hello guys , i have a quetion about sorting in relational field in prisma , i have the below models:

hello guys , i have a quetion about sorting in relational field in prisma , i have the below models: model speciality { id String @id @default(uuid()) medical_Files medical_File[] medicalFileTemplate medical_File_templates[] institutionUsers institutionUsers[] created_at DateTime @default(now()) updated_at DateTime? @updatedAt InstitutionExistingSpecialities InstitutionExistingSpecialities[] InviteNewUsers InviteNewUsers[] joinInstitutionRequests joinInstitutionRequests[] collaborationSpeciality collaborationSpeciality[] selectListSpeciality selectListSpeciality[] specialityLabel specialityLabel[] } model expertiseLabel { id String @id @default(uuid()) label String language availableLanguages expertise expertise @relation(fields: [expertiseId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade) expertiseId String priority Int @default(0) created_at DateTime @default(now()) updated_at DateTime? @updatedAt @@unique([expertiseId, language]) } and i have the below code in nest in order to fetch speciality and sort them by label : 'asc' of specialityLabel const specialities = await this.prisma.speciality.findMany({ orderBy: { specialityLabel: { label: 'asc' } }, }); i got this error : error TS2353: Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'label' does not exist in type 'specialityLabelOrderByRelationAggregateInput'. is there any solution that help me sort speciality by label of specialityLabel ?
4 Replies
RaphaelEtim3mo ago
Hi @Rami kadaweh Can you try this query?
const specialities = await prisma.speciality.findMany({
include: {
specialityLabel: {
orderBy: {
label: 'asc'
const specialities = await prisma.speciality.findMany({
include: {
specialityLabel: {
orderBy: {
label: 'asc'
Rami kadaweh
Rami kadawehOP3mo ago
don't give me a good result because in this way specialityLabel are ordered by label inside secific speciality . the result that i want to order speciality by label of specialityLabel
RaphaelEtim3mo ago
Hi @Rami kadaweh There isn't a straightforward way to order specialities by the label of specialityLabel using the standard query API because Prisma doesn't support ordering by fields in one-to-many relations in the way you need. You can see this open issue and this other issue that mentions ordering by one-to many fields. The workaround would be to use a raw SQL query to achieve the desired sorting.
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Rami kadaweh
Rami kadawehOP3mo ago
thank you @RaphaelEtim

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