Accelerate: I cannot put my MongoDB connection string

As I wanted to put my MongoDB conection string in accelerate to initiate a new project, it's always telling me that my string is wrong and im definitely sure that my string is right
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17 Replies
bayrem🪽OP7mo ago
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Nurul7mo ago
Hey @bayrem🪽 Is your MongoDB database hosted on MongoDB Atlas?
bayrem🪽OP7mo ago
yea, it used to work perfectly on my pther projects now i want to start a new project doing the same thing it is not accepting the string, i even used old strings that were working before its not accepting them
Nurul7mo ago
Can you please share your connection string here (Obviously after obfuscating the username and password 😄 ) I want to see the format of the connection string and try it
bayrem🪽OP7mo ago
bayrem🪽OP7mo ago
bruh xd
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Hossam Mohsen
Hossam Mohsen7mo ago
I'm having the same problem Have you found any solution?
Nurul7mo ago
@bayrem🪽 @Hossam Mohsen I believe I found what was causing the issue. Can you please remove the connection string parameters and try again? Removing this: ?retryWrites=true&w=majority&appName=Cluster0 resolved the issue for me. I am checking this with our engineering team to get this investigated? Can you try using this connection string with lowercase parameter names?
This should ideally work. Please let me know in case you still get this error.
bayrem🪽OP7mo ago
This has solved the connection issue for me, but please try to fix adding the queries to the strings because they contain important informations for the connection. This is defenitely a bug because all connection strings used to work perfectly even with the queries.
Nurul7mo ago
We just shipped the fix now. Now connection strings with parameters will also work (no need for lowercase)
bayrem🪽OP7mo ago
Thank u! Now give me bug hunter role :p
Nurul7mo ago
Really appreciate you taking the time to report this! 🙌
Hossam Mohsen
Hossam Mohsen7mo ago
Yup! Fixed it for me. Thanks alot .
Nurul7mo ago
Thanks for confirming! :prisma_cool:
Anh Nguyen
Anh Nguyen7mo ago
I realize that when I place the "pgbouncer=true" in the connection it fails too
Nurul7mo ago
If you are using Prisma Accelerate then you shouldn't need to use PgBouncer.

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