Three Way Relationship ConnectOrCreate

I have the following mode: model Bean { id String @id @default(uuid()) country OriginCountry[] regions OriginRegion[] } model OriginCountry { id String @id @default(uuid()) beans Bean[] regions OriginRegion[] } model OriginRegion { id String @id @default(uuid()) parentCountryID String beans Bean[] country OriginCountry @relation(fields: [parentCountryID], references: [id]) } A key scenario is doing a Create of the Bean model, that results in the creation of both a Region and a Country, with a 3 way relationship (A bean connects many to many countries, and many to many regions, a country has many regions and many beans, and a region has many beans and one parent country. The challenge I'm having is, I can nest a connectorcreate for the country that connectorcreates the regions, but how do I get that region reference back up to the root bean creation?
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