Monorepo setup: Prisma with NestJS
I currently have a postgres database that uses row level security. This database is used by two services that are built with NestJS.
- auth service
- core service
In order to interact correctly with the database and RLS, I need to use these two services with a different database account so that it can bypass RLS. (auth service needs to bypass)
Here is where the monorepo setup comes to play, I want to implement a monorepo with 4 packages:
- db (prisma)
- auth service (nestjs)
- core service (nestjs)
- web (next js app)
The idea is that both auth and core can connect to the same database using a different username, I was thinking on passing a different
when starting the service.
Has anyone done this approach or can share how to do so? I did not find anything on the documentation and would like a but of guidance please0 Replies