Prisma2mo ago

Intermittent Server Error with Prisma 6.2.1 with Node 22 on Linux Mint

I am building NextJS application with Prisma on Linux Mint and have recently starting getting intermittent errors when running the application on localhost. For example, if I change a file and spark a hot module replacement, SOMETIMES it will give me an error on the console saying : (see attached)
⨯ [Error: [object Object]] { digest: '520418415' }
GET / 500 in 2396ms
⨯ [Error: [object Object]] { digest: '520418415' }
GET / 500 in 2396ms
And I get an unhandled exception on the browser saying: (see attached)
[ Server ] Error: {clientVersion 6.2.1}
[ Server ] Error: {clientVersion 6.2.1}
` indicating that there is some issue with my Prisma client. (Yes, I have regenerated Prisma several times) And I get
500 Internal Server Error
500 Internal Server Error
message on the network debug panel (see attached) This seems to only be an issue on Linux (I am running Mint 22). When I do the same on my Windows 11 laptop, I am not seeing this error. Also, when I build and deploy the application to Vercel, I do not get the issue. This happens ONLY on my locahost after running
pnpm dev
pnpm dev
to run the app for debugging. I cannot tell if this is an issue with Prisma, Node, or Linux.
It only happens intermittently. Sometimes I just refresh the page and it works again and I cannot seem to reproduce the error consistently after several tries.
This is happening on a page where Prisma is executing a simple query to retrieve about 7 records from the database and render them to the page. When I remove this query, I no longer get the error, making me think that the Prisma query is sometimes causing the error.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Is there something I'm not seeing? OS: Linux Mint 22 Node: 22.13.1 Framework: NextJS
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4 Replies
Prisma AI Help
Prisma AI Help2mo ago
You decided to hold for human wisdom. We'll chime in soon! Meanwhile, #ask-ai is there if you need a quick second opinion.
Nurul2mo ago
How are you importing/instantiating the PrismaClient? Have you tried logging the full JSON.stringify(error) to see what’s being returned? I am wondering if this could be something due to HMR, can you temporarily disable HMR and see if the issue persists?
bozobitOP5w ago
Thanks @Nural(Prisma), Well, I looked up disabling HMR and that looked more difficult, so I just separately did an pnpm build and then pnpm start to run the app without HMR. Then stringifying the error message gave me only an object like { digest: '520418415' } with no other information. At first caused it to error out every time. Then I regenerated prisma with npx prisma generate and then built and started again. After I did that, the intermittent problem stopped and I no longer get the error. I can now just run pnpm dev and use the HMR and it appears to be fine. I really have no idea what I did or what caused this, but I'm just afraid it will come back. (Well, it did the next day!) FYI, here is my package.json file that I hope answers your quesiton on how I'm including prisma.
{ "name": "@repo/database", "version": "0.0.0", "main": "./index.ts", "types": "./index.ts", "scripts": { "analyze": "prisma generate --no-hints", "build": "prisma generate --no-hints", "clean": "git clean -xdf .cache .turbo dist node_modules", "typecheck": "tsc --noEmit --emitDeclarationOnly false" }, "dependencies": { "@neondatabase/serverless": "^0.10.4", "@prisma/adapter-neon": "^6.2.1", "@prisma/client": "6.2.1", "@t3-oss/env-nextjs": "^0.11.1", "server-only": "^0.0.1", "undici": "^7.3.0", "ws": "^8.18.0", "zod": "^3.24.1" }, "devDependencies": { "@repo/typescript-config": "workspace:*", "@types/node": "22.10.7", "@types/ws": "^8.5.14", "bufferutil": "^4.0.9", "prisma": "6.2.1", "typescript": "^5.7.3" } } @Nurul (Prisma). An update. I found that there may be incompatibiliites between Prisma and Linux Mint in dev? Will be swithing to Ubuntu to see if that addresses the issue. When I run the same NextJS application in Dev on Windows 11, no problems. @Nurul (Prisma) Well, after replacing my Linux Mint OS with the latest LTS of Ubuntu, the intermittent error remained. I then downgraded to 5.22.0 and the intermttent problem remained. But when I run the same configuration on Windows 11, no problem! I'm really stuck here, and after using Prisma for over 2 years, I've lost some confidence that it will behave predictably. I think I'm going to explore Drizzle. Ah! I figured it out. It turned out that this was a timeout error when connecting to a remote database that was far from me. I am in Auckland and the database was in the USA. Once I switched the database (Neon) to Sydney, the problem resolved itself. However, i will say that the error message from Prisma was not very helpful! (see above) I discovered the issue by trying with Drizzle and it gave me a timeout message. That was the key to figuring it out. 😃
Nurul5w ago
Glad to hear that you were able to figure out the root cause 🙂 Thanks for sharing the feedback 👍

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