Optimize not showing recommendations for a finished recording (+ feature requests)
I've just started using Prisma Optimize and wanted to flag one bug and a couple of feature requests.
1. I'm not seeing any recommendations for either of the finished recordings
2. It would be super helpful to be able to sort the queries/groups tables by the columns, otherwise it's very inefficient to go through it to identify slowest ones (this might be less pressing depending on what the recommendations tab looks like when working.
3. Ability to name recordings would help to organize things
8 Replies
Hello @pawel-123 👋
Thank you for trying out Prisma Optimize and for sharing the feature requests. It definitely makes sense, I'll relay it to our Optimize team.
As for not seeing any recommendations - Can you confirm that you are able to see queries being recorded? It maybe possible that there are no recommendations at the moment. We are working on increasing types of recommendations.
Optimize: Recommendations | Prisma Documentation
Learn about the recommendations provided by Optimize.
There are definitely queries there and some rather slow ones too so unlikely that it wouldn't be able to come up with any recommendations. Here's the recording: https://optimize.prisma.io/cm3ip7uo800ic2r6148oejea7/recordings/5/queries (feel free to inspect it on your end)
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At the moment we have these set of recommendations available and we are working on adding more. Do you mind sharing your schema file so that I can see if any of these recommendations would have helped?
Just DMed you our schema, pretty sure there would've been a bunch of recommendations found, e.g. for "Queries on unindexed columns"
(though some were fixed since the recordings were made)
Received your schema. Thanks for sharing 🙏
I'll try to use Optimize with your schema and see if I can get any recommendations
This is also happening with me, and I definitely have some queries that are above 100ms which I would like to understand if Optimize can help with. Should I just DM you also?
@logo Yes please, apologies for the delay 🙂
Responded in DMs 👍
@pawel-123 thanks a lot for the improvements proposal, that's definitely something we are concidering for the upcoming iterations. Feel free to drop me a message or tag me in when anything else comes to your mind as a potential improvement, really value your feedback.