Bun App. Cant fix Prisma Generate. Dockerfile?
This is the log error when I run ./server.js on Fly.io
2024-04-26T10:34:58.943 runner[e78464ea2742d8] sin [info] Machine started in 518ms
2024-04-26T10:34:59.024 app[e78464ea2742d8] sin [info] $ NODE_ENV=production bun ./server.js
2024-04-26T10:34:59.301 app[e78464ea2742d8] sin [info] 1031 | };
2024-04-26T10:34:59.301 app[e78464ea2742d8] sin [info] 1032 | var version = "5.13.0";
2024-04-26T10:34:59.301 app[e78464ea2742d8] sin [info] 1033 | var clientVersion = version;
2024-04-26T10:34:59.301 app[e78464ea2742d8] sin [info] 1034 | var PrismaClient = class {
2024-04-26T10:34:59.301 app[e78464ea2742d8] sin [info] 1035 | constructor() {
2024-04-26T10:34:59.301 app[e78464ea2742d8] sin [info] 1036 | throw new Error(
@prisma/client did not initialize yet. Please run "prisma generate" and try to import it again.
2024-04-26T10:34:59.301 app[e78464ea2742d8] sin [info] In case this error is unexpected for you, please report it in https://pris.ly/prisma-prisma-bug-report
2024-04-26T10:34:59.301 app[e78464ea2742d8] sin [info] ^
2024-04-26T10:34:59.301 app[e78464ea2742d8] sin [info] error: @prisma/client did not initialize yet. Please run "prisma generate" and try to import it again.
2024-04-26T10:34:59.301 app[e78464ea2742d8] sin [info] In case this error is unexpected for you, please report it in https://pris.ly/prisma-prisma-bug-report
2024-04-26T10:34:59.301 app[e78464ea2742d8] sin [info] at new PrismaClient (/app/server.js:1036:13)
2024-04-26T10:34:59.301 app[e78464ea2742d8] sin [info] at /app/server.js:57670:14
2024-04-26T10:34:59.304 app[e78464ea2742d8] sin [info] error: script "start" exited with code 1GitHub
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