the same GraphEntry model for different graphs
findMany - query table for all values not in another
Error when npx prisma migrate dev
Schema Visualizer
Issue with migrations
Bulk relations
Prisma query tracing
RawSQL Caching support
Deleting db entries doesn't seem to free up the space?
up down migration creation
inconsistant use of id field and relation create
Help with Prisma schema
ERROR P1001: Can't reach database server
How to partition a database
SessionTokenError & PrismaClient is not configured to run in Vercel Edge Functions/Edge Middleware
`prisma generate --sql` always hangs on vercel deployment.
nested raw query errors
Engine Not Found using Prisma with AWS Lambda.
schema "extensions" does not exist' error in shadow DB during initial migration on Neon
Lazy load query engine in Cloudflare Workers
Pulse hosting
Prisma Interactive transactions not waiting on await statement
caprover can't connect via prisma
How to run prisma in nextjs middleware
Error when trying to connect to create PrismaClient
update enum on production
How to get meta object (duration, row_read, row_written) in D1 + Prisma query?
Using the same schema on different projects
Selecting random records from table
Order by `rowid`?
Drift detected but no changes in schema
Adding arguments to rawQueryTyped with MySql
Bad error messages with array of transactions
Search text with Prisma
Migrating database from sqlserver to postgresql
Upgrade prisma 2 to 5 and got renamed index error
Row Level Security Example
Prisma Transactions stops working once you extend the client with Pulse, Optimize or Accelerate
Cannot find module '.prisma/client/default'
Can't set api key/token when using Optimize
Optimize is not showing queries
Safe Rolling Deployments When Dropping Columns
Advisory lock errors in CI suddenly ocurring very frequently
Drift detected after migration reset
Supabase with Pulse and Accelerate
Whenever you extend your PrismaClient with Pulse, you don't have access to $on anymore. Why?
deep nested create takes so much time to complete
Return Type With Relations
Why always encounter this error after few mins
Is SQlite supported any time soon? Pulse & Accelerate
Cursor based paging issue for multilevel relationships
postgres db collation error
Prisma (with MongoDB) sort based on their related field
accessing prisma generated enums on browser client
Prisma SQLite
Supabase postgres not working sometime
Deploy to vercel with supabase as database
Start Prisma Studio Programatically
Turborepo with Prisma throwing Error
`prefer_socket` doesn't work when connect OceanBase with prisma
Cant Connect into Prisma Pulse
Get my data from render to local Postgres DB
Passing an array into TypedSQL query
Repo pattern
npx Prisma init and Prisma init not working
0% cache hits
data optimization
createManyAndReturn order preservation?
New Prisma 5.19 TypeSQL: other statements beyond select
Prisma Types
As a fullStack developer, I am looking for new project
Unknown authentication plugin
Deploying to Vercel
Clarification on Prisma and DB Congruence
Prisma Pulse with nextjs
Validator questions
cacheStrategy in local dev
Connection Pool Timeout Issue Despite Custom Limit
Prisma support for PostGIS/GIS
Prisma Client: Injectable Setup Outside NestJS (with/without DI)?
is there a `substring` method in prisma?
How can I disconnect a relation by using it's fields?
Prisma so slow in localhost with remote Postgresql (NextJS)
Is support for Postgres composite types planned?
Prisma and CUIDv2
Nested update when creating single record
Typedsql Type?
I need help with my schema, it doesn’t let me migrate
TypedSQL type safety over time
Cant connect to supabase using accelerate
TypedSQL - Generating without a DB connection
Distinct doesn't work for some reason
is it possible to order a column how I want it?
Is something happened with PrismaClient and adapters?
How can one test out the Pulse service in light of the superuser limitation?
TypedSQL - JSONB fields
Multiple Schema File issues
Prism generate fails on VPS but not locally
How to utilize Prisma defined in back-end to the front-end
How to include prisma/sql in serverless lambda?
how do I do this upsert query in prisma?
Complicated groupBy query
"prisma generate --sql" keeps on hanging
prisma 5.19.0 preview feature "typedSql" not valid feature
How do I rollback a prisma transaction when I have 2 different prisma clients
How to handle default items alongside user-created ones?
Typescript clutter: Prisma + Postgresql + JSON fields is a mess
Prisma + Turborepo build fails in Vercel
How can i string filter but for number?
Unique constraint fails when creating user(s)in parallel during tests for api endpoints
Prisma Studio not installing in nuxt
[SOLVED] Prisma won't build consistently with the same Dockerfile specs
Ordering by a nullable relation
Error: P3005 The database schema is not empty.
Eloquent's relations equivalent in Prisma?
db push stuck
Image storing
Introspecting an existing database doesn't handle join tables correctly
Troubles with prisma when deploying to
Prisma keeps generating same migrations
Native types for enums
prisma db push doesnt update the database
First time migration!
SQLite with Prisma problems
Why does no-body even react to my tiny bugfix? Is it wrong?
Prisma type generating doesn't work in Docker
Error: PrismaClient is unable to be run in the browser
Migrate sqlite to postgres
find first on relation queries
Looking for Prisma Implementation Partner who can help
getting this error while migrating schema.prisma
Only partial telemetry available
accidental db push
When updating a row with compound unique all the rows are updated with the same compound
Checklist for migration of underlying database from AWS RDS to Azure
Error with method update: Urgent please
Why are client files generated in node_modules and what does that mean for production builds?
How to have @createdBy and @updatedBy annotation in prisma schema (like @updatedAt)
Issue with generating prisma client
Inconsistency in not generating prepared statements when using Prisma Accelerate
Module '"prisma/prisma-client"' has no exported member 'PrismaClient'.
SqlServer $queryRaw with 'in' operator
Implicit many-to-many problems
Prisma keeps pasting incorrect schema
Upgrading from Prisma 1
Understanding Prisma Pulse
Invalid error message when using transactions
Prisma gets very slow...
Return type from Prisma query
Multi-tenant approaches
check for multiple conditions on the same field
Pulse Type
Serving HTTPS from Prisma Client
Prisma migrate deploy doing modification in node_modules after upgrading prisma
index without preview feature
why does prisma never read from main db and always from replicas?
Getting `Can't reach database server ` long after DB load has dialed down
use datatype set
Share prisma schema and client between two backend services.
Default value not working inside a type
Prisma Client did not initialize yet
Is it possible to run "prisma generate" without internet connection?
Get part of a text from DB with Prisma
PrismaClientValidationError: Invalid client engine type, please use `library` or `binary`
unique constraints
any fix/status for this bug?
I encountered an issue where the database operation in Prisma results in an indefinite wait time.
Prisma Pulse for Microsoft SQL Server
Read Only database
Multiple Prisma
Asynchronous event processing?
Query fields on an object
Accelerate: I cannot put my MongoDB connection string
Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite
How do I define type of returned object based on selected fields?
prisma can't connect to postgres database "user was denied access"
Prisma relations
Migration engine exited. Error: Command failed with UNKNOWN:
Prisma & Supbase
Invalid date
Why Prisma over e.g. Knex for tests?
Issue creating a record in an edge table
[Prisma][MongoDB][Lucia] Malformed objectID
how many connections do bulk queries eat up?
transaction hangs when doing async work in $extends
Prisma Connection Pool
What are the best practices for using Postgres array functions within a Prisma query?
Issue with prisma optimize
using prisma $extends to add fields to a model, whats the best practice for TS?
Does it make sense to create an explicit one-to-many relation?
Alternative to solving optimistic concurrency issue without version field
Can't use dotenv and ws for edge runtime in authjs middlware. Help any solutions?
Prisma ORM DocumentDB AWS
Error: PrismaClientUnknownRequestError:Invalid `prisma.user.groupBy()` invocation:
Connections are over connection limit
Prisma type inference is returning weird types
Issues with Prisma 5.3.1: OpenSSL Version Mismatch during Build and Runtime in Docker
prisma client generates model with no create
Type 'Promise<string>' is not assignable to type 'string'
Count with distinct
I/O error: Device or resource busy
Convert LONGTEXT to JSON with prisma db pull
npx prisma generate wont update the Product model.
Otel integration
Do i need accelerate for Mongodb?
Float datatype in MongoDB
How to add a custom field on query result?
Optimistic Locking in prisma
There are easy way to use transaction in prisma?
How to run SQL query after each the migration
Everytime i make a small change in DB, i have to reset. I get this warning everytime.
Removing enum value fails on foreign key
Using Prisma Client API with NextJS and a Private AWS Database backend
Why do i need a Prisma account for database subscriptions?
struggle with conditional query
Column order changing
main.TableName Error
Getting "internal error: entered unreachable code"
Triggering an Endpoint after the Cascade deletes the record of a model
Problem with $queryRaw (using Prisma.join) that doesn't return any result
How to test a prisma call that uses `connectOrCreate`? (using vitest ideally)
Upsert by Reference ID
Help for Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier ".prisma/client/index-browser".
Help me out with this pls
Client Extension - when is query called?
is it possible to have a connect clause within a createMany operation?
Relation field not appearing in model.createMany
Why methods of a service not working when $use is used?
Prisma is throwing __filename is not defined specifically in SST cron jobs
Is the preview feature prismaSchemaFolder available for Python yet?
prisma enum types as argument type?
Log Transports
Using Prisma with Supabase and NuxtJS/Nitro
PrismaClientInitializationError - Medal awarded for whoever that solves this.
Prisma optimize showing error page
findMany where first/latest of 1:n relation meets certain condition
General question about the free version of Accelerate
Hello every one,Add Accelerate to my application with PrismaService class (extend PrismaClient)
I have a nested create many query I am getting Unknown argument 'QuestionOptions'
Prisma doesn't see .env.development
Solve optimistic concurrency issue without adding a `version` field
Finding model constraints in code
Recursive CTE
Is there any way to avoid this cast?
I have a nested create many query I am getting Unknown argument 'answers'
Getting P2023 When getting params
Ts Error for Prisma Json field with null value
$use but instead with $extends issue
migrations folder
Cant add data to user table
unrecognized keys some
Nested relation query help
Pulse local development + static IPs
Error: 🟥 @prisma/react-native failed to initialize, js engine: hermes
Issues with prisma docker deployments
Dynamic Filtering items with prisma and Nextjs?
creating a record attempting to update it shortly after causes error
Not updating types
docker container problem
Help with findFirst and none relations
Can't see relation field in Types
Help with multiple prisma clients in a turbo monorepo
At what point is a query used up from the 60k
Contacts: error combining many-to-one with one-to-one on the same models
Getting error when using Prisma Optimize
How do the accelerate and read replica extensions interact?
property 'data' does not exist on args when using $extends
NPM network error only when trying to fetch Prisma
updateMany fails with "You can't specify target table 'Org' for update in FROM clause" error
How can i implement Prisma Client as shared package?
@relation field referencing a compound id
Slowness issue when using Supavisor connection pooling with Prisma
unexpected message from server
Build failure because of prisma?
Accelerate SWR option not re-fetching/revalidating cache
Types are broken because of read replicas extension
How do I go about seeding with the D1 adapter?
Sort by nulls
Prisma Enum Mapping
Prisma schema folder Console 500
Can you have multiple named prisma pulse streams?
Error using PrismaClient with Cloudflare Pages
How can i get the change the return type of a prisma function based on a generic type?
$queryRawUnsafe takes a long time to respond
Include in findone return null if the join table not have its id
Definitive Solution for automatic migration running?
please help me to setup prisma for my ds ticket bot
Help: squashing migrations
Using upsert when `Notifications` table doesn't exist yet for user
Initial find query giving weird error
Create prisma client with extension without circular dependency
Error.code not defined for Deadlock & 40P01 error
Hi everyone. I have a question regarding NestJS and Prisma ORM.
Migrating a One2One field to a One2Man
message: "invalid byte sequence for encoding \"UTF8\": 0x00
"The preview feature "omitApi" is not known." when trying to add 'omitApi' to the preview features.
Cleaner Way to Write Prisma Schema for Badge System
Get Correct Return Type when using Prisma ORM inside a method that accepts the client's args
prisma client error
500 Internal Server Error from Pulse console setup
Prisma Client is not configured to run in the edge runtime
How to use getDMMF
Get type of prisma client before it is defined
How to reference/store a joined primary key?
error with simple request
create many skip existing
why does my table with the name users show up as uSER in my prismaclient?
GET request using JSON body
Unable to connect Prisma to RDS database
Date field default value
when i do command 'npx prisma db pull', Can i pull specific table?
Question about the schema model type
Redirected false error 400
Typescript one to many relation
Error in "create" logic ?
Prisma RLS example makes transactions not possible to use
Is Prisma still not working with RDS Proxy?
Prisma serverless-pg driver support
AttributeError: module 'prisma.actions' has no attribute 'model_rebuild'
Order by relation field
Safe to import Prisma in Client Component?
Can not deploy my backend api that use bun as runtime and prisma for database to my vps server using
Can't reach database server at localhost:5432
Very hard to describve
NestJS + prisma
ID needed in delete()?
Argument transaction tx with prisma accerlate typescript error
Prisma try migrate a model that no exist.
yarn 4
Cannot generate prisma client in monorepo
Setting up Prsma Pulse with AWS RDS
URGENT: I cannot remove/uninstall Accelerate from my Vercel build. Help.
How can I simultaneously use Accelerate with directUrl for some uses cases?
Problem with nested create
Can I opt into join vs every query being join by default?
Prisma without Engine for Serverless/Edge?
engine type library error
Random garbage errors
How can I use plain object instead of composite types ?
how to import prisma client on a client without compromising credentials
Best Practices for Error Handling When Updating Bridge Table (Composite IDs)
Help with generate database (Rust Prisma ORM)
What’s a good strategy for migration if downtime is not a problem?
Internal server error
How to use migrate when having a directurl and normal url
How to create project?
Error: Cannot fetch data from service:getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
Mongodb schema update - how to
I created free postgresql database in But I can't connect database with Prisma.
Inserting data with migration file
Migrate dev failing in a project it used to work in. Says issue w/ user defined functions.
Prisma Optimize does not show queries
Help With 2 database usage in same api
cacheStrategy is never
Unique Constraints Failed
Representing a User with sub-roles
Relations issue
Prisma Accelerate - Nextjs Middleware - NextAuth V5 - EDGE_FUNCTION_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT
Unknown argument 'ID' in double nested find many with one to many relation
How do you organize your Prisma.validator schemas?
Get P6004 and P5000 error running Vercel production query through Accelerate
nested transactions
Prisma for expo app
Invalidating/flushing cache in Accelerate
How can I use Prisma with Kubernetes? Any example
Unique index with nullable composite key?
Multiple one-to-one relations with referential actions
Nested queries with mongodb not working.
Cannot find environment variables
N+1 problem with multiple filter conditions
Preserve key order when writing JSON fields
Accessing extended operations on the prisma client with typescript
$queryRaw for Insert asking for id which is set to autoincrement
Prisma Accelerate and Tracing
mongodb not updating schema
Prisma returning different results for the same query (FindMany vs Count)
Update to 5.16 results in Initialization Error
Prisma Pulse issue
Prisma Error: Error Querying DB due to DB is starting up
Problems when deploying after a failed migration
What's the proper way for me to define tsvector field in my schema file?
Issues deploying Flask + Prisma-Client-Py backend to Vercel
Dashboard localhost:4467/_admin after run command: yarn prisma:deploy-force all table is 0
Database requires reset when migrating
Hi, I am using prisma with cockroachdb. CRDB clusters have many nodes.
Best Practices for Updating Nested Relations in Prisma with NestJS and SQL Server
Ensuring Filtering if variable is undefined
Cannot find module rollup/parseAst
Prisma NextJs Docker and Multi Datasource
prisma edge compactible with lucia -auth with node postgres typescript error
Prisma can only run debugging, cannot compile and publish? #14
Vercel Edge Functions + tRPC + Prisma + CockroachDB
AWS ECS + Fargate + Aurora PostgreSQL
Caching server side prisma query in next js
When running Prisma Generate on either of my computers (both Apple Silicon) getting error
Prisma is not working while deployed on Vercel with Vercel Postgresql but working in Development.
Storing image metadata: Is this safe?
Prisa Query doesn´t find the data in my DB
A big 2M wasm file created after implementing prisma
One of two fields (or both) must be provided.
Getting P2024 all of a sudden without any unusual activity or usage spike
Three Way Relationship ConnectOrCreate
how to make a model with any type
Invalid `prisma.course.create()` invocation:
Problem with Prisma , Docker , Postgres and PgAdmin
Prisma git ops deployment
Can't start prisma studio
Error: A unique constraint would be violated on ProviderRoleAccess. Details: Field name = role
Unable to find table (not available) but it exists
Did Prisma.raw and Prisma.sql helpers get removed?
Prisma Nuxt RollupError
Random findMany is not a function errors
Could not connect to server at http://localhost:4467. Please check if your server is running.
Where is my environment var coming from?
omit with condition
How to cover this custom SQL with Prisma
length() of column
Unit testing a result extension
How to populate array in one-to-many relationship (or may be even persist)?
Invalid `prisma.account.findUnique()` invocation:
How can we do arbitrary atomic number operation in prisma?
Accelerate migration not happening Vercel Prod but does with Vercel Preview
Local sqlite db in monorepo with nextJS trying to find table 'main.TABLE' instead of 'TABLE'
Prisma runtime error using direct db access in parallel with Accelerate on Vercel
Multiple relation between models
prisma is generating some crappy migrations for no reason
Pointing two relations to same field?
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'kind')
Docker error Can't reach database server at localhost:5432
Why doesn't the generated client use the .env file specified by dotenv?
Prisma seed data erased during testing in single test file run
Learning Prisma from 0
Does Raw Queries Hit Read Replica ?
TS Type Issue on Nested Selects
stuck with prisma and supabase using nextjs14 when i want to npx prisma db push/ migrate / reset etc
Issue with permissions for setting up replication for prisma pulse
Is it possible to use prisma pulse if your database is behind a VPN?
Get type of `create` with `connect`?
Can't reach database server error
prisma migrate dev deleted all my data and when I do another migrate dev again I got shadow error
Error: @prisma/client did not initialize yet.
I'm trying to use prisma prisma in remix (ERR_RESOLVE_PACKAGE_ENTRY_FAIL)
Error bubbling in $transaction client
Updating user info in db using forms
Own local Caching?
Import Enum from my TS to the schema
reset db and migrate changes
Unable to run db push because of introspected inconsistencies with supabase
i am unable to run prisma migrate
Ordering of createMany items
Error: cannot find module ‘.prisma/client/index’
Export client types in custom package
typescript server not working after installing @prisma/client
Tips on designing this recursive database model
how to make fields selection mandatory?
Hosting Typescript Express Server with Prisma on Vercel
Connection Pooling issues with Azure SQL
How to add new schema with multiSchema feature without database reset
Setting up SafeQL for Prisma
too many db connections on Prisma Accelerate
Failing to write raw query
Is there an option to turn off the dataloader query optimization?
Update column type without losing data
Multiple schema - node_modules - prisma client
Getting total count of records with one Query
Problems regarding new feature (v5.15.0)
problem when deploying prisma
Can't reach database server at ``
Prisma: command not found (Vercel)
Vulnerabilities That Won't Be Fixed
problem when deploying
I can't disconnect a many-to-many relationship
using variable in queryRaw not working
make from model.prisma sql
Help Needed with Nested CreateMany!
Question about designing friend request / follow system with relational tables
Flat response from relational query?
Server closed connection
Adding fields to a templated `select`
Multiple relations between the same Tables
Conditional Unique Constraint
Websocket error when using Pulse
Supabase with prisma
Prisma Console API access?
default value not changing
Type '{ connectOrCreate: { where: { state_name: string; }; create: { state_name: string; }; }; }' is
Main .prisma file location with new prismaSchemaFolder feature (+ Bazel)
Update Prisma CLI
Argument is missing
optimize dashboard connection timed out
db push and migrate dev
Type-safety for dates when returning DB entries as JSON
npx prisma migrate dev --name init (stuck)
Filtering an array
Generate prism client
Uploading image Gives Not Found Error
prisma migrate dev wants to drop all tables
schema env file
nextjs + prisma + superbase working is developement only
Dynamic database
Field excluded when running prisma query to supabase
Why can't I access profile in user? (ORM) (Postgres)
Is it bad practice to depend on the unique constraint while creating a new object?
circular variable reference issues
Raw SQL generated for cursor using libsql issue
prisma.transaction.findMany() not working
Cleaning code
How to push changes to already deployed db?
check connection - prisma nextjs
Lock tables
500 (Internal Server Error) from simple query
[Help]Prisma ORM with Express and TypeScript. Trying to use include.
prisma use middleware
Prisma telemetry operation contains unaccounted for time
Prisma ORM returns two different results from two similar (?) queries
UncheckedCreateInput error when trying to create a many to many relationship (likeSermon / likePost)
Implicite Many-to-Many relationship double primary key
mongodb connection randomly unable to connect
Prisma client doesn't get updated with new columns after db pull
npx prisma migrate dev --name init from tutorial not working
Error Initializing Prisma on Expo
Does Accelerate support MSSQL?
[FIXED] Error when providing certificate
dmmf in prisma 5
How to ignore custom migtation script without reset all data?
Null, Undefined, <form><input>, Zod validation and query result type mismatches.
P3009 error on deploy
Queryraw condition joining
prisma accelerate can I connect to my database?
Any expected SDL-First generator with CRUD abilities?
Disable CLI ads
Extend client Type loose relation
Nuxt 3 - Prisma building production
Use orderBy based on the field that is coming from nested one to many relation
403 - Forbidden when running "npx prisma generate"
How to create Prisma Client's generated types with nested models?
PrismaClient is not configured to run in Vercel Edge Functions or Edge Middleware
How to manage shared Prisma types in serverless frontend/backend apps
Prisma with Accelerate TypeScript error
prisma db push is failing on relation
ERROR: column "filename" of relation "ActionDependencyList" contains null values
Change query typing to respect where null, or where not null
Self-Hosted Pulse?
How to filter if a variable is not in database
No index found for fulltext search over relation (Planetscale)
How to order multiple index
user not saving on mongodb but works fine with mysql
Using createManyAndReturn
Prisma custom flow
Prisma RLS using transactions
Typing custom property on a method
Prisma 5.12.1 client has errors accessing postgress db when using with cloudflare workers and the ne
`PrismaClientInitializationError: Prisma Client could not locate the Query Engine for runtime` error
Foreign key constraint failed on the field: `anime_season_fkey (index)`
Delete Prisma Models
can i pass a model to a type, the same way i pass a type to a model in prisma schema ?
Pass current user id to Postgres
Prisma migrate deploy fails in GitHub actions
Prisma Accelerate: ConnectorError. SUPABASE
nested incuding
Running a typescript migration script
Prisma generate just load scheme and then no output
how to return an empty array instead of null
Unique index w/ nullable field in unique query
Question about explicit many to many table
ts error in library file
Unable to run the seed script successfully
Prisma.validator with arguments
Should I stick with raw SQL?
Prisma migrations working with more than one container
Data Location Security
The response size of the query exceeded the the maximum of 5MB
NextJS version 13.5.4 in prod getting Internal Server Error
How to authenticate Prisma Optimize in a VPS ?
Is there a way to tell Prisma to use GIN indexes?
In a Prisma result extension, is it possible to require ("needs") a relation?
I want to find a user with either email or username but I'm getting a typescript error
Filter (where) for nonexistant boolean field
Prisma extend can change db pointing to?
Setting Connection limit in gcp cloud run and cloud sql
Can composite type contain a list of another composite type?
Type Error
Prisma Migrations With Turbo Repo
Relation not included in the generated types
Need help with schema
Prisma is not using test env file
Does prisma allow use of Shared Primary Key?
upsert orm
Why isn’t prisma adding support for mongo change streams?
How do I setup my Supabase DB connection string to work with Prisma Accelerate
Prisma Migrate Diff coming back when it shouldn't
Super slow queries when filter JSON
prisma azure swa is not working
Counting hashtags in all posts
Prisma format fails with disambigious relations
Database Design for Sitemaps
Can composite type contain a list of another composite type?
Does Prisma ORM support CUIDv2?
Bypass accelerate for certain queries to avoid 5MB limit
Giving relation implicit name explicitly without dropping table
Error: spawn prisma-client-py ENOENT
Additional processing after fetching data
why can't all sides of relation become mandatory? why one of the side has to be optional?
many to many api response looks wierd
Prisma breaks lambda
Refactoring schema
Extra query into object (GetPayload)
Updating several different data
Which is more efficient: Promise.all([findUnique() * 3]) or prisma.$transaction([findUnique() * 3])?
findUniqueOrThrow does not throw a PrismaClientKnownRequestError - and NotFoundError is deprecated
Create Project Button is disabled, also page seems to be broken
npm migrate deploy Error
where inside include
Does Accelerate support using cacheStrategy with groupBy queries on a view?
Prisma `AND` filter not working
Merge migrations
Set max execution timeout
Is it possible to include nested fields in client extensions?
getting migration error in prisma
NextJS + Prisma,why is a 2M WASM file generated?
RDS Proxy with Prisma
orderBy on a relation include
QueryError(MixedParams) after Google Cloud hosting service
Deploy failed in the cloudflare pages dashboard with prisma.
Convert Raw Query back to prisma type
When db is updated how to get that alter into prisma?
[Prisma] Nested create with 2 levels of related records
[Neon] [Driver Adapters] Do we need DIRECT_URL if using Driver Adapters?
How to setup Next js apps on Vercel using Prisma....
How to create a .prisma file for each Model in a schema
Prisma ORM with Cloudflare D1/Next-on-pages
A bug with prisma
Is it possible to use every + and?
Incorrect binary data format in bind parameter
Prisma not recognizing Date-only values
Dynamically changing DB connection during runtime
How to Handle Case Insensitivity?
Inconsistent query result: Field topics is required to return data, got `null` instead.
Does Prisma Studio work without Node (i.e. with Bun)
How to run safe migrations
Prisma Warn Console in development
Type 'string[]' is not assignable to type 'string'.ts(2322) when trying to create a form using Prism
Strange @relation fields in auto-generated models
I feel this is simple but I fear i've just been at it too long I'm starting to not see straight.
findMany query is failing as it's breaching planetscale's 100k limit but rawquery is working fine
Pulse listening to all schemas in my RDS instance
How to avoid resetting the DB when switching between branches with schema diffs
Connecting prisma with mongodb issue
Deploy on GCP
mysql table collation
Reason why relation is giving an error when id is provided
Temporary table support?
No models defined
Pulse import not recognized / types not working in Next.js project
Error with correct Model
Prisma throws an error with code 2F005
Error on prisma Client
invalid invocation prisma.paypal.findMany()
Prisma Query
Prisma stores invalid data
MTI key relation
Prisma first query goes slow
[ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: Package subpath './runtime/library.js' is not defined in "exports"
Health Check of Query Engine timed out.
How to write like query in mongodb prisma raw?
Sorting by distance
Cloudflare Pages Error: @prisma/client did not initialize yet. Please run "prisma generate" and try
Error querying the database: FATAL: Max client connections reached
Prisma too many connection to my database
How do you seed/initialize basic data as products, delivery methods during deploy ?
Prisma not working in cpanel
Issue when running migrate command
Prisma generate have different result in v5.13
How to resolve this certificate issue
Prisma warns of data loss when changing required field to optional, even when there is a default val
Prisma VSCode extension v5.13.1 causing severe issue
multiple relations to same table
anyway i can have the _sum in this findMany()
Bun App. Cant fix Prisma Generate. Dockerfile?
How can show advertisement in queue in sync with all users?
Transaction timeout
Is it safe to expose prisma types to client application?
Status of NanoID
Can't use Neon
Typescript error
Prisma Accelerate p6000
[MongoDB] dup key: { itemId: null }, labels: {}
Prisma not working on middleware even tho the app is being ran on a server.
DB Connection String: connection_limit which side does it control exactly?
Neovim hightlight isn't working
Problem with first connection to database
How to execute postgres function in node js?
optionally adding an $extends clause to prisma export
Extends result relations
How to create Prisma triggers ?
Best practices for updating column type when there are existing records
Error validating datasource `db`: the URL must start with the protocol `prisma://`
Many to many on the same model, multi directional?
How to type $allModels result extension
Is it possible to have workspaces transferred from one user to another?
offset-based pagination in a field with a relation
is there any way we could get in touch with someone from the accelerate team?
prisma accelerate + custom directory
Custom database_url from command line?
can I use prisma with Mongodb for real time data fetching ?
Filtering time
Prisma filter variable in given array
Authentication error while fetching data but not while prisma studio or db push
P1017: Server has closed the connection.
What's the correct way to fix this error?
children and favourite child (ambiguous relation)
prisma migrate reset --force
Need urgent support from Prisma team
How to get the type of a compound query?
Support case insensitive advanced Json filtering
How good is Prisma with Json fields?
Prisma optimization
Timezone error
prisma aggregateRaw, how to parse Date back to javascript date, and other special types,
Deployment to vercel failing
Using pulse in a next.js project
Add Model Extension methods
union type findMany
How to cascade delete properly in a self-relation with mongodb ?
[Typescript] Prisma result extension typing
will prisma support zod validations natively
@unique on optional field
Why have "id" and "modelName" been left out of Pulse subscription event types?
Unknown argument xx. Available options are marked with ?.
Trying to get into Prisma; lots of hope and heartbreak
How to Implement an Optional One-to-One Relationship in Prisma with MongoDB?
SOLVED: Create w/ sub create: Subquery returned more than 1 value
SQLite Timeout issues
Returning the next day closest to NOW
prisma nested fields
Get the next date with prisma
P3005 Error running Prisma migrate
How to Get Started with Prisma? ORM
i want a field to be an array in my mysql schema
Wierd type error with prisma codegen
why that not work?
Sorting by related field
When to run migrations
Paying for this service but can't login. On multiple accounts now
Monorepo setup: Prisma with NestJS
Update nested field in composite types
How to use enum?
Turbo setup with prisma and pnpm
Prisma new field adding will thorw the unkown error
Optimizing a query
Raw query doesn't work
how to make onDelete: SetNull only work for one field
Cursor based pagination without numeric id available in table
Cloudflare D1 support
I need to convert find many query to find raw query...
UpdatedAt value changes if no field value changes?
[ADVANCED] Prisma Extensions - dynamic typing
Filter: return both or one
Cannot select both '$scalars: true' and a specific scalar field 'tags'.
[ACCELERATE] Timed out fetching a new connection from the connection pool
User data not generated at prisma
Why getting typescript error only selecting few fields?
is there still no option to manually invalidate the cache?
StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput on @id
multiSchema variable
Deploying to Railway
Query based on Time
How do I find records then select only 10 of them between (example) 40 and 50
Frequent constraint failed on id when using @id @default(autoincrement())
Single table inheritance
Connecting relations misunderstanding
Pull Operator not Existing?
Prisma.Decimal is not a Decimal
Does 'asc' sorting order sorts my createdAt timestamps from the oldest to the latest or viceversa?
how to create the _prisma_migration table in a specific schema?
Multiple Prisma clients and connection pooling
Prisma(postgres) stuck at `where: {assets: {none: {}}}`
Data is not showing in table
Multiple datasources
Fixing slow query
Weird bug in dates
How does Priama handle connection cleanup in the connection pool?
Edge + Accelerate cold start
Error: @prisma/client did not initialize yet. Please run "prisma generate"