any RDS proxy support ?
i tried to implement prisma in my work but they using rds proxy, and its a blocker rn..
5 Replies
You selected the carefully hand-crafted route. A dev artisan will respond soon. Meanwhile, the
channel awaits if you're curious!Hello 👋
You can use Prisma with AWS RDS Proxy, however there are a few caveats as described here:
We have this related feature request for improving RDS Proxy support:
Are you using Postgres, if yes then situation would be a bit improved:
when it will be available to use ?
I assume you are referring to the feature request.
I don't have a timeline yet on when it will be available
meanwhile, can you tell me how i can avoid the connection pinning if im working with prisma ? if theres a way in this condition ?
is prisma accelerate can handle this issue ? working with RDS Proxy ?