Prisma Mongodb & Express Res API Docker

Hi I am tryin to create a docker compose that ecompasses A Rest API in Prisma and Express.js and a MongoDB Database. I am using this docker-compose file: name: 'proofifi-project' services: mongo: # This image automatically creates a replica set required for transactions image: prismagraphql/mongo-single-replica:4.4.3-bionic environment: MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME: root MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: prisma MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE: proofifi MONGO_REPLICA_HOST: host.docker.internal MONGO_REPLICA_PORT: 27017 INIT_WAIT_SEC: 3 ports: - 27017:27017 hostname: mongo container_name: mongo networks: - proofifi-network backend: build: context: ../../backend dockerfile: Dockerfile ports: - 3001:3001 environment: - DATABASE_URL=mongodb://root:prisma@localhost:27017/proofifi?authSource=admin&retryWrites=false depends_on: - mongo hostname: backend container_name: backend networks: - proofifi-network volumes: mongo-data: networks: proofifi-network: driver: bridge But I get always the same error: Message: Kind: Server selection timeout: No available servers. Topology: { Type: Unknown, Servers: [ { Address: localhost:27017, Type: Unknown, Error: Kind: I/O error: Connection refused (os error 111), labels: {} } ] }, labels: {} Do you guys know if there is a docker compose that encompasses a prisma rest api and mongodb?
4 Replies
Nurul•3mo ago
Hello 👋 Once you start your docker container, are you able to connect to the running mongodb instance using a GUI tool like MongoDB Compass?
Nurul•3mo ago
prisma/docker/mongodb_replica/Dockerfile at main · prisma/prisma
Next-generation ORM for Node.js & TypeScript | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MongoDB and CockroachDB - prisma/prisma
Rosario Borgesi
Rosario BorgesiOP•3mo ago
Hi Nurul, thank you for your quick reply! I successfully managed to run this docker-compose: And the REST API worked perfectly when I made it start from the terminal as a node application. I was thinking to create a docker-compose that would encompass the mongodb plus the REST API to use in production but since you are talking about testing maybe the best thing to do is to just create a docker compose with the REST API only and then connect this docker image to a mongo DB hosted on Atlas. What do you think?
prisma-examples/databases/mongodb/docker-compose.yml at latest · pr...
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Nurul•3mo ago
I am glad to hear that the docker compose from prisma-examples repo worked for you! I would suggest separating your database instance and REST API in different docker containers. This would ensure that both services are unaffected by each other.

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