Prisma•5mo ago

Return Type With Relations

Hello there, I have a quick question about return type with relation. If I have this sort of query:
include: {
customer: true
include: {
customer: true
So should Prisma's type have a customer as a return type?
import { Loan } from '@prisma/client';
import { Loan } from '@prisma/client';
If it is, why does it always crying that the customer is not a part of the type of loan?
4 Replies
RaphaelEtim•5mo ago
Hi @Arthur 👋 When you use include option in a query, the return type should indeed include the related fields specified in the include clause. Can you share how you are using it in your code?
ArthurOP•5mo ago
import { Loan, Prisma } from '@prisma/client';

async findLoanDetails<T extends Prisma.LoanWhereInput>(where: T): Promise<Loan> {
return this.prismaService.loan.findFirst({
include: {
customer: true,
import { Loan, Prisma } from '@prisma/client';

async findLoanDetails<T extends Prisma.LoanWhereInput>(where: T): Promise<Loan> {
return this.prismaService.loan.findFirst({
include: {
customer: true,
Usage of the method:
const result = await this.loanRepository.findLoanDetails({ id: loanId });
const result = await this.loanRepository.findLoanDetails({ id: loanId });
The error:
TS2339: Property customer does not exist on type
TS2339: Property customer does not exist on type
It's only works when I create the type by myself:
import { Loan, Customer } from '@prisma/client';

export type FindLoanDetailsEntity = Loan & {
customer: Customer;
import { Loan, Customer } from '@prisma/client';

export type FindLoanDetailsEntity = Loan & {
customer: Customer;
RaphaelEtim•5mo ago
Thank you for sharing. To address your issue, you can use Prisma Validator API to resolve this issue. Look at my example implementation
const loanWithCustomerFields = Prisma.validator<Prisma.LoanInclude>()({
customer: true,

type LoanWithCustomer = Prisma.LoanGetPayload<{ include: typeof loanWithCustomerFields }> | null;

async findLoanDetails<T extends Prisma.LoanWhereInput>(where: T): Promise<LoanWithCustomer> {
return this.prismaService.loan.findFirst({
include: loanWithCustomerFields,
const loanWithCustomerFields = Prisma.validator<Prisma.LoanInclude>()({
customer: true,

type LoanWithCustomer = Prisma.LoanGetPayload<{ include: typeof loanWithCustomerFields }> | null;

async findLoanDetails<T extends Prisma.LoanWhereInput>(where: T): Promise<LoanWithCustomer> {
return this.prismaService.loan.findFirst({
include: loanWithCustomerFields,
You can now use the findLoanDetails method
const result = await this.loanRepository.findLoanDetails({ id: loanId });
if (result) {
console.log(result.customer); // This should now be correctly typed
} else {
console.log('No loan found');
const result = await this.loanRepository.findLoanDetails({ id: loanId });
if (result) {
console.log(result.customer); // This should now be correctly typed
} else {
console.log('No loan found');
Prisma validator | Prisma Documentation
The Prisma validator is a utility function that takes a generated type and returns a type-safe object which adheres to the generated types model fields.
ArthurOP•5mo ago
Thank you for your answer, I'll read more about this include your approach.

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