Will early access members receive an email when free is ending
Hi there! I just wanted to confirm that when early access ends all subscribers will be notified with ample time to ensure they want to continue on their plan?
6 Replies
You decided to hold for human wisdom. We'll chime in soon! Meanwhile,
is there if you need a quick second opinion.Hey @Parker 👋
We will definitely inform users when Prisma Postgres Early Access is ending.
Prisma Postgres will have a generous free tier as well. We will provide you sufficient time to allow you to decide if you want to upgrade to a paid plan if needed. Do you mind sharing your GitHub handle or email with me so that I can personally reach out to you?
Hi @Nurul (Prisma)!
Awesome! That's great to hear.
Sure! github.com/parkersm1th or [email protected]
Thank you! I'll reach out to you once Prisma Postgres moves out from Early Access to General Availability!
Meanwhile, please let me know if you have any feedback 🙏
Hey @Nurul (Prisma)! It seems that prisma postgres is down 😦 are there on-call engineers who are working to resolve this?
Hey @Parker
There was an incident earlier today affecting us-east-1 region. Our team identified the issue and have taken preventive measures to ensure it doesn't happen again.
On a separate note, Prisma Postgres is undergoing maintenance right now in preparation for going GA. I want to clarify that this is not a recurring maintenance. It is a one time event.