Prisma Schema Pull/Push Issues
Having issues where when i run npx prisma pull, it seems to pull from a certain state of the schema. If I make changes to the schema and do a npx prisma push and then npx prisma pull the schema is not the same.
Database is Supabase (Postgres).
Sorry for the lack of information there really isnt any logs I could find for this.
It is just strange behaviour. This happens on my nestjs backend.
When using nextjs & prisma it pushes and pulls the schema fine. I've cross refered and everything is as similar as it could be. Except the prisma version.
3 Replies
Hello 👋
Is this issue happening on latest prisma version 6.1.0?
What difference do you see between both state of schemas (the one you are getting and the one that you expect to receive)?
Hi! Managed to fix the issue by changing the schema.
Had to change this
apparently was because of the _ ? not too sure but it pulls fine on a different codebase. Not too sure what really caused the issue but my workaround was that
Hmm, strange!
So, you renamed the columns A,B to groupId, userId and removed the map attribute. 🤔
I haven't came across this kind of issue before.
Though, I am glad to hear that your workaround fixed the issue.