When running Prisma Generate on either of my computers (both Apple Silicon) getting error

Can't find anybody else that is experiencing this so maybe I've done something silly,but whenever I run prisma generate I get this error:
Error: Generator "prisma-json-types-generator" failed:

/bin/sh: prisma-json-types-generator: command not found
Error: Generator "prisma-json-types-generator" failed:

/bin/sh: prisma-json-types-generator: command not found
3 Replies
erasebeginOP9mo ago
It turns out that this prisma-json-types-generator package is something that was installed by one of the other devs, we weren't using it, and it was causing the thing to break. So problem solved by removing it.
JTB9mo ago
GitHub - arthurfiorette/prisma-json-types-generator: ⚒️ Changes Jso...
⚒️ Changes JsonValues to your custom typescript type. - arthurfiorette/prisma-json-types-generator
Nurul9mo ago
Does it fail if you don't use the "prisma-json-types-generator" generator?

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