Modeling data
Can i make my model for a specific field be lowercased just like doing something like this
model User {
email String @unique @@lower
5 Replies
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No, there isn't an attribute like
to convert a field to lowercase.
You can use a Prisma Client Extension to transform the query result and return values in lowercase
just run the logic to manipulate a string to lowercase on the server
8 try {
→ 19 const newTour = await db.tour.create({
data: {
name: "the new forest hikers",
price: 299,
rating: 4.8,
belongsTo: {
connect: {
id: undefined,
? email?: String,
? AND?: UserWhereInput | UserWhereInput[],
? OR?: UserWhereInput[],
? NOT?: UserWhereInput | UserWhereInput[],
? name?: StringFilter | String,
? password?: StringFilter | String,
? photo?: StringNullableFilter | String | Null,
? createdAt?: DateTimeFilter | DateTime,
? updatedAt?: DateTimeFilter | DateTime,
? tours?: TourListRelationFilter
I do get that undefined on the id, which i want to connect to
Can you share the schema and the query you are invoking?
Let us know in case you still need any help