Deploying to Railway
I am adding prisma orm to my elysia js project. I was wondering if i needed to modify my railway custom start command to run the migration before starting the elysia app, or if railway should defaultly handle this. I tried searching before making a post but couldnt find any info of people adding this to their deployment pipeline. every tutorial had people manually doing the migration
5 Replies
I am getting this error when trying to deploy there
did you resolve this problem ?
@ArrowMember3 Can you share the entire error message you are getting?
Similar, but not identical. Hoped that @SimplyEmu solution would help me.
I am building an app in remix using prisma, however struggling to even hook up prisma.

Which package manager are you using?
I think you are running into this issue:
Support for Yarn 2+ with PnP/Plug'n'Play · Issue #1439 · prisma/pri...
When trying to run prisma2 init via yarn dlx it fails in the following way: Getting the same behavior when having installed prisma2 as a local dev dependency: I'm using yarn 2.0.0-rc.27