Postgis verstion update

Hello, How can I update from version 3.2.4 postgis to 3.2.6. 3.2.4 is currently in my database and that version is not existing anywhere now. So if I want to deploy my migrations on staging environment i have a problem
DbError { severity: "ERROR", parsed_severity: Some(Error), code: SqlState(E22023), message: "extension \"postgis\" has no installation script nor update path for version \"3.2.4\"", detail: None, hint: None, position: None, where_: None, schema: None, table: None, column: None, datatype: None, constraint: None, file: Some("extension.c"), line: Some(1535), routine: Some("CreateExtensionInternal
DbError { severity: "ERROR", parsed_severity: Some(Error), code: SqlState(E22023), message: "extension \"postgis\" has no installation script nor update path for version \"3.2.4\"", detail: None, hint: None, position: None, where_: None, schema: None, table: None, column: None, datatype: None, constraint: None, file: Some("extension.c"), line: Some(1535), routine: Some("CreateExtensionInternal
3.2.6 is next available Is there a way to somehow change 3.2.4 to 3.2.6 in already created migration and do not mess up my data on production env ? Or what is a solution
1 Reply
RaphaelEtim4mo ago
Hi @Aleksandar Dimitrijevic Can you try enabling the postgresqlExtensions preview feature in your Prisma schema:
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["postgresqlExtensions"]
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["postgresqlExtensions"]
In your Prisma schema, you can specify the PostGIS extension with the desired version:
datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
extensions = [postgis(version: "3.2.6")]
datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
extensions = [postgis(version: "3.2.6")]
After making these changes, you should create a new migration to update the PostGIS version. You can do this by running:
npx prisma migrate dev --name update_postgis_version
npx prisma migrate dev --name update_postgis_version
This should create a new migration file that includes the necessary SQL to update the PostGIS extension.
How to represent PostgreSQL extensions in your Prisma schema | Pris...
How to represent PostgreSQL extensions in your Prisma scheme, introspect extensions in your database, and apply changes to extensions with Prisma Migrate

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