jack@dance-party Wanyama % npx prisma migrate dev --name "add_other_to_win_state" --create-only
Environment variables loaded from .env
Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma
Datasource "db": MySQL database "wanyama" at "eu01.jpy.gg:3307"
Drift detected: Your database schema is not in sync with your migration history.
The following is a summary of the differences between the expected database schema given your migrations files, and the actual schema of the database.
It should be understood as the set of changes to get from the expected schema to the actual schema.
[*] Changed the `Case` table
[*] Altered column `win_state` (type changed)
✔ We need to reset the MySQL database "wanyama" at "eu01.jpy.gg:3307"
Do you want to continue? All data will be lost. … yes
Applying migration `20250219144234_init`
Applying migration `20250301005536_add_embeds_table`
Applying migration `20250308014453_add_client_and_case_models`
Applying migration `20250308140356_client_id_changes`
Applying migration `20250308153731_remove_dob_add_id_card`
Applying migration `20250308221736_remove_summary_from_case`
Applying migration `20250309021721_add_channel_id_to_case`
Applying migration `20250309153648_add_win_state_and_archived_to_case`
The following migration(s) have been applied:
└─ 20250219144234_init/
└─ migration.sql
└─ 20250301005536_add_embeds_table/
└─ migration.sql
└─ 20250308014453_add_client_and_case_models/
└─ migration.sql
└─ 20250308140356_client_id_changes/
└─ migration.sql
└─ 20250308153731_remove_dob_add_id_card/
└─ migration.sql
└─ 20250308221736_remove_summary_from_case/
└─ migration.sql
└─ 20250309021721_add_channel_id_to_case/
└─ migration.sql
└─ 20250309153648_add_win_state_and_archived_to_case/
└─ migration.sql
Prisma Migrate created the following migration without applying it 20250310183637_add_other_to_win_state
You can now edit it and apply it by running prisma migrate dev.
jack@dance-party Wanyama %