Prisma3d ago

Does Prisma Postgres support logical replication to work with Electric SQL?

Hi guys , does Prisma Postgres support logical replication? I am trying to use Electric SQL with Prisma Postgres. Any ideas if that is possible or not at this stage?
3 Replies
Nurul2d ago
Hey @TOPGUN Prisma Postgres comes inbuilt with Prisma Pulse, which requires logical replication. So, yes, Prisma Postgres does support logical replication. Are you running into any specific issue with Electric SQL?
I got a response when asking the Electric SQL team whether they support Primsa Postgres or not ("im trying to get started with Prisma Postgres but not sure if they support logical replication or is it something i can turn on?"). Their response was: From the Electric-SQL team: "Yes, you need your Postgres host to give you a normal connection string, with a user with REPLICATION. When I looked at Prisma Postgres a little while ago, it only worked with the Prisma client." So i wonder if you provide such connection string, and "user" with "REPLICATION" capability.
Nurul15h ago
I assume you would like to have TCP connection string, starting with postgres:// and not with prisma+postgres:// That is not possible right now, though it is something we want to allow sometime in the near future

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