What is the best practice to deploy migrations to production on AWS RDS?

Hey! So I am using Prisma ORM and I was wondering what are the best practices regarding Prisma to deploy database migrations to production when using AWS RDS within a private subnet. There are some possible solutions but they all feel quite engineered so I was wonder if there was a straightforward best approach that you would recommend. Thanks!
4 Replies
SmashingQuasarOP5mo ago
Does anyone have any idea about this?
Yetzederixx5mo ago
I use npx prisma migrate dev --name something developing locally, then I use a boot.sh script which runs on launching the new container.
#! /bin/bash

npx prisma migrate deploy
npx prisma generate --sql
npm start
#! /bin/bash

npx prisma migrate deploy
npx prisma generate --sql
npm start
RaphaelEtim5mo ago
Hi @Yetzederixx Please take a look at this documentation for deploying to Production. This other doc might also interest you.
Deploy migrations from a local environment | Prisma Documentation
Learn how to deploy Node.js and TypeScript applications that are using Prisma Client locally.
Deploy your application using Prisma ORM to AWS Lambda | Prisma Doc...
Learn how to deploy your Prisma ORM-backed applications to AWS Lambda with AWS SAM, Serverless Framework, or SST
Yetzederixx5mo ago
yeah my db url's are injected into the docker container at build time

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