How to solve this in Prisma, count related entries of complex query
Consider a filtering mechanism as suggested in the linked image. We would like to show the results count depending on each "attribute option". See the prisma schema and trpc route here:
This approach is evidently very inefficient since it introduces a classic n+1 problem, where we fetch the attributes for the selected category and then loop over each of them and again fetch the count for each attribute option.
I can't seem any other solution other than writing a raw SQL query for this kind of problem. Or am I missing something?
Prisma count related posts for each available attribute option
Prisma count related posts for each available attribute option - schema.prisma
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I have responded to this on Github
How to solve this in Prisma, count related entries of complex query...
Question Consider a filtering mechanism as suggested in the linked image. We would like to show the results count depending on each "attribute option". See the prisma schema and trpc rout...