Prisma•2mo ago

Using Prisma with Azure SQL Hyperscale

Is anyone using Prisma with Azure SQL Hyperscale? I am running into an issue that when the sql azure scales up or down there is a massive slow down in the application and errors from disconnections of the connection pooling. I am curious how others may have solved this. In .NET's EF they had automatic retry logic but is there an equavaliant in Prisma?
3 Replies
Prisma AI Help
Prisma AI Help•2mo ago
You're in no rush, so we'll let a dev step in. Enjoy your coffee, or drop into #ask-ai if you get antsy for a second opinion!
JonathanOP•2mo ago
Nurul•2mo ago
Hey Jonathan 👋 I haven’t used Azure SQL Hyperscale personally. Based on your use case, I think you can use $connect explicitly, whenever you get a disconnection error. Would something like that work? https://www.prisma.io/docs/orm/prisma-client/setup-and-configuration/databases-connections/connection-management#calling-connect-explicitly
Connection management | Prisma Documentation
This page explains how database connections are handled with Prisma Client and how to manually connect and disconnect your database.

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