How to order multiple index
I have a index with multiple fields, i want to order them by company_id at first, but when i'm looking at my BD, it doesn't appear in first index :
here is the result :
pricings pricings_pkey id
3 Replies
Hey @Guillaume630 👋
but when i'm looking at my BDWhat does BD mean? If I understand correctly, you want that the company_id should be the first column in the generated index? Like this:
Yes, exactly!
The problem I have is that I need to display 1 million rows divided by 100 rows per page.
I have one table called Pricing with 3 million rows that should be filtered by company_id (one company contains 1 million rows). So the main filter is company_id.
Then, for this batch of 1 million rows, I need all the distinct values for the specified columns (CATEGORY_FINAL, GROUP_CONCURRENT, etc.) to display them in my filters on the frontend. The goal is to have all the filters contained within the 1 million rows.
I experience a lot of latency when fetching the data, probably because I need to get distinct values based on company_id on a large dataset.
My idea was to create the first index by company_id, then the rest of the filter columns.
So my question is: how should I sort the index as I did in my @@index([company_id, ...])?
OR should I have one index for company_id and another multiple index with all filters?
OR should I have a one-to-many relation (company <=> products) and index all the filters?

Generally, you should order the fields based on how often they are used in your queries. If
is frequently used in your queries, it makes sense to have it as the first field in your index. I would recommend that you have one index specific for company_id
And the other index with all the filters.
After that, you should also check the query execution plan of the query to confirm that the index are indeeed being used.