Prisma3mo ago

new optional field failing

introduced a new column into one of my models model MyModel { ... myKey String? @default(uuid()) } then ran npx prisma migrate dev then deploy on my newly spun up pg docker container successfully, and finally prisma generate to regenerate the client. however, upon attempting input a value when create a new row entry, I'm met with createOneRequest.data.myKey: Field does not exist in enclosing type. any idea what I might be missing?
2 Replies
Nurul3mo ago
Is npx prisma generate a part of your build script? I assue you go this error on your deployed app.
AlbertOP3mo ago
I've tried testing the migration locally, where I first spin up an empty DB, run the migration using npx prisma migrate deploy, then generate the clients for all touching services using npx prisma generate / prisma generate after assuring the schema files are identical and up to date any idea what else I could be missing? appreciate the response @Nurul (Prisma) @Nurul is there a way to verify that my client is being generated correctly? resolved, turns out I was generating the prisma client in the wrong python environment

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