Please Someone knows if has a unstability on prisma postgres?

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Nurul5d ago
Hey 👋 There was an incident. It should be resolved now. Can you check?
TY5d ago
@Nurul Hi Nurul, the incident on Prisma Status seems to mention the console but was there any other impacts to the availability or stability of Accelerate during this time?
We have been observing a variety of errors to our accelerate endpoints ranging from 404's, to Timeouts, and to "Accelerate was not able to connect to your database. The underlying error is: Health Check of Query Engine timed out.".
DB seems healthy. Errors have slowed down now (but not gone away entirely). Console seems back to being down for me.
dbset.devOP5d ago
to me the console is working 👍
Nurul4d ago
Hi Ty! Some of the Accelerate users in US region were facing degraded performance due to an issue on our upstream provider end: We have deployed mitigations and things are now looking to improve. Please let me know if you are still observing errors

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