Find the way to write unit-test by postgres in memory db

Hi, I'm starting to write unit-test but I don't want to use docker to mock DB. Any way to use in memory postgres db?
19 Replies
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nhan.nguyenvanOP4w ago
Dan😏4w ago
yeah, postgresql doesnt have a true in-memory mode like sqlite, but there are a few ways you can achieve fast, disposable databases for unit testing without using docker
nhan.nguyenvanOP4w ago
Can you give me a guide?
Dan😏4w ago
first of all, i'd like say to you use pg_tmp - fast, temporary postgres instance you know, pg_tmp is a tool that spins up a temporary postgresql instance in the background and cleans it up after tests it's super lightweight and doesnt require docker you can install via it using this cargo install pg_tmp # if you have Rust installed and then, start your test with this pg_tmp -c 'your_test_command_here
nhan.nguyenvanOP4w ago
I saw a libray is pg-mem, but i am not sure it work in memory, let me share with you I am using nodejs And want to write test with api level
Dan😏4w ago
yeah, since you are using node.js and testing at the api level, pg-mem is a solid option for ocking a postgresql database entirely in memory it's super fast and doesnt require a real database connection npm install pg-mem - install then, set up an in-memory database
import { newDb } from 'pg-mem';
import { Pool } from 'pg';

// Create an in-memory database
const db = newDb();
db.public.none(`CREATE TABLE users (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT);`);

// Mock the pg Pool to use this in-memory DB
const pool = new Pool({ connectionString: db.adapters.createConnection() });

// Example query
async function testQuery() {
await pool.query(`INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('Alice')`);
const res = await pool.query(`SELECT * FROM users`);
console.log(res.rows); // Should log [{ id: 1, name: 'Alice' }]

import { newDb } from 'pg-mem';
import { Pool } from 'pg';

// Create an in-memory database
const db = newDb();
db.public.none(`CREATE TABLE users (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT);`);

// Mock the pg Pool to use this in-memory DB
const pool = new Pool({ connectionString: db.adapters.createConnection() });

// Example query
async function testQuery() {
await pool.query(`INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('Alice')`);
const res = await pool.query(`SELECT * FROM users`);
console.log(res.rows); // Should log [{ id: 1, name: 'Alice' }]

and next, you have to use pg-mem in jest tests if you are testing api routes using jest + supertest, you can do something like this
import request from 'supertest';
import { newDb } from 'pg-mem';
import { app } from '../app'; // Your Express app

let db: any;
beforeAll(async () => {
db = newDb();
db.public.none(`CREATE TABLE users (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)`);

test('GET /users should return an empty array', async () => {
const res = await request(app).get('/users');
import request from 'supertest';
import { newDb } from 'pg-mem';
import { app } from '../app'; // Your Express app

let db: any;
beforeAll(async () => {
db = newDb();
db.public.none(`CREATE TABLE users (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)`);

test('GET /users should return an empty array', async () => {
const res = await request(app).get('/users');
in my exp, pg-mem is great for unit tests but doesnt fully replicate postgresql behavior, so it might not work well for complex queries so if you need real postgres behavior, pg-mem or using a RAM-disk-backed postgresql instance is better
RaphaelEtim4w ago
Either pg_tmp and pg-mem should work well for our usecase just like Dan has suggested.
nhan.nguyenvanOP4w ago
Hello Are you here Ok What is the best way to deal with my case? Pg-mem But you said that pg cant use in memory Why pg-mem work As it base on memory or not?
Dan😏4w ago
yeah, i get the confusion you know, postgresql itself doesn’t have a true "in-memory" mode like sqlite, but pg-mem works differently, it simulates a postgresql database entirely in memory, without actually running a real postgres instance so, pg-mem isnt postgresql itself, but a library that mimics its behavior using javascript it’s super fast and great for unit tests where you dont need full postgresql features like advanced indexing, triggers, or extensions
nhan.nguyenvanOP4w ago
Will pg-mem outdate in the future as it use js to mimic behavior?
Dan😏4w ago
so if your queries are simple like basic crud, joins etc, pg-mem is a solid choice but if you need full postgresql behavior like complex transactions, foreign key constraints, or postgis, then you’d need a real postgres instance like running one on a ram disk or using pg_tmp for a temporary database so the best approach depends on what you’re testing - simple unit tests → pg-mem is great - more realistic database behavior → pg_tmp or a real sostgres instance good question~~ pg-mem is great for now, but yeah, there's always a risk that it could become outdated or inaccurate over time since it mimics postgresql using javascript, it's not guaranteed to stay 100% in sync with newer postgresql features, optimizaions, or quirks that said, pg-mem is still useful for lightweight unit tests where you dont need full postgresql behavior anyway, if you wanna long-term reliability, you might wanna look at altervatives like testcontainers for node.js, pg_tmp, using a ram-backed postgresql instance
nhan.nguyenvanOP4w ago
Dan😏4w ago
so, while pg-mem work today, it's smart to keep an eye on whether it meets your needs as your app grows
nhan.nguyenvanOP4w ago
When I use pg-tmp i dont’t need to use docker to create temp db right?
Dan😏4w ago
yeah, that's right pg_tmp lets you create a temporary postgresql database without needing docker it spins up a real postgresql instance in the background, runs your tests, and automatically cleans
nhan.nguyenvanOP3w ago
Oh, to implement them in CICD process, pg-tmp or docker is better and quicker Like implement them in github flow, jenkin. I mean faster to build or quick check current test to allow merge code How can i caculate test coverage as well mate Hey mate, I can't find pg_tmp library .. Hello, anyone is here
RaphaelEtim3w ago
GitHub - eradman/ephemeralpg: Quickly spin up a temporary PostgreSQ...
Quickly spin up a temporary PostgreSQL test databases - eradman/ephemeralpg
nhan.nguyenvanOP3w ago
thanks mate, The number of Star of this library seems not much Do we have another library with higher star?

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